Meeting Supporting Documents

Board of Supervisors 1/8/2019 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue then a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda

Election of Officers (Chair and Vice Chair).


Director of Human Resources to introduce new County employees.


Sheriff requests the following actions related to the purchase of a patrol vessel and trailer:

  1. Approval of Budget Transfer No. SHE003 increasing appropriations by $12,000 in the Sheriff's fixed asset account with offsetting revenues from the Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways Grant (4/5 vote required); and
  2. Award purchase of a 24' enclosed cabin runabout style patrol vessel and trailer to Rogue Jet Boatworks, Inc., White City, OR for a total of $103,656.


Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No.1 to Revenue Agreement No. 170682B with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), increasing the contract maximum by $13,240 for a new maximum of $112,078 for reimbursement of expenditures associated with placing and inspecting traps for the detection of exotic pests.


Director of Library Services and Community Outreach requests the following:

  1. Acceptance of a $25,000 donation from the Winiarski Family Foundation;
  2. Acceptance of a $10,000 donation from Evelyn B Allen; and
  3. Authorization for the Chair to sign letters of appreciation in acceptance of these donations.
Supporting Documents
A Winiarski Letter ( Adobe PDF - 145 kb )
B Winiarski Letter 2019.pdf ( Adobe PDF - 483 kb )
C Allen Letter 2019.pdf ( Adobe PDF - 285 kb )


Director of Planning, Building and Environmental Services requests adoption of a resolution:

  1. Authorizing the submission of an application to the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for a Waste Tire Enforcement Grant in the amount of $64,000 for the State's Fiscal Year 2018-2019 award cycle, to be received by the County in Fiscal Year 2019-2020; and
  2. Authorizing the Assistant Director of Planning, Building, and Environmental Services to execute the necessary grant documents.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 38 kb )
B Resolution No. 2019-01 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1565 kb )


Director of Public Works requests the following actions related to the “Hall of Justice Electronic Plumbing Upgrades Project,” PW 17-16 (the "Project"):

  1. Approval of plans and specifications for the "Hall of Justice Electronic Plumbing Upgrades Project," PW 17-16, authorization to advertise for sealed bids and opening of the bids at a time, date and location to be published by the Director of Public Works pursuant to Section 20150.8 of the Public Contract Code.
  2. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400(c)(2), designate certain products (sole source electronic controls) by a specific brand or trade name in the plans and specifications for the construction of the project.


Director of Public Works requests the Board accept a report on Space License Agreements and Lease Agreements executed by the County Executive Officer during the period July 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 pursuant to Resolution No. 2018-36.

Supporting Documents
A Semi-Annual Report of Space License and Lease Agreements ( Adobe PDF - 104 kb )


Auditor-Controller requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 180155B with Government Finance Officers Associations (GFOA), amending the termination date to June 30, 2019, with no change to the maximum contract amount.


Auditor-Controller requests the Board accept and instruct the Clerk of the Board to file the Audit Reports for the Napa County District Attorney's Office Automobile Insurance Fraud and Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud Grant Programs awarded by the California Department of Insurance for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018.

Supporting Documents
A Audit Report - Auto Insurance Grant Audit - FY 17-18 ( Adobe PDF - 3359 kb )
B Audit Report - Workers Compensation Grant Audit - FY 17-18 ( Adobe PDF - 3363 kb )


Auditor-Controller requests acceptance of the Audit Report for the Napa County Local Transportation Fund for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 issued by Brown Armstrong, LLP.

Supporting Documents
A Napa County Local Transportation Fund Audit Report ( Adobe PDF - 200 kb )


County Executive Officer and Chief Information Officer request the following:

  1. Declare certain items of capital asset property as surplus and no longer required for public use;
  2. Authorize removal of the capital assets from the Information Technology Services' capital asset inventory; and
  3. Authorize e-waste disposal. 
Supporting Documents
A Capital Assets ( Adobe PDF - 19 kb )
B Non-Capital Assets ( Adobe PDF - 20 kb )


Director of Human Resources requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 160092B-19 with The Permanente Medical Group, Inc., updating Exhibit "B-1" by expanding the list of available occupational health and safety medical services for potential candidates and Napa County employees.


Director of Human Resources, Interim Director of Health and Human Services, and County Executive Officer request adoption of a resolution, as follows, effective January 12, 2019, with a net increase of one full-time equivalent, and a slight increase to the County General Fund:

  1. Amend the Table and Index of Classes by:
    1. Deleting two (2.0 FTE) Chief Deputy Director of Health and Human Services (NCO); 
    2. Adding one (1.0 FTE) Assistant Director of Health and Human Services (NCO);
    3. Adding one (1.0 FTE)Deputy Director of Health and Human Services - Administrative Services (NCO); and 
    4. Adding one (1.0 FTE) Director of Housing and Homeless Services (NCO);
  2. Amend the Departmental Allocation Lists for multiple departments as outlined in "Exhibit A" of the Resolution; and
  3. Amend appropriate personnel policies as outlines in "Exhibit A" of the Resolution.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 26 kb )
B Resolution No. 2019-02 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 3140 kb )


Director of Human Resources and Interim Director of Health and Human Services Agency request the adoption of a resolution amending the Departmental Allocation List for the Mental Health Division of the Health and Human Services Agency by adding two 1.0 FTE Forensic Mental Health Counselors, effective January 8, 2019, with a net increase of two full-time equivalents, and a slight increase to the County General Fund.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
B Correction Memorandum (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 219 kb )
C Resolution No. 2019-03 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1655 kb )


Director of Human Resources and County Executive Officer request the adoption of a resolution amending the Departmental Allocation List for the Risk and Emergency Services Division of the County Executive Office, as follows, effective January 12, 2019, with a net increase of one full-time equivalent, and a slight increase to the County General Fund:

  1. Delete one 1.0 FTE Administrative Support Technician - Confidential;
  2. Add one 1.0 FTE Staff Services Analyst I - Confidential; and 
  3. Add one 1.0 FTE Emergency Services Officer.
Supporting Documents
A CEO-Risk Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
B Resolution No. 2019-04 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1592 kb )


County Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and County Counsel request adoption of a resolution terminating the Proclamation of Local Emergency and Local Health Emergency declared in response to the 2017 Napa Fire Complex.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
B Resolution No. 2019-05 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 2393 kb )


County Executive Officer requests the following actions related to the year end General Fund fund balance in excess of the amount required to balance the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Adopted Budget (4/5 vote required):

  1. Approve an increase of $3,435,188 in the General Reserve; and
  2. Approve Budget Adjustment No. (CEO006)     
    1. Increasing appropriations in Non-Departmental (10500-00) Retirement (51600) by $3,587,342, from available fund balance to address future pension liability;
    2. Increasing appropriations in Non-Departmental (10500-00) Transfers out-Accumulated Capital Outlay (56110) by $3,587,341 from available fund balance; and
    3. Increasing revenue appropriations in Accumulated Capital Outlay (30000-00) Transfers In from General Fund (48210) and assign these funds to the Replacement Jail Project (32100).


County Executive Officer requests adoption of a Resolution authorizing the County to apply for Census Outreach funding from the State of California.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution accepting Census 2020 outreach funds ( Microsoft Word Document - 27 kb )
B Census 2020 opt-in letter ( Adobe PDF - 150 kb )
C Census 2020 County package ( Adobe PDF - 367 kb )
D Resolution No. 2019-06 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 2073 kb )


County Executive Officer requests adoption of a resolution appointing James B. Hudak as the Napa County Treasurer-Tax Collector effective January 7, 2019.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 19 kb )
B Resolution No. 2019-07 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1989 kb )


County Executive Officer requests reappointment of Barbara Pahre to serve as the Board of Supervisors' representative on the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District with the term to commence immediately and expire January 1, 2021.

Supporting Documents
A Barbara Pahre Reappointment Request Letter & Application ( Adobe PDF - 207 kb )
B Timeline ( Adobe PDF - 66 kb )


County Executive Officer requests authorization to refer qualified applicants for the Airport Land Use Commission vacancy to the Airport Advisory Commission, and direct the Airport Advisory Commission to select the three most qualified candidates back to the Board of Supervisors.

Supporting Documents
A Kirsten Bartok Touw Application ( Adobe PDF - 195 kb )
B Thomas Benvenuto Application ( Adobe PDF - 224 kb )
C Michael Harms Application ( Adobe PDF - 183 kb )
D John Kingery Application ( Adobe PDF - 7009 kb )
E Charles Koch Application ( Adobe PDF - 196 kb )
F Stephen Kreps Application ( Adobe PDF - 240 kb )
G Bruce McLean Application ( Adobe PDF - 1919 kb )
H Yuka Moore Application ( Adobe PDF - 356 kb )
I Christian Palmaz Application ( Adobe PDF - 9400 kb )
J Earle Presten Application ( Adobe PDF - 188 kb )
K Michael Rupprecht Application ( Adobe PDF - 181 kb )
L Alan Shepp Application ( Adobe PDF - 183 kb )
M David Timm Application ( Adobe PDF - 156 kb )
N Timeline ( Adobe PDF - 43 kb )


County Executive Officer requests the appointment of the following applicant to the Napa County Child Care and Development Planning Council with the term of office to commence immediately and expire June 30, 2019:

Name Representing
Amalia Kulczycki Public Agency Representative

Supporting Documents
A Amalia Kulczycki Application ( Adobe PDF - 182 kb )
B Recommendation Letter ( Adobe PDF - 58 kb )
C Timeline ( Adobe PDF - 67 kb )


County Executive Officer requests the following actions regarding the Napa County Law Library Board of Trustees:

  1. Reappointment of James V. Jones, representing Trustee for the Bar Association for a one-year term; and
  2. Appointment of Ned Goldstein, representing Trustee for the Board of Supervisors for a one-year term.
Supporting Documents
A James V. Jones Signed Reappointment Request and Application ( Adobe PDF - 402 kb )
B Ned Goldstein Application ( Adobe PDF - 185 kb )
C Timeline ( Adobe PDF - 64 kb )

Recess to the Napa County Public Improvement Corporation (NCPIC) special meeting (see NCPIC Agenda).


Recess to the Silverado Community Services District (SCSD) special meeting (see SCSD Agenda).


Recess to the Monticello Public Cemetery District (MPCD) special meeting (see MPCD Agenda).


Recess to the Napa County Flood Protection and Watershed Improvement Authority (NCFPWIA) special meeting (see NCFPWIA Agenda).


Recess to the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority of Napa County special meeting (see IHSS Agenda).


Recess to the Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District (LBRID) special meeting (see LBRID Agenda).


Recess to the Napa Berryessa Resort Improvement District (NBRID) special meeting (see NBRID Agenda).


Recess to the Napa County Housing Authority (NCHA) meeting (see NCHA Agenda).


Auditor-Controller to present and request acceptance of the County's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018.

Supporting Documents
A Required Communications to the Board ( Adobe PDF - 154 kb )


County Executive Officer requests approval of the FY 2019-20 Budget Policies and Budget Calendar.

Supporting Documents
A 2019-20 Budget Policies ( Microsoft Word Document - 41 kb )
B 2018-19 budget policies (historical reference) ( Adobe PDF - 175 kb )
C Budget Calendar ( Adobe PDF - 91 kb )
D PowerPoint Presentation (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 388 kb )
E Correction Memorandum (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 163 kb )
F 2019-20 Budget Policies - Revised and Final (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 141 kb )


County Executive Officer requests discussion and possible action regarding the appointment of members of the Board of Supervisors to various committees, commissions and advisory boards.

Supporting Documents
A Appointments List ( Adobe PDF - 286 kb )
B Committee and Commission Descriptions ( Adobe PDF - 259 kb )
C Appointments List - Approved and Final (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 139 kb )


Name of case: Napa County v. John Alex Bremer and Laura Joyce Bremer, Trustees of the Bremer Family 1995 Living Trust, Bremer Group, LLC, Napa County Superior Court #17CV000884.