Meeting Supporting Documents

Board of Supervisors 2/26/2019 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue then a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda


Chief Probation Officer requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Mark A. Clementi, Ph.D, for a maximum of $15,000 for the term March 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019 with the provision for automatic annual renewal, at the same maximum rate, to provide pre-employment psychological and arming evaluation services, return to duty/fitness psychological evaluations, and critical incident stress debriefing services.


District Attorney requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a Certification of Assurance of Compliance document that authorizes the District Attorney to apply for and sign grant subawards with the California Office of Emergency Services for a maximum of $250,000 for the term April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020 for the Child Advocacy Center Program.


County Fire Chief requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Napa Communities Firewise Foundation for a maximum of $100,000 for the term March 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019 for community outreach and assistance in the creation and continuation of Fire Safe Communities and Councils to mitigate the effects of and to survive wildland fires.


County Fire Chief requests adoption of a resolution amending the Napa County Fire Services Advisory Committee bylaws to move the time and date of the meetings to increase attendance and to clarify various sections without changing the intent.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 16 kb )
B Exh A Bylaws Redline ( Microsoft Word Document - 46 kb )
C Exh B Bylaws Final ( Microsoft Word Document - 32 kb )
D Resolution No. 2019-27 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1999 kb )


Sheriff requests approval for the following actions related to the purchase of a capital asset for use by the Sheriff's Office Specialized Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team:

  1. Approval of Budget Transfer No. SHE004, moving $10,766 from the Law Enforcement Supplies appropriations to the Equipment appropriations within the Sheriff's budget with offsetting revenue from the Sheriff's RASCLEAP special revenue fund (4/5 vote required);
  2. Establish a capital asset in the amount of $10,766 for a Zistos Under-the-Door surveillance camera; and
  3. Requests a waiver of competitive bidding requirements and sole source award for the purchase of a Zistos Under-the-Door surveillance camera from Curtis Blue Line, West Sacramento, CA, for a total of $10,766.


Sheriff requests approval for the following actions related to the purchase of a capital asset for use by the Sheriff's Office Investigations Bureau and the Napa Special Investigations Bureau (NSIB):

  1. Approval of Budget Transfer No. SHE005, moving $7,306 from the Law Enforcement Supplies appropriations to the Equipment appropriations within the Sheriff's Budget with offsetting revenue from the Sheriff's RASCLEAP special revenue fund (4/5 vote required); and
  2. Establish a capital asset in the amount of $7,306 for a dedicated Forensic Recovery Computer with Retina 5K Display from Apple, Inc.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 10 to Agreement No. 170669B with Buckelew Programs, Inc. increasing the amount by $19,688 for a new annual maximum of $374,090, amending Compensation Exhibit B, and amending the Terms and Conditions, for the term October 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 and each automatic renewal thereof, for operation of the Supportive Living Program.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a revenue agreement with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for a maximum of $50,999 for the term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 for Federal Projects for Assistance in Transition From Homelessness (PATH) Formula Grant funds.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following revenue agreements with the California Department of Public Health Tuberculosis Control Branch:

  1. Real-time allotment in the amount of $11,431 for the term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 for Tuberculosis Control Local Assistance Funds; and
  2. Allotment in the amount of $1,375 for the term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 for Additional Food, Shelter, Incentives and Enablers.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a revenue agreement with St. Joseph Health Northern California, LLC dba Queen of the Valley Medical Center for an annual maximum of $30,000 for the term January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and two additional one year terms for designation as a Stroke Receiving Center.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization to apply for the County Medical Services Program (CMSP) Health Systems Development Grant (HSG) for the terms July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for a maximum of $100,000 per fiscal year and a total maximum of $300,000 for funding for CMSP outreach and expansion to eligible residents of Napa County.


Director of Health and Human Services requests adoption of a resolution authorizing:

  1. County's participation in the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) Inter-Member Transfer Program;
  2. Transfer of $23,474 to CalMHSA, as required by the Inter-Member Transfer Program Participation Agreement (Participation Agreement), for the first quarter with continuous funding thereafter, in an amount determined after first quarter assessment of actual services;
  3. CalMHSA to act on behalf of County to transfer funds to receiving county, consistent with the provisions of the Participation Agreement and Welfare and Institution Code section 14717.1; and
  4. Deputy Director of Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA)/Acting Mental Health Director or the Mental Health Director to sign the Participation Agreement on behalf of County.
Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 39 kb )
B Resolution No. 2019-28 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1716 kb )


Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with ADKO Engineering, of Roseville, CA for the term February 26, 2019 through June 30, 2023 to provide preliminary engineering and environmental services on the following 2017 storm repair projects:

  1. $58,000 for Berryessa/ Knoxville Road - MPM 20.50 to 22.00;
  2. $34,000 for Dry Creek Road - MPM 7.75;
  3. $34,000 for Dry Creek Road - MPM 10.5;
  4. $25,947 for Dry Creek Road - MPM 10.75;
  5. $34,000 for Mt. Veeder Road - MPM 4.75;
  6. $34,000 for Dry Creek Road - MPM 7.51;
  7. $14,000 for Mt. Veeder Road - MPM 4.0; and
  8. $15,000 for Mt. Veeder Road - MPM 5.1. 
Supporting Documents
A Preliminary Engineering Storm Budget ( Adobe PDF - 42 kb )


Director of Public Works requests Approval of Budget Transfer No. DPW025 as outlined in Attachment A of this agenda item for road repair work needed for eight 2017 storm repair projects and design cost for two SB-1 funded projects (4/5 vote required).

Supporting Documents
A Budget Adjustment Narrative ( Adobe PDF - 33 kb )
B Budget Adjustment Form ( Adobe PDF - 3427 kb )
C BUDGET STORM BK ( Adobe PDF - 42 kb )
D BUDGET STORM DC 7.51 ( Adobe PDF - 42 kb )
E BUDGET STORM DC 7.75 ( Adobe PDF - 43 kb )
F BUDGET STORM DC 10.5 ( Adobe PDF - 42 kb )
G BUDGET STORM DC 10.75 ( Adobe PDF - 42 kb )
H BUDGET STORM MV 4 ( Adobe PDF - 42 kb )
I BUDGET STORM MV 5.2 ( Adobe PDF - 43 kb )
J BUDGET STORM MV 4.75 ( Adobe PDF - 42 kb )


Director of Public Works requests the adoption of a resolution amending the Napa County Bylaws Manual Part II, Section 3 Airport Advisory Commission, effective February 26, 2019.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 21 kb )
B AAC Bylaws Tracked Changes ( Adobe PDF - 184 kb )
C AAC Bylaws Clean ( Adobe PDF - 178 kb )
D AAC Bylaws Tracked Changes from Feb. 12, 2019 Version ( Adobe PDF - 184 kb )


Director of Public Works requests approval of Budget Transfer No. DPW029 appropriating $849,554 in the Traffic Mitigation Fund - Airport Industrial budget (Fund 2440, Sub-Division 1220050) with its available fund balance to transfer to Traffic Mitigation Fund-American Canyon budget (Fund 2440, Sub-Division 1220051) to return funds to the correct budget. (4/5 vote required)


Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk ex-officio Registrar of Voters requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following agreements with Southtech Systems Inc. for the term of February 26, 2019 through June 30, 2020 with automatic extensions for two additional years:

  1. An agreement for an annual amount of $10,415 to provide an e-filing system for Fair Political Practices Commission required Statements of Economic Interest  (Form 700); and 
  2. An agreement for an annual amount of $9,411 to provide an e-filing system for Fair Political Practices Commission required campaign reports.


Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk ex-officio Registrar of Voters requests adoption of the following resolutions providing approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign revenue agreements with the California Secretary of State for the term of February 26, 2019 through June 30, 2021:

  1. A resolution approving a revenue agreement in the amount of $499,500 for voting system replacement reimbursement as appropriated by Assembly Bill 1824, Chapter 38 (Stats. 2018) pursuant to California Elections Code sections 19400 and 19402;
  2. A resolution approving a revenue agreement in the amount of $25,000 to use federal funds under Section 101 of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) for improved voter accessibility; and 
  3. A resolution  approving a revenue agreement in the amount of $25,000 for the use of federal funds as approved by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) to improve cyber security and infrastructure related to the statewide voter registration system (VoteCal).
Supporting Documents
A Voter System Replacement Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 18 kb )
B Voter System Replacement Contract ( Adobe PDF - 14018 kb )
C Accessibility Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 42 kb )
D Accessibility Contract ( Adobe PDF - 16808 kb )
E Cybersecurity Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 42 kb )
F Cyber Security Contract ( Adobe PDF - 13721 kb )
G Resolution No. 2019-29 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1558 kb )
H Resolution No. 2019-30 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1546 kb )
I Resolution No. 2019-31 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1560 kb )


Auditor-Controller requests the Board accept and instruct the Clerk of the Board to file the quarterly report of donations received for the quarter ended December 31, 2018 including acceptance of donations totaling $3,948.44 received by the Auditor-Controller on behalf of the Animal Shelter and Health & Human Services.

Supporting Documents
A Donations - December 31, 2018 Quarterly Report ( Adobe PDF - 564 kb )


County Counsel requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 190183B with the law firm of Goodin, MacBride, Squeri & Day, LLP for specialized legal services to represent the County in California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) proceedings, increasing maximum compensation from $67,000 to $120,000.


Director of Human Resources requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 170123B with Claremont Behavioral Services, Inc., doing business as Claremont EAP for the term of  February 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 for a maximum amount of $150,000 to provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services to volunteer firefighters and extra help employees.


Director of Human Resources and Director of Health and Human Services request adoption of a resolution, as follows, effective February 23, 2019, with no net increase to full-time equivalents, and no increase to the County General Fund:

  1. Amend the Table and Index of Classes by:
    1. Deleting Eligibility Worker I; 
    2. Deleting Eligibility Worker II;
    3. Deleting Eligibility Worker III;
    4. Deleting Eligibility Supervisor;
    5. Adding Eligibility Specialist I*; 
    6. Adding Eligibility Specialist II*;
    7. Adding Eligibility Specialist III; and 
    8. Adding Eligibility Supervisor.
  2. Amend the Departmental Allocation List for the Self-Sufficiency Services Division of the health and Human Services Agency by:
    1. Deleting Forty-Two 1.0 FTE Eligibility Worker II; 
    2. Deleting Nine 1.0 FTE Eligibility Worker III;
    3. Adding Forty-Two 1.0 Eligibility Specialist II*; and
    4. Adding Nine 1.0 FTE Eligibility Specialist III.

*Eligibility Specialist I/II is flexibly staffed.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
B Resolution No. 2019-32 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 2444 kb )


Director of Human Resources requests adoption of a resolution creating a policy in Napa County Policy Manual, Part I: Section 37CC, Veterans Preference Policy, effective February 26, 2019.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
B Exhibit A -County Policy Manual Part I: Section 37CC (Final Version) ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
C Resolution No. 2019-33 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1620 kb )


County Executive Officer/Risk and Emergency Services Manager request approval of Budget Transfer No. CEO010 increasing appropriations in the Emergency Services Grants subdivision budget by $245,790 with offsetting revenues from federally funded grants:

  1. Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funds in the amount of $92,278 for the purchase of equipment and workstations for the County's Emergency Operations Center, Critical Incident Exercise consultants, grant administration and establishment of a capital asset in the amount of $5,825 for the purchase of a combination base radio/telephone.
  2. Fiscal Year 2018 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funds in the amount of $153,512 for the purchase of services, equipment and the establishment of a capital asset in the amount of $15,000 for the purchase of an emergency shelter support trailer. (4/5 vote required)


County Executive Officer requests approval of Budget Adjustment No. CEO012 appropriating one-time state revenue received from the state for SB90 mandate claims prior to FY 2003-04, as follows:

  1. Revenue of $2,098,694 in the non-departmental (10500) State SB90 Mandates Revenue account (43710)
  2. Expenditure of $2,068,694 in the non-departmental (10500) Transfers Out to Accumulated Capital Outlay account (56110).  (4/5 vote required)


County Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services requests adoption of a resolution notifying Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) of information needed prior to a Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS).

Supporting Documents
A PSPS Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 23 kb )


County Executive Officer requests the appointment of the following applicants to the Napa County Advisory Board on Alcohol and Drug Programs (ABAD) with terms to commence immediately:

Name Representing Term Expires
Mario Bazan Business Community January 1, 2022
Susan Bohrer-Todd Interested Citizen January 1, 2022
Thomas Holstein Interested Citizen January 1, 2022
Daniel Lynch Alcohol Industry January 1, 2022
Douglas James Probation January 1, 2020
Amanda Owens Interested Citizen January 1, 2021

Supporting Documents
A Mario Bazan Signed Reappointment Request & Application ( Adobe PDF - 6108 kb )
B Susan Bohrer-Todd Signed Reappointment Request & Application ( Adobe PDF - 2200 kb )
C Thomas Holstein Signed Reappointment Request & Application ( Adobe PDF - 6210 kb )
D Daniel Lynch Signed Reappointment Request Letter & Application ( Adobe PDF - 2376 kb )
E Douglas James Application ( Adobe PDF - 155 kb )
F Amanda Owens Application ( Adobe PDF - 237 kb )
G ABAD Letters of Recommendation ( Adobe PDF - 945 kb )
H Timeline ( Adobe PDF - 66 kb )

Board of Supervisors (BOS) - Closed Session (see Special 8:00 AM BOS Agenda).


Recess to the Silverado Community Services District (SCSD) special meeting (see SCSD Agenda).


 Recess to the Monticello Public Cemetery District (MPCD) special meeting (see MPCD Agenda).


Consideration and possible action regarding an appeal filed by Caldwell Vineyards Winery to a decision by the Napa County Planning Commission on October 17, 2018 to deny a modification (P17-00074-MOD) to the Caldwell Vineyards Winery Use Permit No.00318-UP to allow the following: 1) increase the winery production capacity from 25,000 gallons to 35,000 gallons per year; 2) increase the existing area of the winery caves; 3) increase the number of daily by-appointment visitation; 4) increase the number of employees; 5) modify by-appointment tasting hours; 6) modify the Marketing Plan; 7) allow for on-site consumption of wines; 8) construct a trellis shade structure; 9) increase the width of portions of the existing roadway; 10) installation of traffic calming measures on Kreuzer Lane; and 11) a request for an Exception to the Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS). The project is located on a ±42.96 acre parcel at the terminus of Kreuzer Lane within an Agricultural Watershed (AW) Zoning District. (Assessor's Parcel Nos. 045-310-056 and 045-310-055) 270 Kreuzer Lane, Napa, CA 94558.

Consideration and possible adoption of a Revised Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Revised Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5. Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15072, the public review period for the notice of intent to adopt a Negative Declaration ran from December 27, 2017 to January 16, 2018. (The Revised Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated for public review and comment but was not adopted.) State CEQA Guidelines Section 15270 provides: CEQA does not apply to projects which a public agency rejects or disapproves. A denial is not subject to CEQA review.


Napa County Commission on Aging to present its annual report and work plan for 2019.

Supporting Documents
A Commission's Annual Report and Work Plan ( Microsoft Word Document - 18 kb )


Director of Public Works requests first Reading and Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance No. 1437 amending Section 1.28.040 (Definitions) and Chapter 11.28 (Napa County Airport) of the Napa County Code and Adopting Rules and Regulations for the Napa County Airport.



Director of Public Works requests the following actions related to electric vehicle (EV) charging system installation for 2751 Napa Valley Corporate Drive (also known as South Campus):

  1. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the Customer Acceptance agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) to bind the County to the PG&E EV Charge Network Program Terms and Conditions, all other related documents, and agree to the terms and conditions of those documents;
  2. Authorization for the Director of Public Works to submit a grant application and signed letter of commitment to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) for the purpose of installing electric vehicle charging stations, to include authorization of the submittal of the application, confirmation of matching funds, and acknowledgement that the entity will operate and maintain the station for its intended purpose for a minimum of three years;
  3. Authorization for the Director of Public Works to sign funding agreements and serve as the authorized representative for signing invoices and other administrative matters for the BAAQMD grant, the PG&E program, and the MCE Clean Energy (MCE) rebate program; and
  4. Waiver of competitive bidding requirements and a sole source award to ChargePoint Inc. for the EV charging station equipment.
Supporting Documents
A Budget Estimate ( Adobe PDF - 187 kb )


Director of Public Works requests the following:

  1. Award of the construction contract for the Devlin Road Segment E Project (RDS 11-06) to Ghilotti Construction Company, Inc. of Santa Rosa, California based on their low base bid of $4,274,989 and authorize the Chair to sign the construction contract for $3,923,269 (base bid with deduction for (1) City of American Canyon (City) Sewer and Recycled Facilities of $115,670 which will not be constructed at the City's request, and (2) City of American Canyon Water Facilities of $236,050, which will only be included in the contract award if paid for by the City) with the award to include the deductive item for the City Water Facilities for a total contract amount of $4,159,319 contingent upon the City executing a cost-share agreement with Napa County, by March 15, 2019, for an amount to include the cost of constructing City Water Facilities and an appropriate share of other soft costs; 
  2. Adopt a resolution approving a loan from the Accumulated Capital Outlay Fund to the Traffic Mitigation - Airport Industrial Fund to construct the Project;
  3. Authorize the Chair to accept and execute a reimbursement agreement to be negotiated by the Public Works Director and approved as to form by County Counsel with the City of American Canyon for the city to provide cost-sharing funding to the County for the cost of City Water Facility construction and appropriate share of other soft costs.; and  
  4. Approval of Budget Transfer No. DPW028 for the following (4/5/ vote required):
    1. Increase transfer out appropriation by $1,224,000 in the Accumulated Capital Outlay (ACO) Fund (Fund 3000, Sub-Division 3000000) offset by use of its available fund balance for the loan to the Traffic Mitigation-Airport Industrial Fund (Fund 2440, Sub-Division 1220050) (TMF-Airport);
    2. Increase transfer out appropriation by $849,554 in the Traffic Mitigation - American Canyon Special Revenue Fund (Fund 2440, Sub-Division 1220051) (TMF-Am Can) offset by use of its available fund balance to the Roads Capital Improvement Project, Devlin Road Segment E project (Fund 2040, Sub-Division 2040500, Program 10002) (Devlin Seg E);
    3. Increase transfer out appropriation by $4,206,606 in the TMF-Airport from its available fund balance to Devlin Segment E project; and
    4. Increase construction services appropriation by $5,937,791 in the Devlin Seg E project offset by $4,206,606 transfer from the TMF-Airport, $849,554 transfer from the TMF-Am Can, $384,600 from CalRecycle grant, and $497,031 from the City of American Canyon.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 23 kb )
B BUDGET DEVLIN SEG E ( Adobe PDF - 75 kb )
C Correction Memo (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 111 kb )
D PowerPoint Presentation (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1627 kb )
E Resolution No. 2019-34 (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1690 kb )


County Executive Officer requests approval of Budget Transfer No. CEO011 in the Affordable Housing Fund increasing appropriations in the Worker Proximity Subdivision by $654,537 to issue new down payment assistance loans from the following sources (4/5 vote required):

  1. $62,900 from a loan paid back and the equity earned on that loan;  
  2. A transfer of $246,856 in funds remaining in the Special Projects Fund at the end of Fiscal Year 2017-2018; and
  3. An intrafund transfer in the amount of $344,781 from Special Projects Fund transferred to the Affordable Housing Fund and reserved for housing programs for lodging employees.


County Executive Officer requests the following actions regarding the Napa County Mental Health Board:

  1. Reappointment of the following applicants for three-year terms:

    Name Representing
    Kristine Haataja* Consumer
    Christine Lieber* Family Member of Consumer

  2. Appointment of two of the following applicants to represent Interested and Concerned Citizen for three-year terms:

    Robert L. Palmer
    Summer Thompson**
    Jill Wallace-Cooper
    Justine Zilliken*

         **Recommended by the Mental Health Board

Supporting Documents
A Kristine Haataja Signed Reappointment Request Letter & Application ( Adobe PDF - 7113 kb )
B Christine Lieber Signed Reappointment Request Letter & Application ( Adobe PDF - 3265 kb )
C Justine Zilliken Signed Reappointment Request Letter & Application ( Adobe PDF - 2559 kb )
D Robert L. Palmer Application ( Adobe PDF - 222 kb )
E Summer Thompson Application ( Adobe PDF - 278 kb )
F Jill Wallace-Cooper Application ( Adobe PDF - 231 kb )
G Recommendation Memo ( Adobe PDF - 205 kb )
H Timeline ( Adobe PDF - 65 kb )

CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representatives: Nikki Salas, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization: Deputy Sheriff's Association (DSA Unit and Supervisory Unit of the County of Napa)