APPROVAL OF MINUTES REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of Board Minutes for the May 2, 2019 Regular Meeting.
AGREEMENT 2020-03 APTIM REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign Agreement No. 2020-03 with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure LLC for routine and non-routine environmental monitoring services at the American Canyon Sanitary Landfill and Devlin Road Transfer Station sites, for the term July1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 with 2 one-year renewal renewal options, in an annual amount not to exceed $210,705.
AGREEMENT 2020-02 GOLDER REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign Agreement 2020-02 with Golder Associates for the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, for professional services related to the American Canyon Sanitary Landfill, in an amount not to exceed $145,600 for FY 2020, with an option to renew for each of the next two years through Fiscal Year 2022.
ACSL STANDBY GENERATOR REQUESTED ACTION: Executive Director requests the following actions related to the ACSL Standby Generator - Project 19810
- Award the Contract for ACSL Standby Generator to the low bidder, Day's Generator Service, Inc. of Brentwood CA., for their bid of $103,000; and
- Authorize the Chair to sign Construction Contract 2020-04 with Day's Generator Service, Inc.; and
- Authorize the Executive Director to approve change orders not to exceed 15% of contract amount.
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DRTS QUARTERLY INTERNAL AUDIT REQUESTED ACTION: Executive Director requests acceptance of Napa-Vallejo Waste Management Authority - Internal Audit Report for the quarter ended December 31, 2018.
9:00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDED FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 BUDGET REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion and approval to adopt the following related to the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 :
- Resolution No. 2020-01 accepting the recommended Operations and Capital Improvement Budgets for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (weighted vote required); and
- Revisions to the Capital Replacement Reserve Policy.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT DISCUSSION ITEM: Executive Director to report on Authority related activities.
REPORTS FROM JURISDICTIONS DISCUSSION ITEM: Reports of current information relevant to the Authority by the member jurisdictions:
- Vallejo: Robert McConnell
- Napa City: Mary Luros
- Napa County: Brad Wagenknecht
- American Canyon: Leon Garcia
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of any items Board members may wish to have addressed at a future meeting date.