Presentation of Certificates of Completion to participants of the Napa County Supervisor Academy.
Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a revenue agreement with the Housing Authority of the City of Napa (HACN) for a maximum of $12,191 for the term November 6, 2007 through June 30, 2008 for reimbursement to the County for HACN's share of the County's agreement with The Center for Common Concerns, Inc. for the development of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to address homelessness in Napa County.
Director of Conservation, Development and Planning requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with the California Department of Water Resources to grant a maximum of $394,000 in CalFed Watershed Program funds to support the development and analysis of watershed monitoring indicators for the Napa River watershed in conjunction with a larger regional effort across the North Bay/Delta area via partnerships with the University of California at Davis, Napa County Resource Conservation District, the Sonoma Ecology Center and others.
Director of Environmental Management requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following revenue agreements for Fiscal Year 2007-08 each with an automatic renewal to provide ongoing staff support services:
- Amendment No. 10 to Agreement No. 3352 with Napa-Vallejo Waste Management Authority;
- Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 3353 with Upper Valley Waste Management and;
- Approval of Budget Transfer No. 12 appropriating $15,500 with offsetting revenues from the above agreements.
(4/5 vote required)
Director of Public Works requests acceptance of the work as complete and authorization the Chair to sign and Clerk of the Board to file a Notice of Completion with Clerk/Recorder for Contract No. PW 07-35, “Calistoga Library Restroom ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Modifications Project”.
Auditor-Controller requests the Board accept, and instruct the Clerk of the Board to file, the Audit Report for the County of Napa Treasurer-Tax Collector Department Central Collections Revolving Fund for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2006.
Auditor-Controller requests the Board accept, and instruct the Clerk of the Board to file, the Audit Reports for the following County of Napa, Health and Human Services Agency Revolving Funds for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2006:
- Training and Employment Center Revolving Fund;
- Family Preservation Revolving Fund; and
- Public Guardian Revolving Fund.
Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Departmental Allocation List for the Environmental Management Department deleting one (1) .50 FTE Office Assistant II and adding one (1) .75 Office Assistant II, effective December 15, 2007.
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Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Table and Index reflecting a salary increase for members of the Board of Supervisors of approximately 4.16% effective retroactively to July 1, 2007 as authorized by Napa County Ordinance No. 1263.
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Director of Conservation, Development and Planning requests adoption of a resolution amending or establishing certain Agricultural Preserves (Types A & H), and approval of and authorization for the Chair to execute the following Williamson Act related amendments and contracts:
- Three new contracts for 2007 with the following applicants:
- Gregory and Kanren Crouse, in the general location of Mount Veeder School Road;
- Karl VanOrsdol, in the general location of Aetna Springs;
- Marin Artukovich, in the general location of Greenfield Road and Greenfield Way.
- Rescinding of five existing contracts and replacing with seven new contracts with the following applicants:
- Silver Oak Wine Cellars LP, in the general location of Oakville Cross Road;
- SCV-EPI Vineyards Inc., in the general location of Oakville Cross Raod;
- John and Leslie Painter, in the general location of Steel Canyon Road and Monticello Road;
- Patrick and Julie Garvey 1988 Family Trust, in the general location of South Whitehall Road;
- Marjorie Brown, in the general location of Atlas Peak;
- Two with Rawah Vineyrads LLC, in the general location of Feliz Ranch Road.
- Amendment of one existing contract with two associated new contracts with the following applicants:
- Komes Ranch 2007-A LLC, in the general location of West Zinfandel Road;
- Komes Ranch 2007-B LLC, in the general location of West Zinfandel Road.
First reading and intention to adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 6.04 (Animal Control and Rabies Prevention), Chapter 6.08 (Kennels, Zoos and Animal Exhibits), and Chapter 6.12 (Beehives) of the Napa County Code. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable. (CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 20, 2007; STAFF REQUESTS CONTINUANCE TO JANUARY 29, 2008 AT 9:00 AM)
Director of Environmental Management requests adoption of a resolution establishing and increasing fees for services relating to underground storage tanks and the Animal Shelter. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Title 14, California Code of Regulations, section 15273(a)(1) (Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges).
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Fee Resolution
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Treasurer-Tax Collector requests authorization to transfer an irreconcilable balance from the Tax Collector's Partial Pay Trust Fund to the General Fund in the amount of $2,693.60.
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Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9: (One case)