APPROVAL OF MINUTES REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of Board Minutes for the May 7, 2015 Regular Meeting.
AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT 2015-02 C B & I REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 2015-02 with C B & I Environmental and Infrastructure, Inc., amending the Scope of Services to include Engineering Services during construction for the American Canyon Landfill Storage Tank Seismic Upgrades, Project 14811, increasing the total contract amount by $19,825 for a new maximum total of $43,825, and extending the contract term to June 30, 2016, with all other terms and conditions of the original Agreement to remain the same.
HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY AGREEMENT REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign Authority Agreement No. 2015-05 with Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., for operation of the Permanent Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility.
9:00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDED FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 BUDGET REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of Authority Resolution #2016-01 adopting the Final Fiscal Year 2015-2016 recommended Operations and Capital Improvement budgets. (weighted vote required.)
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT DISCUSSION ITEM: Executive Director to report on Authority related activities.
REPORTS FROM JURISDICTIONS DISCUSSION ITEM: Reports of current information relevant to the Authority by the member jurisdictions:
- Vallejo: Jess Malgapo
- Napa City: Scott Sedgley
- Napa County: Alfredo Pedroza
- American Canyon: Leon Garcia
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of any items Board members may wish to have addressed at a future meeting date.
CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): Number of Cases: Two Cases