APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the Board Minutes for the June 5, 2014 Regular Meeting.
AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT 2012-01 SHAW REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 2012-01 with Shaw Environmental, Inc., increasing the maximim compensation amount for FY 2014 by $5,036 for a new maximum of $177,403, with all other terms and conditions of the original Agreement to remain the same.
BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FY 2014 - DEVLIN ROAD FLOOR REHABILITATION PROJECT REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign Budget Transfer NVW 004, for fiscal year 2013-14, increasing the infrastructure appropriation by $37,000 for a new total of $1,105,084 and the Professional Services appropriation by $36,000 for a new total of $132,085 for additional work required to complete the Devlin Road Transfer Station Floor Rehabilitation Project, with offsetting revenues from savings in Operating Budget Professional Services contracts.
BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FY 2015 - DEVLIN ROAD TRANSFER STATION PAVEMENT REHABILITATION - PHASE 1 REQUESTED ACTION: Approve Budget Transfer No. NVW 001 increasing Appropriations in Professional Services by $30,000 and Infrastructure by $255,000 in the FY 2015 Capital Improvement Budget for the Devlin Road Transfer Station Pavement Rehabilitation Phase 1 Project - #13812.
CANCEL MEETING REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization to cancel the August 7, 2014 Regular Meeting.
INSURANCE REVIEW INFORMATION ITEM: Kent Imrie of Malloy, Imrie and Vasconi to present overview of the Authority's insurance coverages for Fiscal Year 2015.
DRTS QUARTERLY FINANCIAL AUDIT REQUESTED ACTION: Executive Director requests acceptance of Napa-Vallejo Waste Management Authority -- Internal Audit Report for the quarter ended March 31, 2014.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT DISCUSSION ITEM: Executive Director to report on Authority related activities.
REPORTS FROM JURISDICTIONS DISCUSSION ITEM: Reports of current information relevant to the Authority by the member jurisdictions:
- Vallejo: Jess Malgapo
- Napa City: Alfredo Pedroza
- Napa County: Mark Luce
- American Canyon: Leon Garcia
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of any items Board members may wish to have addressed at a future meeting date.
CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Government Code Section 54957) Title: Authority Executive Director