Approval of the Board Minutes for April 3, 2008.
MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Staff to discuss the monthly financial reports of the Authority.
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Monthly Report
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2008/2009 FISCAL YEAR PROPOSED BUDGET DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of the proposed fiscal year 2008/2009 recommended budget to be submitted for approval in June.
ACSL PUBLIC ACCESS DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEM: Staff to update the Board of Directors on activities related to granting of public access through ACSL to reach public lands and a new request from the City of American Canyon to extend the easement around the entire landfill, and cooperate in an upcoming City-sponsored master planning effort for the wet lands area.
MANAGER'S REPORT DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Manager will report on activities related to the Authority.
REPORTS FROM JURISDICTIONS DISCUSSION ITEM: Reports of current information relevant to the Authority by the member jurisdictions:
- Vallejo: Tom Bartee
- Napa City: Peter Mott
- Napa County: Mark Luce
- American Canyon: Leon Garcia
BOARD OF DIRECTORS' COMMENTS DISCUSSION ITEM: Opportunity for the Board members to raise any issues or concerns not addressed elsewhere on the agenda.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of any items Board members wish to have addressed at a future meeting date.