Agendas & Minutes

Napa County Legislative Subcommittee 5/17/2021 Special Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda


Supervisor Brad Wagenknecht requests discussion and possible action on SB 612 (Portantino) relating to community choice aggregators (CCAs).

Supporting Documents
A PGE Letter ( Adobe PDF - 149 kb )
B Bill Text ( Adobe PDF - 274 kb )
C CCA Position ( Adobe PDF - 349 kb )


County Executive Officer, on behalf of the Director of Planning, Building and Environmental Services requests discussion and possible action on SB 12 (McGuire) relating to local government planning and zoning.

Supporting Documents
A Bill Text ( Adobe PDF - 819 kb )
B Senate Housing Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 262 kb )


County Executive Officer, on behalf of the Health & Human Services Agency Director, requests the Subcommittee review budget requests, and, following discussion, the Subcommittee may direct staff to:

  1. If the issue is in the State Platform, draft a letter and distribute it to the appropriate parties
  2. If the issue is not in the State Platform, direct staff to bring back the bill for further discussion and potential action
  3. Regardless of whether the issue is in the State Platform, direct staff to take a bill to the Board of Supervisors for action
Supporting Documents
A (1) - CWS - CalWORKs ( Adobe PDF - 194 kb )
B (2) - CWS SGF ( Adobe PDF - 182 kb )
C (3) - APS ( Adobe PDF - 180 kb )
D (4) - flexible spending ( Adobe PDF - 179 kb )
E (5) - RFA ( Adobe PDF - 335 kb )


County Executive Officer requests the Subcommittee review Wildfire/PSPS bills and following discussion may direct staff to:

  1. If the issue is in the State Platform, draft a letter and distribute it to the appropriate parties
  2. If the issue is not in the State Platform, direct staff to bring back the bill for further discussion and potential action
  3. Regardless of whether the issue is in the State Platform, direct staff to take a bill to the Board of Supervisors for action
Supporting Documents
A BIlls ( Adobe PDF - 472 kb )