Agendas & Minutes

Board of Supervisors 8/3/2004 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda


Assistant Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4072 with Community Action of Napa Valley, Inc., decreasing the amount by $30,234 for a new maximum of $120,571 to provide tobacco control services.


Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 1460 with the Town of Yountville for $8,040 for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 for the Yountville Library's leased space.


Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a Federal Apportionment Exchange Program and State Match Program Agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation (State Agreement No. X03-5921(032)) for the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 to receive $337,648 into the County Road Fund.


Director of Public Works requests award of the contract for the “Hall of Justice New 500 Gallon Diesel AST Project,” PW 03-15, to CAL Inc. of Vacaville, California, for their low base bid of $74,000, and authorization for the Chair to sign the construction contract.


Director of Public Works requests award of the contract for the "Devlin Road Extension Project," RDS 04-06, to O.C. Jones & Sons, Inc. of Berkeley, California, for their low base bid of $1,169,817 and authorization for the Chair to sign the construction contract.


Director of Public Works requests the following relating to subdivision of the Juvenile Courtroom site from the Juvenile Justice Center site as part of the SB 1732 court facilities transfer: 

  1. Authorization to request a waiver by the Napa City Planning Commission of the subdivision map requirement under the City's Municipal Code;
  2. Authorization to execute a standard escrow agreement on behalf of the County with North American Title Company in an amount not to exceed $10,000, to handle the escrow to subdivide the parcel through exchange of deeds; and
  3. Authorization to sign all related documents, deeds and certificates of acceptance required to complete the subdivision.


Director of Public Works/Aviation requests the following actions relating to the Environmental Assessment Project - Airport Improvement Program (AIP) No.18:

  1. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 9 in the amount of $152,000, increasing appropriations in the Airport Capital Improvement Program budget AIP No.18, with offsetting revenue from the Airport Enterprise Fund for the continuing preparation of Environmental Assessment Studies (4/5 vote required); and 
  2. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Jim Wallace Environmental Consulting Services for a maximum of $373,445 for the term August 3, 2004 through June 30, 2005 with yearly automatic renewal options, for environmental services.


Auditor-Controller requests authorization to prepare the necessary accounting entries to close the financial books for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2004.

Supporting Documents
A FY 03-04 BOS Closing Entries ( Microsoft Word Document - 51 kb )
B FY 03-04 BOS Designation Detail FY 03-04 BOS Designation Detail ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 19 kb )


Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution regarding the following in connection with the Health and Human Services Agency, effective July 31, 2004:

  1. Amend the Departmental Allocation List to add one (1) Acting Director of Health and Human Services;
  2. Amend the Table and Index to add Acting Director of Health and Human Services; and
  3. Appoint Jim Featherstone as Acting Director of Health and Human Services.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 27 kb )


Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution regarding the following in connection with the Conservation, Development and Planning Department, effective July 31, 2004:

  1. Amend the Departmental Allocation List to add one (1) Acting Director of Conservation, Development and Planning;
  2. Amend the Table and Index to add Acting Director of Conservation, Development and Planning; and
  3. Appoint Patrick Lynch as Acting Director of Conservation, Development and Planning.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 26 kb )


Human Resources Director requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. 2680 with Claims Management, Inc. increasing the amount by $22,000 for a new maximum of $85,000 and extending the term through June 30, 2005 for workers' compensation claims administration services.


Information Technology Services (ITS) Director requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 11 appropriating $261,000 from ITS retained earnings to increase appropriations in the ITS budget for the purchase and implementation of Accella Automation (Land Management) software and implementation services. (4/5 vote required)


County Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services requests acceptance of the Department of Homeland Security’s Fiscal Year 2004 Homeland Security Grant Program award in the amount of $612,839 to enhance the Napa Operational Area homeland security programs, law enforcement terrorism prevention programs and the Citizens Corp Program.


County Executive Officer/Purchasing Agent requests authorization to declare certain items as surplus and no longer required for public use, remove them from inventory, and dispose of them at public auction. (4/5 vote required)

Supporting Documents
A Attachment 1 ( Microsoft Word Document - 173 kb )


Approve minutes of the regular meeting held June 29 and the special meeting held July 1, 2004.

Supporting Documents
A Minutes of June 29, 2004. ( Microsoft Word Document - 62 kb )
B Minutes of July 1, 2004. ( Microsoft Word Document - 23 kb )

Recess to the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority of Napa County meeting (See IHSS Agenda).


Recess to the Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District (LBRID) meeting (See LBRID Agenda).


Recess to the Monticello Public Cemetery District (MPCD) meeting (See MPCD Agenda).


Recess to the Napa Berryessa Resort Improvement District (NBRID) meeting (See NBRID Agenda).


Recess to the Silverado Community Services District (SCSD) meeting (See SCSD Agenda).


Director of Public Works requests the following actions relating to County Service Area No. 3 (CSA No. 3):

  1. Open Public Hearing to consider any objections or protests with respect to the assessments for adoption in CSA No. 3;
  2. Close Public Hearing and adopt a resolution authorizing and levying assessments for Fiscal Year 2004-2005;
  3. Open Public Hearing to accept testimony on the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 budget, with a total appropriation of $236,622; and 
  4. Close Public Hearing and continue consideration to August 10, 2004 at 9:00 A.M. for final adoption.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 42 kb )
B Schedule 13 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 55 kb )
C Schedule 14 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 51 kb )
D Schedule 15 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 57 kb )
E Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Budget ( Adobe PDF Document - 62 kb )


County Executive Officer requests the following actions relating to County Service Area No. 4 (CSA No. 4):

  1. Open Public Hearing to consider any objections or protests with respect to the assessments proposed for adoption in CSA No. 4;
  2. Close Public Hearing and adopt a resolution authorizing and levying assessments for Fiscal Year 2004-2005;
  3. Open Public Hearing to accept testimony on the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 budget, with a total appropriation of $422,500; and 
  4. Close Public Hearing and continue consideration to August 10, 2004 at 9:00 A.M. for final adoption.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 31 kb )
B Schedule 13 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 37 kb )
C Schedule 14 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 32 kb )
D Schedule 15 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 36 kb )
E Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Budget ( Adobe PDF Document - 75 kb )


Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures requests the following actions relating to the Napa County Winegrape Pest and Disease Control District (WP&DCD):  

  1. Open Public Hearing to consider any objections or protests with respect to the assessments proposed for WP&DCD for the 2004-2005 fiscal year; and  
  2. Close Public Hearing and adopt resolution authorizing and levying assessments for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 on qualifying properties in the WP&DCD. 

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 30 kb )


Discussion and possible direction to staff relating to the March 3, 2004 election and the operation of the office of the Registrar of Voters.

Supporting Documents
A Where is ROV in other Counties? ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 46 kb )
B County Counsel Memo re ROV ( Microsoft Word Document - 65 kb )

Recess to the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (NCFCWCD) meeting (See NCFCWCD Agenda).


County Counsel requests:

  1. Adoption of a resolution ordering an advisory election on expanding Jamieson Canyon Road from two to four lanes; and
  2. Discussion and possible action on whether the Board desires to have an argument filed for or against the advisory measure by:
    1. A member or members of the Board
    2. Staff to be presented to and adopted by the Board at its August 10, 2004 meeting.

Supporting Documents
A California Elections Code Section 9162 ( Microsoft Word Document - 35 kb )
B Resolution Ordering Advisory Election ( Microsoft Word Document - 40 kb )


County Executive Officer requests the Board take one or more of the following actions which relate to the prior action of the Board adopting Resolution No. 04-106 which ordered a special election be conducted on November 2, 2004 to enable the voters to approve or reject Ordinance No. 04-06 (Measure "V"), increasing the Transient Occupancy Tax rate from 10.5% to 12% and requiring the proceeds of that general tax to be spent for general governmental purposes:

  1. Consideration and possible adoption of a resolution amending Resolution No. 04-106 for the limited purpose of revising the wording of the Measure "V" ballot question that will appear on the November 2, 2004 ballot; and
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff to prepare an Argument For Measure "V"  and place it on the August 10, 2004 agenda for possible adoption by the Board; or
  3. Discussion and possible action authorizing one or more members of the Board of Supervisors to file an Argument For Measure "V," and a rebuttal argument to any opposition to Measure "V" which may be filed.

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and therefore CEQA is not applicable [See Guidelines For the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, 14 CCR 15061(b)(3)].

Supporting Documents
A Draft Argument in Favor of Measure "V" ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
B Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 41 kb )

CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representatives: Dennis Morris, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization: SEIU Local 614 - NAPE (Employee Unit & Supervisory Unit of the County of Napa).
Unrepresented Employees:
Non-Classified, Management and Confidential Employees of the County of Napa (Excluding Elected Officials)


CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representatives: Dennis Morris, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization: Napa County Deputy Sheriffs' Association (Employee Unit & Supervisory Unit of the County of Napa).