RAMSAY / RASMUSSEN WINERY / KENT RASMUSSEN & CELIA RAMSAY - USE PERMT MAJOR MODIFICATION, P10-00284-MOD. CEQA Status: Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared. According to the proposed mitigated negative declaration, if mitigation measures are not included, the proposed project would have potentially significant environmental impacts in the following area: Transportation/Traffic. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. Request: Approval to modify previous use permit approvals for the Ramsay/Ramussen Winery to: (1) increase production capacity from 40,000 gallons per year to 100,000 gallons per year; (2) add up to 5 new fermentation tanks in the covered existing fermentation tanks area; (3) stripe 14 on-site parking spaces on an existing impervious surface; (4) convert an existing 985 sq. ft. quest cottage into office, tasting/retail space, and employee break room; (5) provide an approximate 400 sq. ft. tasting area within the existing winery building; (6) establish a marketing plan with 4 food and wine parings per month for a maximum of 24 guests at each event, 4 open house and release events per year for a maximum of 75 guests at each event, and one event per year for a maximum of 125 guests; (7) tours and tastings by appointment only, with food paring(s) for up to 48 visitors per day and a maximum of 336 visitors per week; (8) recognize existing outdoor work and crush areas and a 1,054 sq. ft. covered elevated pad located near the southeast corner of the property; (9) install a new winery process and domestic wastewater system; and (10) install a new left turn lane on Silverado Trail. The project is located on a 5.67 acre parcel on the west side of Silverado Trail located approximately 1/2 mile north of Taplin Road within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district. APN: 025-410-002. 1001 Silverado Trail, St. Helena.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring and reporting program and approve the use permit modification with the proposed conditions of approval.
Staff Contact: Sean Trippi, 299-1353 or sean.trippi@countyofnapa.org
Staff Recommendation: Elect Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for 2011 calendar year.
Staff Contact: John McDowell 299-1354, jmcdowell@co.napa.ca.us