CEQA Status: Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project would have potentially significant effects on Transportation/Traffic. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code sec. 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit Modification #P11-00156 requesting approval of the following: 1) Increase visitation from 400 to 500 total visitors (400 public and 100 by-appointment only); 2) Increase production from 750,000 gallons per year to 1.5 million gallons per year; 3) Adoption of a marketing plan to allow 50 total events, not to exceed eight per month:(a) 2 events per year for up to 500-people (b) 4 events per year for up to 250-people (c) 6 events per year for up to 150-people (d) 12 events per year for up to 100-people; and (e) 26 events per year for up to 50-people; 4) Improve the existing wastewater treatment ponds and enlarge the spray fields; 5) Expand the domestic wastewater treatment; 6) Construction of 50 additional parking spaces for a total of 130 parking spaces; 7) Inclusion of food and wine pairing as part of tours and tasting; 8) Construction of a left-hand turn lane on Zinfandel Lane; 9) Construction of 210 sq. ft. outdoor restrooms;10) Remodel the existing 855 sq. ft. pool house to be converted to private tasting;11) Remodel the existing 4,070 sq. ft. residence to be converted to partially 2,764 sq. ft. of private tasting and a 1,338 sq. ft. residence; 12) Construction of a vineyard viewing platform; 13) Increase the tours and tastings hours of operation from 10 am to 4 pm to 10 am to 6:30 pm;14) Increase the production hours of operation from 6 am to 6 pm to 6 am to 11 pm;15) Increase the number of employees by 66 from 24 to 90;16) Construction of 17,400sq. ft. of production space and interior modifications, including the conversion of 10,670 sq. ft. of production space to accessory space;17) Modify the existing conditions of approval to allow for outdoor events;18) Conversion of the existing swimming pool to landscape, and 19) Display of public art within one-acre of landscape. The project is located on a 60.72 acre lot located on the south side of Zinfandel Lane approximately 0.3 miles east of its intersection SR 29, within the Agricultural Preserve (AP) zoning district. (Assessor’s Parcel No's 030-270-013 &-031). 849 Zinfandel Lane, St. Helena, California, 94574.
Staff Recomendation: Continue the item to the June 20th Planning Commission hearing.
Contact: Kirsty Shelton, (707) 299-1377, Kirsty.Shelton@countyofnapa.org
CEQA Status: Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the Mitigated Negative Declaration, if mitigation measures are not included, the proposed project would have potentially significant effects in the following area(s): Biological Resources. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code section 65962.5.
Requests: Two (2) Variance Requests to allow the construction of a new winery 259 feet from the centerline of State Route 29/128 (St. Helena Highway) road setback where 600 feet is required for a setback and 100 feet from the centerline of a private road (used by the public) where 300 feet is required for a setback. A Use Permit to establish a new 50,000 gallon per year winery with: 1) a winery building with total coverage of 61,221sf (+/- 19,390sf production area (single story) and +/- 2,500sf admin area including +/- 250sf tasting room, +/- 230sf employee break room); 2) +/-13,000sf of caves (including +/- 340sf wine library, +/- 450 case good storage, and +/- 12,210 barrel storage); 3) +/- 3,700sf of covered work area; 4) +/- 2,000sf of covered crush pad; 5) +/- 22,300sf of new access paving (including one-way loop driveway, parking spaces, walkways, loading area); 6) a gated access; 7) 14 parking spaces (including 1 ADA-accessible space); 8) a 1-acre of vineyard; 9) a new winery domestic and process wastewater treatment and disposal system (including a 10,500 gallon domestic water tank, a 10,500 gallon irrigation tank and a 65,000 gallon recycled water holding tank and other various smaller tanks as needed); 10) a 40,000 gallon fire water tank; 11) a landscaping program that includes a green roof, vineyard plantings, native & drought tolerant plants; 12) +/- 14,000 cubic yards of cave spoil to be disposed on-site or hauled off-site to Clover Flats or another location; 13) fourteen (14) employees (four (4) Full-Time, six (6) Part-Time, and four (4) Harvest); 14) tasting hours: 9:30-6:30 p.m.; seven days per week; 15) tours & tasting with catered food @ 25 person maximum per day; 16) a marketing plan with catered food: (2-25 person events per month; 2-50 person events per month; 2-100 person events per year, and participation in the Napa Vally Wine Auction up to 25 persons); 17) on-premise wine consumption pursuant to AB 2004; and 18) demolition of four existing structures (a single-family residence, a agricultural barn, a garage and a pool house)
The 50.31 acre project site is located on the south side of Napa County on St Helena Highway (State Route 29/128) approximately 1,300 feet north of its intersection with Lodi Lane within the Agricultural Watershed Zoning District, and is addressed as 3125 St. Helena Highway, St. Helena (APN 022-070-028).
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the requested Variances and Use Permit as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Charlene Gallina, Supervising Planner; (707) 299-1355; charlene.gallina@countyofnapa.org
JAN KRUPP / BART & PATRICIA KRUPP / KRUPP BROTHERS WINERY - USE PERMIT No. P11-00348 & STREAM SETBACK EXCEPTION No. P11-00495 CEQA Status: Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the proposed mitigated negative declaration, if mitigation measures are not included, the proposed project would have potentially significant environmental impacts in the following areas: Biological Resources. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code section 65962.5.
Requests: Use Permit to establish a new 50,000 gallon per year winery with: 1.) a +/- 13,675 sq. ft. two level (one story plus a cellar) production building; 2.) a +/- 675 sq. ft. covered crushpad; 3.) conversion of a +/- 4,525 sq. ft. existing residence into a winery hospitality and administration building with a commercial kitchen; 4.) up to 10 employees; 5.) 25 parking spaces (including 2 ADA-accessible spaces); 6.) by-appointment tours and tastings including food/wine pairings with a maximum of 124 and an average of 60 visitors per day; 7.) hours of operation from 8 am to 6 pm, daily; 8.) Evans Bill (AB2004) on-premise consumption at the proposed hospitality building entry courtyard; 9.) an annual marketing plan with 105 24-person events, eight 75-person events, and two 125-person events annually (excepting the days on which 125-person marketing events occur, combined tours and tastings and marketing event visitation will not exceed 124 persons on any day); 10.) new winery domestic and process wastewater treatment and disposal systems; 11.) a 12 foot tall 50,000 gallon recycled water holding tank and a 12 foot tall 40,000 gallon fire-flow and domestic water tank; 12.) grading including 3,300 cubic yards of net cut, with spoils disposed of on site; 13.) abandonment of the existing residential driveway and construction of a relocated 18 foot wide winery access drive; 14.) demolition of the existing Hardman Creek bridge and construction of a new 20 foot wide bridge in roughly the same location; 15.) construction of a 4 to 7 foot tall stone wall and entry structure, partially within the Silverado Trail right-of-way; 16.) installation of a southbound Silverado Trail center left-turn lane at the proposed winery driveway; and 17.) a landscape and Hardman Creek stream restoration plan. Conservation Regulations Exception to allow encroachment within required setbacks from Hardman Creek (85 feet required, 38 feet proposed).
The 13 acre project parcel is located on the east side of the Silverado Trail, approximately ½ mile south of its intersection with Soda Canyon Road, within the AP (Agricultural Preserve) zoning district. APN: 039-610-006. 3150 Silverado Trail, Napa, Calif., 94558
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the mitigated negative declaration and approve the requested use permit and Conservation Regulations stream setback exception as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Chris Cahill, (707) 253-4847 or chris.cahill@countyofnapa.org
CEQA Status: A Negative Declaration was prepared. According to the proposed negative Declaration, the project would not have any potentially significant effects. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code section 65962.5.
Request: Approval to modify Use Permit #P04-0204 to construct an approximately 9,530 square foot building for barrel storage, office, tasting/conference room, wine library, an employee breakroom with a commercial kitchen for food pairings, and restrooms. The proposal includes an increase in employees from four full-time and two part-time to six full-time and four part-time and an additional five parking spaces for a total of 15 spaces. The building will be constructed utilizing the same materials and in the same design as the previously approved winery building with board and batten siding, a cultured stone face and corrugated roofing. No increases to production or visitation have been proposed.
The 18 acre project site is located on the north side of Larkmead Lane 0.33 miles east of Highway 29 within a AP (Agricultural Preserve) zoning district. (Assessor's Parcel 020-240-001-000), 1100 Larkmead Ln, Calistoga.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Use Permit as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Linda St. Claire, (707) 299.1348 linda.stclaire@countyofnapa.org