APPROVAL OF MINUTES REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the August 2, 2007 regular meeting minutes.
DRTS QUARTERLY FINANCIAL AUDIT REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and acceptance of the Summary of Accountants' Reports on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures for the quarter ending March 31, 2007.
MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Staff to discuss the May and June 2007 monthly financial reports of the Authority.
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Monthly Report
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PUBLIC HEARING: 2006/2007 FISCAL YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and authorization of Authority Resolution #07-10, adopting the final fiscal year 2007/2008 budget for capital improvements.
CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C&D) ADDENDUM TO A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The Board should make the following findings, 1 through 5 :
- Find that the Authority has read and considered the Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to taking action .
- Find that the Addendum is based on independent judgment by the Authority.
- Find that the Addendum was prepared and considered in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and Guidelines Section 15164.
- Find that the Addendum addresses the proposed changes to the previous project.
- Find that the Secretary of the Authority is the custodian of the records of the proceedings on which this decision is based. The records are located at the Authority's offices, 1195 Third Street, Room 101, Napa, California.
The Board should then approve the summary and findings of the Proposed Addendum.
MANAGER'S REPORT DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Manager will report on activities related to the Authority.
REPORTS FROM JURISDICTIONS DISCUSSION ITEM: Reports of current information relevant to the Authority by the member jurisdictions:
- Vallejo: Gerald Davis
- Napa City: Jill Techel
- Napa County: Mark Luce
- American Canyon: Leon Garcia