Brad Wagenknecht District
1 |
Mark Luce District
2 |
Mel Varrelman District
3 |
Bill Dodd District
4 |
Mike Rippey District
5 |
Jay Hull County
Administrator |
Mary Jean McLaughlin Clerk
of the Board |
Robert Westmeyer County Counsel |
Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street, Room
305, Napa, California 94559. If you
require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special
arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by
calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).
The agenda is divided into three sections:
CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters typically include routine
financial or administrative actions, as well as final adoption of ordinances
that cannot be both introduced and adopted at the same meeting. Any item on the CONSENT CALENDAR will be
discussed separately at the request of any person. CONSENT CALENDAR items are usually approved with a single motion.
SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.
REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and
administrative actions and are classified by program areas. Immediately after approval of the CONSENT
CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR
CALENDAR will be considered.
THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition
from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions. In order that all interested parties have an
opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific
subject under discussion. Time
limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.
1. Call to Order; Roll Call.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. 9:00 A.M. PUBLIC
In this time period, anyone may address the Board of
Supervisors regarding any subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but
which is not on today's agenda. Individuals will be limited to a
three-minute presentation. No
action will be taken by the Board of Supervisors as a result of any item
presented at this time.
4. Department Heads’ Reports and
5. Chief Probation Officer requests the following actions pertaining to AB 1913, the
Schiff-Cardenas Crime Prevention Act of 2000:
A. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 17 increasing appropriations
for salaries by $69,089, and Services and Supplies by $180,911 in Budget Unit
24700, with offsetting revenues in the amount of $250,000 from the State (4/5
vote required); and
B. Amendment of the Departmental Allocation List adding one (1)
Deputy Probation Officer III to the Probation Department, effective September
2, 2001.
6. Chief Probation Officer requests approval of and
authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4371 with
Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center for a maximum of $84,000 for the term
August 21, 2000 through June 30, 2002 for the Parent Advocate Program.
7. District Attorney requests the following actions related to
Family Support Division mailings:
A. Approval to waive
competitive bidding requirements and authorize a sole source award to Print N
Mail, Inc. of Fort Smith, Arizona, for the purchase of professional mail
services in the total amount of $60,000; and
B. Approval of and
authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Print N Mail, Inc. for
$60,000 for the term July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 for professional mail
8. District Attorney requests adoption of a resolution
continuing the Domestic Violence Prosecution Program and authorizing the
District Attorney to accept and sign the grant agreement for the term July 1,
2001 through June 30, 2002.
9. Director of Health and Human Services
Agency and Chief Probation Officer request approval of the following actions to
implement the Wraparound Services Pilot Program (SB 163):
A. Amendment of the following Departmental
Allocation Lists, effective September
15, 2001:
i) Behavioral Health: add one (1) Limited
Term Mental Health Counselor – Licensed position;
ii) Social Services: add one (1) Limited Term
Child Protective Services Worker I/II position; and
iii) Probation: add one (1) Limited Term Deputy
Probation Officer III position.
(Details on file with the
Clerk of the Board)
B. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 14
increasing appropriations for Salaries and Benefits and Services and Supplies
by $236,701, with an offsetting increase in Revenues of $236,701 (4/5 vote
C. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 15
transferring $100,000 from the AFDC Foster Care appropriation to establish a
new line item for the SB 163 Wraparound Services Pilot Program (4/5 vote
required); and
D. Adoption of a resolution authorizing the
Director of Health and Human Services Agency to sign an agreement with the
California Department of Social Services implementing the Wraparound Services
Pilot Program in Napa County.
FROM AUGUST 28, 2001)
10. Director of Health and Human Services
Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal
of Agreement No. 2131 with the Regents of the University of California for a
maximum of $56,550 for the term July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 to provide
training to Agency staff.
11. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests
authorization for out-of-state travel for Ismail Akman, Supervising Mental
Health Counselor II, Karina German, Staff Services Analyst II, and Jamie
Murrillo, Staff Services Analyst II, to attend the National Staff Development
and Training Association 2001 Conference in Denver, Colorado, from October
6-10, 2001 at no cost to the County.
12. Director of Health and Human Services
Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal
of Agreement No. 3558 with ALDEA, Inc. for a maximum of $103,996 for the term
July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 to provide therapeutic services for clients
of the Therapeutic Learning Center.
13. Director of Health and Human Services
Agency requests the following actions regarding the Answers Benefiting Children
(ABC) Grant:
A. Approval of and authorization for
Chairman to sign renewals of the following agreements for the term July 1, 2001
through September 30, 2001:
i) Agreement No. 4218 with ALDEA, Inc. for
a maximum of $43,271;
ii) Agreement No. 4219 with Family Service of
the North Bay, Inc. for a maximum of $23,059; and
iii) Agreement No. 4216 with Napa County
Council for Economic Opportunity, Inc. for a maximum of $32,884.
B. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 20
increasing appropriations by $31,994, with offsetting revenue in Social
Services. (4/5 vote required)
14. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval
of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with the California
State University, Sacramento Foundation, for a maximum of $2,400 per student,
for the term September 4, 2001 through August 31, 2002 to provide stipends for
fieldwork performed at the Agency.
15. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval
of and authorization for Chairman to sign a Medi-Cal Targeted Case Management
Provider Participation Agreement with the California Department of Health
Services for the term July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2004 for the provision of
Targeted Case Management.
16. Director of Health and Human Services
Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the
following agreements for the term July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 to provide
services in the Mental Health Outpatient Managed Care Program:
A. Agreement with Fred Stoddard, M.D., for a
maximum of $2,500;
B. Agreement with Vinita Wadhwani, M.D., for
a maximum of $2,500; and
C. Agreement with Robert Jones, M.D., for a
maximum of $4,000.
17. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval
of and authorization for Chairman to sign a Declaration Not to Apply for Rural
Health Services Program Funding for Fiscal Year 2001/2002.
18. Director of Conservation, Development and Planning requests
adoption of a resolution authorizing the forgiveness of the first $200 of
permit fees relating to replacement or repair of buildings damaged by the
earthquake of September 3, 2000, retroactive to March 31, 2001, through
December 31, 2001.
19. County Fire Chief requests approval of and
authorization for Chairman to sign the following agreements extending the term
through June 30, 2002 for emergency response services within unincorporated
area contiguous to the respective city limits, with a provision to adjust the
maximum compensation in accordance with any salary increases resulting from
negotiations currently being undertaken with the State:
A. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 2742
with the City of Calistoga for an estimated cost of $48,301; and
B. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 1051
with the City of St. Helena for an estimated cost of $46,192.
20. Director
of Public Works requests the following actions relating to the “Napa County
Hall of Justice and Jail Interior Alterations Project,” PW 01-09:
A. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 11 in the
amount of $183,856, transferring $140,356 from the ADA and Maintenance accounts
in the Capital Improvement budget (Fund 1000) to Hall of Justice and Jail
Interior Alterations Project in the same budget and further increasing the
appropriation in the Hall of Justice and Jail Interior Alterations Project by
$43,500 with offsetting revenue from COP money, for a new total appropriation
of $517,856 (4/5 vote required);
Item No. 20 - Continued
B. Award of the contract to Page
Construction Company, Inc. of Novato, California, for their low bid of
$445,893; and
C. Authorization for Chairman to sign the
construction contract.
21. Director of Public Works requests approval
of plans and specifications for the "Carither's Building Roof Installation
Project," PW 01-18, authorization to advertise for bids and setting 3:30
P.M. on October 4, 2001 for opening of sealed bids.
22. Director of Public Works requests approval
of plans and specifications for the "Napa County Airport T-Hangars Project,"
PW 01-15, authorization to advertise for bids and setting 3:30 P.M. on October
11, 2001 for opening of sealed bids.
23. Director
of Public Works requests acceptance of the work as complete and authorization
for Chairman to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the Clerk/Recorder
for Contract No. PW 00-24, “Capell Valley Fire Station Project.”
24. Director of Public Works requests the following actions
relating to property in the vicinity of Aviation Way and Airport Boulevard:
A. Adoption of a resolution Summarily
Vacating a Portion of Aviation Way;
B. Approval of and authorization for
Chairman to sign a Quitclaim Deed for said portion of Aviation Way;
C. Approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign a
Certificate of Acceptance from Herbert Gunn, Jr., for a Grant of Easements
along Airport Boulevard to the County of Napa; and
D. Authorization for staff to record said documents.
25. Director of Public Works requests adoption
of a resolution authorizing an application for funding from the Metropolitan
Transportation Commission (MTC) under the State Transportation Improvement
Program (STIP) for the resurfacing of Steele Canyon Drive, and authorizing the
Director of Public Works to sign the appropriate documents.
26. Director
of Public Works/Aviation requests the following actions relating to the “Napa
County Airport-Taxiway ‘J’ Phase 1 Project,” PW 01-12:
A. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 13
increasing appropriations for the project by $653,857 for a new maximum of
$1,314,188, with offsetting revenues from the Federal Aviation Administration,
State of California and the Airport Enterprise Fund (4/5 vote required); and
B. Approve Contract Change Order No. 1 to
add two alternatives in the amount of $404,996 for a total maximum contract
with O.C. Jones of Berkeley, California, of $1,020,729.
27. Director of Public Works/Aviation requests
authorization for out-of-state travel for Wanda Kennedy, Airport Manager, to
attend the Western Region Airport Property Managers Conference in Portland,
Oregon, from October 17-19, 2001, at an estimated cost of $500.
28. Job Training Director requests approval of
and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with William Bell &
Company for a maximum of $32,000 for the term July 1, 2001 through December 31,
2001 for marketing services.
29. Job Training Director requests approval of
and authorization for Chairman to sign the following agreements for the term
July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 for client job skills training:
A. Agreement with Celebra Technologies, Inc.
for a maximum of $12,000;
B. Agreement with Napa Valley College
for a maximum of $20,000;
C. Agreement with Solano School of Nursing
Assistant, Inc. for a maximum of $3,000;
D. Agreement with New Horizons Computer
Learning Centers, Inc. for a maximum of $40,000; and
E. Agreement with Solano and Napa Counties
Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Committee for a maximum of $51,050.
30. Acting Library Director requests approval
of the following actions related to the American Canyon Branch Library:
A. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 12
transferring $100,000 from the Library's fund balance, reducing the Library's
Reserves and Designations by $10,000, and increasing the Special Departmental
Expense account by $110,000 to purchase furnishings (4/5 vote required); and
B. Waiver of competitive bidding requirements
and authorization for a sole source award to the Ross McDonald Company, Inc.,
for the purchase of shelving and furniture for the American Canyon Branch
Library, in an amount not to exceed $110,000.
FROM AUGUST 28, 2001)
31. Acting Library Director requests
authorization for out-of-state travel for Library Computer Systems Technician
Katherine Anderson to attend the Library's automation system annual users group
meeting in Denver, Colorado, from November 6-10, 2001 at an estimated cost of
32. Personnel Director requests the following actions effective
September 15, 2001:
A. Amend the Departmental Allocation List
for Conservation, Development and Planning to add one (1) Graphics Specialist
and delete one (1) Graphics Technician;
B. Amend the Table and Index to add Graphics
Specialist; and
C. Approve new class specification for
Graphics Specialist.
on file with the Clerk of the Board)
33. County Administrator requests amendment of the Departmental
Allocation List adding one (1) Staff Services Analyst I to the Local Agency
Formation Commission, effective September 11, 2001.
34. County Administrator requests approval of
Budget Transfer No. 16 transferring $9,500 from Central Services budget unit to
Information Technology Services budget unit and establishing a fixed asset for
a Geographic Information System (GIS) backup server.
(4/5 vote required)
FROM AUGUST 28, 2001)
35. County Administrator requests approval of
and authorization for Chairman to sign the following amendments to Agreement
No. 4004 with Mynd Corporation (formerly Dorn Technology Group, Inc.):
A. Amendment No. 1 extending the software
support agreement for a three year period at a rate of $4,935 per year;
B. Amendment No. 2 to upgrade the
current software at no cost to the County other than that provided for in the
following work order; and
C. Work Order No. 1 providing for on-site
installation of software program at a cost of $2,400 plus travel expenses.
36. County
Administrator/Purchasing Agent requests authorization to declare the used Xerox
5065 copy machine (Serial No. 0C4021725) as surplus, remove it from the
County's fixed asset inventory, and to authorize the Purchasing Agent to have
the copier vendor remove and dispose of the equipment at no cost to the County.
37. Approve minutes of Board of Supervisors’ meeting of July 31, 2001.
39. 9:05
A.M. PUBLIC HEARING County Administrator requests Board
authorization for the issuance of a Letter of Public Convenience and Necessity
allowing the transfer of a Type 20 Retail Off-Sale Alcoholic Beverage License
from 1091 Larkmead Lane, St. Helena, California, to 755 Skyway Court, Napa,
California, for eVineyards, Inc.
40. 9:10 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING Lakeview Boat Storage, LLC – General Plan
Amendment Request No. GPA 00-001 - to amend the Napa County General Plan Land
Use Map to change the land use designation of a 4.7± acre portion of a 30.7± acre parcel from Agriculture, Watershed
& Open Space to Rural Residential located on 30.7± acre parcel on the northeasterly side of
Berryessa-Knoxville Road, approximately ˝ mile south of its intersection with
Pope Canyon Road and north of the Berryessa Park subdivision, within the
Agricultural Watershed (AW) and Commercial Limited (CL) Zoning Districts. (Assessor’s Parcel No. 019-280-006) (Public Hearing Open)
Environmental Determination: Negative Declaration prepared.
AT 11:00 A.M.)
41. 9:20 A.M. Special Meeting:
Board of Supervisors sitting as the Board of Directors of the Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District:
A. Approve
minutes of Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District meetings of August 7,
August 14, and August 28, 2001.
B. District Engineer requests award of the
contract for the “Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District Wastewater
Treatment Pond No. 6 Project,” PW 01-16, to Taylor Bailey, Inc. of St. Helena,
California, for their low bid of $54,169, and authorization for Chairman to
sign the construction contract.
C. Adjournment.
SET MATTERS – Continued |
42. 9:30 A.M. Public HearingS Board to consider:
Napa Sanitation District – General Plan Amendment Request No. GPA 95-06. Board to consider adoption of resolution to approve General Plan Amendment on 306 acres of property owned by the Napa Sanitation District, to change the land use map in the County General Plan from Public Institutional to Agriculture Watershed and Open Space. The land use map change will allow a golf course as a use with an approved use permit for same. The golf course is not an allowable use in the current Public Institutional land use designation. The site is located west of Devlin Road, south of Soscol Ferry Road, north of Sheehy Creek, and east of the California Northern railroad tracks within the Agricultural Watershed:Airport Compatibility Combination (AW:AC) Zoning District. (Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 046-400-015; 046-400-016; 057-010-036 and 057-010-037)
Determination: Environmental
Impact Report Certified.
Three (3) appeals filed as to the decision of the Conservation, Development and Planning Commission on April 18, 2001 to approve HCV Napa Associates LLC - Use Permit Request No. 98177-UP - Development plan to construct a resort, golf course, and convention center on a 405-acre site located within and adjacent to the Napa Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan business park. The resort consists of 458 guest rooms and 36 guest villas, for a total of 494 guest rooms and suites; two restaurants, a bar, a wine shop, and a deli, for a combined seating capacity of 450; a total of 120,580 square feet of conference space with 52,380 square feet in Phase One and 68,200 square feet in Phase Two (including a freestanding 45,500 square foot conference building) a 9,528 square foot spa facility; and two pools. Total building area would be approximately 564,513 square feet. The proposed golf course is an 18-hole championship course, with pro shop, driving range, parking, and access roads, located on land owned by the Napa Sanitation District, and would utilize treated effluent from the District for irrigation purposes. The project also includes bicycle/pedestrian paths, 40 acres of landscaping, 61 acres of vineyards, and a total of 771 parking spaces in Phases One and Two. The use permit also includes a request to allow various architectural features to exceed the 35-foot height limit set forth in Section 18.80.050.E of the Airport Compatibility Zoning District. The project site is located west of Devlin Road, south of Soscol Ferry Road, north of Sheehy Creek, and east of the California Northern railroad tracks within the Industrial Park: Airport Compatibility Combination (IP:AC) and Agricultural Watershed: Airport Compatibility Combination (AW:AC) Zoning Districts. (Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 046-400-015, 046-400-016, 057-010-036 and 057-010-037; 057-020-006, 057-020-017, 057-020-018, 057-020-020 and 057-020-025; 057-170-001 and 057-170-010; 057-210-002).
Environmental Determination: Environmental Impact Report Certified.
SET MATTERS – Continued |
Item No. 42 - Continued
The appeals were filed by:
A. Napa Sierra Club
B. Napa County Farm Bureau
C. HCV Napa Associates LLC
OCTOBER 9, 2001 AT 9:30 A.M.)
43. 9:30 A.M. Presentation by Victoria Eisen, Association
of Bay Area Government (ABAG) on the Smart Growth Strategy initiatives and the
Napa County Public Workshop scheduled for Saturday, October 6, 2001 and
possible Board action in response to the presentation.
44. 10:00
A.M. County Administrator
requests consideration and possible action on recommendations from the Tobacco
Settlement Funding Committee regarding distribution of Tobacco Settlement Funds
for the term October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.
45. 11:00 A.M. Closed
Session regarding:
(Government Code Section 54956.9 (a))
of cases:
i) Napa Citizens for Honest Government et.
al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. Napa County Board of Supervisors, Defendant
and Appellant. A089095 (Napa County Superior Court No. 26-04014)
ii) County
of Napa/Deputy Sheriff's Association (CSMCS Case No. ARB-00-0423, NB 2000)
46. Director of Public Works requests
discussion and possible action on the recommended funding allocations for
monies received from the Proposition 12 Parks Bond Act of 2000.
47. Clerk of the Board requests appointment of
one (1) person from the following applicants to serve on the City County Library Commission with the
term of office to expire June 30, 2004:
Roberta Joyce Goodin*
Thomas A. Gumina
48. Authorization for Chairman to sign a
letter to Congressman Mike Thompson in support of legislation designating the
Berryessa Peak/Blue Ridge and Cedar Roughs areas currently owned by the Bureau
of Land Management as federal wilderness areas. (Supervisor Luce)
49. Discussion and possible action regarding legislation.
50. Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports
and Announcements.
51. Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda Items.