TUESDAY                  AUGUST 20, 2002                        9:00 A.M.



Brad Wagenknecht

District 1

Mark  Luce

District 2

Mel Varrelman

District 3

Bill Dodd

District 4

Mike Rippey

District 5


Jay Hull

County Executive Officer

Mary Jean McLaughlin

Clerk of the Board

Robert Westmeyer

County Counsel








The Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street, Room 305, Napa, California 94559.  If you require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).


The agenda is divided into three sections:


CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters typically include routine financial or administrative actions, as well as final adoption of ordinances that cannot be both introduced and adopted at the same meeting.  Any item on the CONSENT CALENDAR will be discussed separately at the request of any person.  CONSENT CALENDAR items are usually approved with a single motion.


SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.


REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and administrative actions and are classified by program areas.  Immediately after approval of the CONSENT CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR CALENDAR will be considered.


ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions.  In order that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific subject under discussion.  Time limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.






1.         Call to Order; Roll Call.



2.         Pledge of Allegiance.



3.         9:00 A.M.  PUBLIC COMMENT


In this time period, anyone may address the Board of Supervisors regarding any subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but which is not on today's agenda.  Individuals will be limited to a three-minute presentation.  No action will be taken by the Board of Supervisors as a result of any item presented at this time.



4.         Department Heads’ Reports and Announcements.








5.         Assessor/Recorder-County Clerk requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign cost sharing agreements with Madera County for reimbursement of funds expended on Agreement Nos. 4645 and 4646 for base-year tracking and manufactured home/aircraft automated valuation enhancements to the Megabyte Property Tax System.






6.         Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign renewals of the following agreements with ALDEA, Inc. for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to provide therapeutic services to clients in the Childrens’ Behavioral Health Programs:


            A.        Agreement No. 2100 for a maximum of $48,500;

            B.        Agreement No. 3558 for a maximum of $112,841;

            C.        Agreement No. 4622 for a maximum of $618,370; and

            D.        Agreement No. 4496 for a maximum of $68,000.



7.         Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 2242 with the Volunteer Center of Napa County, Inc. for a maximum of $24,000 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to provide Child Abuse Prevention Education within County area school districts.








8.         Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign renewals of the following agreements for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 for the provision of HIV Prevention/Community Planning services:


            A.        Agreement No. 3823 with Aldea, Inc. for a maximum of $32,916;

            B.        Agreement No. 3824 with Community Health Clinic Ole for a maximum of $47,133; and

            C.        Agreement No. 3825 with Napa-Solano Health Project for a maximum of $99,486.



9.         Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3851 with Family Service of the North Bay, Inc. for a maximum of $141,100 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 for the Satellite Housing Program.



10.       Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4197 with Janet Lord, M.D., for a maximum of $78,000 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to provide medical consultation.



11.       Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign renewals of the following agreements with Community Action of Napa Valley, Inc. for a maximum of $50,000 each for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003:


A.        Agreement No. 4241 to provide services to the Napa County Drug Court; and

B.        Agreement No. 4675 to provide services under the Substance Abuse Treatment Options Program (STOP).



12.       Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4423 with Edgewood Center for Children and Families, Inc. for a maximum of $98,000 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to provide residential mental health treatment.








13.       Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4495 with River Oak Center for Children and Families, Inc. for a maximum of $38,807 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to provide residential day treatment services.



14.       Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4648 with George Vasquez for a maximum of $5,200 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to provide training to merchants and hospitality staff involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages.



15.       Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4322 with ECHO Management Group decreasing the maximum by $8,486.50 for a new maximum of $21,067.50 for software maintenance and support.



16.       Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Clarence Myhre for a maximum of $3,000 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to provide maintenance of the Regional Emergency System Electronic Prehospital Care Information System.






17.       Agricultural Commissioner requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 1992 with the California Department of Food and Agriculture reimbursing costs not to exceed $500 associated with nursery inspection services for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003.



18.       Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4593 with Quincy Engineering, Inc. increasing compensation by $15,000 for a new maximum of $280,000 and amending the Scope of Services to include the additional work required due to environmental issues.






PROPERTY – Continued



19.       Director of Public Works requests acceptance of the work as complete and authorization for Chairman to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the Clerk/Recorder for Contract No. PW 01-01, “Health and Human Services Kitchen Remodel, Building K Remodel, Paint & Re-carpet & Installation of 100 KW Emergency Generator Project.”



20.       Director of Public Works requests adoption of a resolution restricting parking, stopping or standing of vehicles on a portion of Silverado Trail north of Soda Canyon Road.






21.       County Counsel requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the following amendments establishing the maximum compensation for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 and providing an option for automatic annual renewal for services as certification review hearing officers for Napa County residents:


A.        Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4633 with Joscelyn Jones for a maximum of $2,000;

B.        Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 4793 with John Dawdy for a maximum of $10,000; and

C.        Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4794 with Judith Jones for a maximum of $8,000.



22.       County Counsel requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4097 with Shute, Mihaly and Weinberger, LLP for legal services increasing the scope of services and the hourly rate with the maximum compensation and term of the agreement to remain unchanged.



23.       Library Director requests authorization to apply for a California Library Literacy Services grant in the amount of $18,165 for Fiscal Year 2002/2003.



24.       Acting Personnel Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Departmental Allocation List deleting one (1) Office Assistant II and adding one (1) Senior Office Assistant in the Department of Child Support Services, effective August 17, 2002.










25.       Acting Personnel Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Departmental Allocation List deleting one (1) Associate Civil Engineer in the Public Works Department, effective August 20, 2002.



26.       County Executive Officer/Purchasing Agent requests the following:


A.        Declare certain items of personal property as surplus and no longer required for public use (Complete list on file with the Clerk of the Board); and

B.        Authorize the Purchasing Agent to dispose of these items of personal property by donating them to the following tax-exempt Health and Human Service organization:


     Monarch Youth Homes, Inc.



27.       Approve minutes of Board of Supervisors’ meeting of June 18, 2002.









29.       9:05 A.M.  Napa County Mental Health Board to present annual report.



30.       9:10 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  Consideration of Application of Abatement of Penalty filed by Christopher L. Stotka for failure to timely file a Change in Ownership Statement with the Assessor.



31.       9:10 A.M.  Registrar of Voters requests adoption of a resolution authorizing submission of an application to the California Voting Modernization Board for funding under Proposition 41 in the amount of $1,188,150 and appointing the Registrar of Voters as the Board’s agent in processing the application and associated processes.



32.       9:15 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  First and final reading and adoption of an ordinance amending Subsection (E) of Section 18.104.245 relating to the effective date of prohibition to correctly designate the date as January 16, 1920.



33.       9:25 A.M.  Hearing on the following vineyard property owners’ requests to be exempted from the approved County Service Area No. 4 (CSA No. 4) assessment because they are providing housing for their own farmworkers:


            A.        Norman Alumbaugh (Eagle & Rose Estate Winery and Vineyard)

            B.        Beringer-Blass Wine Estates

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  This activity is included as part of establishing CSA No. 4, for which a Negative Declaration was previously approved.




34.       9:30 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARINGProposal for a Road Name Change from Washington Street to Howard Lane – Request No. 01240-SN filed by Donna Scala to change the name of a public access road north of Salvador Avenue from Washington Street to Howard Lane located on the east side of St. Helena Highway approximately 600 feet north of Salvador Avenue situated within the County unincorporated area and the Napa City limits.




SET MATTERS – Continued



35.       10:00 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  Appeal filed by Michael Zatkin, Attorney on behalf of Anthony Truchard, Eve Kahn, Ginny Simms and Get A Grip On Growth to an August 1, 2001 decision by the Conservation, Development and Planning Commission to approve Carneros Partners, Inc. – Use Permit Request No. 98511-UP to establish a 100-unit resort, including the construction of lodge structures and guest cottages, a 100-seat restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating, banquet and meeting rooms, a maximum 10,000 square -foot retail facility including food and post office, administrative offices, recreational improvements, water treatment and sewage treatment facilities, a 10,000 square-foot public square and parking for 191 vehicles, located on three parcels totaling 10.48 acres adjacent to and northeast of the intersection of State Highway 12/121 (Carneros Highway) and Old Sonoma Highway within a Commercial Limited (CL) Zoning District (Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 047-110-025 and 047-110-026), and "access parcel" (Assessor’s Parcel No. 047-110-019) within an Agricultural Watershed (AW) Zoning District.  The proposed project is adjacent to, and integrated with, the Carneros Inn Recreational Vehicle Park/Mobile Home Park Facility under construction (pursuant to Use Permit No. 98290-MOD), and is more fully described and evaluated in the Draft Environmental Impact Report for Carneros Lodge, the written public comment period for which was advertised and held between April 19 and June 4, 2001.

            ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Environmental Impact Report Prepared.


             MARCH 12, MARCH 26, JUNE 4, JULY 9 AND JULY 16, 2002; STAFF




36.       10:30 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  Consideration and possible adoption of a resolution, including findings, implementing the Board’s decision upholding on appeal the decision of the Conservation, Development & Planning Commission approving Use Permit No. 00325-UP, the Steven Grover/7&8 Winery, located on the north side of Spring Mountain Road near its intersection with the Napa County/Sonoma County line, in an Agricultural Watershed Zoning District, Assessor’s Parcel Number 020-300-063.  (Public Hearing Closed)

            (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 6, 2002)



37.       1:30 P.M.  Recess to the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (NCFCWCD) meeting.  (See NCFCWCD Agenda)







38.       Auditor-Controller to discuss and request the following actions:


            A.        Adoption of a resolution adopting the tax rates for the Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Secured Tax Roll; and

            B.        Adoption of a resolution establishing the Fiscal Year 2002/2003 appropriation limit and estimated revenue subject to the limit for the County of Napa, as required by Article XIII-B of the California Constitution.






39.       Consideration and possible action authorizing the Chairman to sign a letter in support and recognition of the Blue Ridge-Berryessa Natural Area Conservation Partnership’s efforts in their application for the 2002 Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award.



40.       Consideration of the request by the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) to cancel the regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting of November 19, 2002 so that Supervisors and staff may attend the CSAC Annual Meeting.



41.       Discussion and possible action including, but not limited to, the following legislation:


SB 1243 (Torlakson):  Now SB 864:  Metropolitan Transportation Commission.



42.       Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports and Announcements.



43.       Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda Items.


44.       Closed Session regarding:




Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b):

(One case)