Brad Wagenknecht District
1 |
Mark Luce District
2 |
Diane Dillon District 3 |
Bill Dodd District
4 |
Mike Rippey District
5 |
William S. Chiat County
Executive Officer |
Pamela A. Miller Clerk of the Board |
Robert Westmeyer County Counsel |
Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street,
Suite 305, Napa, California 94559. If
you require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special
arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by
calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).
The agenda is divided into three sections:
CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters typically include routine
financial or administrative actions, as well as final adoption of ordinances
that cannot be both introduced and adopted at the same meeting. Any item on the CONSENT CALENDAR will be discussed
separately at the request of any person.
CONSENT CALENDAR items are usually approved with a single motion.
SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.
REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and
administrative actions and are classified by program areas. Immediately after approval of the CONSENT
CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR
CALENDAR will be considered.
THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition
from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions. In order that all interested parties have an
opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific
subject under discussion. Time
limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.
1. Call to Order; Roll Call.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. 9:00 A.M. PUBLIC
this time period, anyone may address the Board of Supervisors regarding any
subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but which is not on today's
posted agenda. In order to provide all
interested parties an opportunity to speak, time limitations shall be at the
discretion of the Chair. As required by
Government Code, no action or discussion will be undertaken on any item raised
during this Public Comment period.
4. Department Directors’ Reports and
5. District Attorney requests approval to accept a three year
grant from the Office of Criminal Justice Planning in the initial amount of
$120,000 for the first year, April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004 to implement
the Elder Abuse Vertical Prosecution Program.
6. Sheriff requests authorization for out of state travel for
Sergeant Leroy Anderson and Deputy Albert Washington to attend the National
DARE Officer’s Association Conference, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, from June
23-26, 2003, at an estimated cost of $2,982 to
provide training on new drug prevention curriculum for elementary school
7. Auditor-Controller requests
authorization to draw a warrant in the amount of $31,000, from the Napa County
Fair Fund, payable to Napa County Fair as the 4th and final
installment of the 2003 allocation from the State.
8. Auditor-Controller requests the Board
accept and instruct the Clerk of the Board to file the Audit Report for the
Napa County Resource Conservation District, for the fiscal year ended June 30,
2002. (Report on file with Clerk of
the Board)
FINANCE – Continued
9. Auditor-Controller
requests authorization to remove from the County's tax rolls all unpaid and
invalid taxes relating to Assessor's Parcel No. 032-100-009 belonging to the
Federal Bureau of Land Management.
10. Director
of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the
Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4089 with the County of Sonoma
to reallocate funds to enhance the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) computer
system and to purchase equipment and materials for EMS staff.
11. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 4661 with Bill Ruhs, MFT, increasing the amount by $10,000 for a new maximum of $22,000 to provide more units of services in the Mental Health Outpatient Managed Care Program.
12. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and
authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Napa Valley Unified
School District, Napa Valley Adult School, for a maximum of $44,767 for the
term February 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 to provide training services to
clients in the Knowledge Administration Training (KAT) project.
13. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and
authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Alternatives for Better
Living, Inc. for a maximum of $13,000 for the term May 1, 2003 through June 30,
2003 to provide drug treatment services
to youth participating in the Juvenile Drug Court.
14. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and
authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Jeanne Miller for a
maximum of $2,000 for the term April 17, 2003 through June 30, 2004 to provide
medical transcription services.
15. Director of
Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an
agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. for a maximum of $15,336 for the term May 13,
2003 through May 21, 2004 for materials testing services for the construction
of the “Lewelling Avenue Outfall Project," PW 02-07.
16. Director of Public
Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement
with MatriScope, Inc. for a maximum of $70,000 for the term May 13, 2003
through December 31, 2004 to provide materials testing and inspection for the “Napa County Sheriff's Facility
Project," PW 01-26.
17. Director of Public Works requests
approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a Right of Entry Agreement
with the Jane V. Gunn Trust for the term May 13, 2003 through one month after
the completion date of the Napa County Sheriff’s Facility Project, or April 1,
2005, whichever occurs first.
18. County Counsel requests the Board:
A. Determine it will not participate in the
Year 2003 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note Program on behalf of the Napa
County Board of Education, the Calistoga Joint Unified School District, the
Napa Valley Unified School District, and the St. Helena Unified School District
because such Districts have chosen to participate in a pooled cash flow
borrowing program sponsored by the California School Board’s Association
Finance Corporation; and
B. Direct staff to advise Bond Counsel for
the Districts of the Board’s decision not to participate.
19. Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution to delete
one Staff Services Manager and one contract position and add one new
Supervising Staff Services Analyst position with regarding to the following;
effective May 13, 2003:
A. Amend the Departmental Allocation List and the Table and
Index in the Health & Human Services Agency;
B. Amend the Employer-Employee Relations Policy and Overtime
Policy; and
C. Approve the new class specification for Supervising Staff
Services Analyst. (Details on file
with the Clerk of the Board)
20. Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests
approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with the
Workforce Information Group, Inc. for a maximum amount of $123,890 for the term
April 1, 2003 through February 28, 2004, to provide consulting services on the
2004 Occupational Outlook Report and Training Directory.
21. County Executive
Officer requests adoption of a resolution regarding various positions in the
Human Resources Division of the County Executive Office, with no net increase
in the total number of positions, effective May 10, 2003:
A. Amend the Departmental Allocation List and the Table and
Index for the Human Resources Division;
B. Amend the Employer-Employee Relations Policy and Management
Compensation Plan;
C. Approve the new class specification for
Assistant Human Resources Director, and revised class specifications for Human
Resources Director and Principal Human Resources Analyst (Details on file
with the Clerk of the Board); and
D. Designate the position of Human Resources Director as part of
the non-classified service.
22. County Executive Officer requests
approval of a resolution adopting the “Criminal Record Security Policy and
Procedures” and amending the Napa County Policy Manual relating to fingerprints
of employees, effective May 6, 2003. (Details
on file with Clerk of the Board)
23. County Executive Officer requests appointment of Howard Siegel
to serve on the Board of Directors of
Community Action of Napa Valley representing the public sector with the
term of office to expire September 1, 2003.
24. County Executive Officer requests the following appointments
to the Delinquency Prevention Commission who will serve on the
combined Juvenile Justice/Delinquency Prevention Commission:
A. Thomas B. Gill as an adult citizen representative with the term of office to expire March 1, 2005; and
B. Roman Block as a
youth–voting representative with the term of office to expire September 1,
25. Adoption of a resolution declaring May 12-16, 2003 as Bicycle
Commute Week in Napa County.
(Supervisor Wagenknecht)
27. Discussion and possible action regarding legislation.
28. Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports
and Announcements.
29. Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda
30. Closed Session regarding:
LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6):
Agency Designated Representatives: Charla Freckmann, Assistant Human Resources
Organization: SEIU
Local 614 - NAPE (Employee Unit & Supervisory Unit of the County of Napa)
Unrepresented Employees: Non-Classified, Management and Confidential
Employees of the County of Napa (Excluding Elected Officials)
MAY 20, 2003 AT 9:00 A.M.