TUESDAY                   APRIL 10, 2001                   9:00 A.M.




Brad Wagenknecht

District 1

Mark  Luce

District 2

Mel Varrelman

District 3

Bill Dodd

District 4

Mike Rippey

District 5



Jay Hull

County Administrator

Mary Jean McLaughlin

Clerk of the Board

Robert Westmeyer

County Counsel










The Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street, Room 305, Napa, California 94559.  If you require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).


The agenda is divided into three sections:


CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters typically include routine financial or administrative actions, as well as final adoption of ordinances that cannot be both introduced and adopted at the same meeting.  Any item on the CONSENT CALENDAR will be discussed separately at the request of any person.  CONSENT CALENDAR items are usually approved with a single motion.


SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.


REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and administrative actions and are classified by program areas.  Immediately after approval of the CONSENT CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR CALENDAR will be considered.


ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions.  In order that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific subject under discussion.  Time limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.






1.        Call to Order; Roll Call.



2.        Pledge of Allegiance.



3.        9:00 A.M.  PUBLIC COMMENT


In this time period, anyone may address the Board of Supervisors regarding any subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but which is not on today's agenda.  Individuals will be limited to a three-minute presentation.  No action will be taken by the Board of Supervisors as a result of any item presented at this time.



4.        Department Heads’ Reports and Announcements.








5.               Director of Corrections requests authorization for Auditor-Controller to pay claims over one year old totaling $231.54 to The Earthgrains Company.






6.               Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Jodie Morgan for a maximum of $16,000 for the term April 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 to provide consultation and system development in connection with court supervised substance abuse treatment under Proposition 36.



7.               Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Psychiatric Resources, Inc. for a maximum of $20,000 for the term April 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001 to recruit a psychiatrist for the Adult Behavioral Unit.








8.               Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 3402 with the California Department of Health Services increasing the amount by $9,620 for a new maximum of $1,135,767 for operation of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program.



9.               Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 3579 with the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs establishing a new total allocation of $1,334,483 for Fiscal Year July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000.



10.            Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests amendment of the following Departmental Allocation Lists, effective April 14, 2001:


A.              Behavioral Health:

i)                 Add one (1) Mental Health Counselor (Licensed)

ii)               Delete one (1) Mental Health Counselor

B.              Social Services:

i)                 Add one (1) Supervising Mental Health Counselor II (Licensed)

ii)               Delete one (1) Supervising Mental Health Counselor II

iii)              Delete one (1) Office Assistant I/II

C.              Health and Human Services Administration:

i)        Add one (1) Office Assistant I/II



11.            Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests authorization to grant a 3% Cost of Living increase to In-Home Support Services providers, effective June 1, 2001.



12.            Director of Health and Human Services Agency and Compliance Officer request acceptance of the Compliance Program Quarterly Report for the period ending April 3, 2001.








13.      Acting Director of Conservation, Development and Planning requests the following actions to complete the processing of a land use application filed by Beringer Wine Estates to establish an agricultural processing facility in the Airport Industrial Area:


A.              Approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4446 with Donna Oldford increasing the amount by $11,400 for a new maximum of $28,900; and

B.              Approval of Budget Transfer No. 78 increasing appropriation for Professional Services:Other by $11,400 in Budget Unit 29000 with offsetting revenue from Contingency.  (4/5 vote required)



14.      Acting Director of Conservation, Development and Planning requests the following actions relating to the implementation of an Environmental Review Program for erosion control plan applicants:


A.              Approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Lamphier-Gregory for a maximum of $594,000 effective March 1, 2001 and expiring October 31, 2001; and

B.              Approval of Budget Transfer No. 77 increasing appropriation for Professional Services:Other by $594,000 in Budget Unit 29000 with offsetting revenue from Contingency.  (4/5 vote required)



15.      Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Riechers, Spence & Associates, Inc. for a maximum of $55,000 for the term April 10, 2001 through December 31, 2001 for engineering services related to the Airport Boulevard/Devlin Road Project.



16.      Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the following agreements with Terrance E. Lowell & Associates, Inc. related to County Service Area No. 3 (CSA 3):


A.              Agreement for a maximum of $7,200 for the term April 10, 2001 through August 10, 2001 to prepare the 2001/02 annual assessments; and

B.              Agreement for a maximum of $12,150 for the term April 10, 2001 through June 30, 2001 to prepare a Baseline Report for the Napa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) as part of an annexation process.





PROPERTY - Continued



17.      Director of Public Works requests adoption of a resolution temporarily closing a portion of Berryessa-Knoxville Road from 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. on Sunday, May 20, 2001 for the Third Annual Napa Valley Triathlon.



18.      Director of Public Works/Aviation requests adoption of a resolution authorizing the Chairman to sign a California Department of Transportation $350,000 loan application, loan agreement and acceptance of funds and any supporting documents, to construct eleven (11) T-hangars at the Napa County Airport.






19.      Clerk of the Board requests appointment of the following persons to serve on the Emergency Medical Care Committee with the terms of office to expire April 1, 2003:


Applicants                          Category of Appointment

John R. Robertson, Jr.                   Napa County Sheriff

Kenneth Elwer                    Alternate

Douglas M. Uhlik                California Highway Patrol

Michael D. Venning             Alternate



20.      Clerk of the Board requests appointment of the following persons to serve on the Tobacco Advisory Board with the terms of office to expire January 31, 2003:


Applicants                             Category of Appointment

Paige Pedri*                          Agency Concerned with Tobacco Related Diseases

Suellen Grace Barnett*           Agency Concerned with Substance Abuse and Addiction

Jeanne Title*                         Educational Institution

Sally Sheehan-Brown*            Agency Concerned with Tobacco Related Diseases

Emilie Kuhlman-Furrer           Health Care Organization





21.            Information Technology Services Director requests authorization for out-of-state travel for Patrick Kowta, Senior Information Systems Specialist, to attend Geographic Information System (GIS) training in Boulder, Colorado from May 7-11, 2001, at an estimated cost of $2,300.








22.      County Administrator requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 76 increasing expenditures to fund retiree insurance payments ($398,000) and COBRA payments ($2,000) with offsetting revenues from Workers Compensation and Liability.  (4/5 vote required)



23.      County Administrator/Director of Emergency Services requests adoption of a resolution terminating the Proclamation of Local Emergency declared on February 20, 2001 relating to a major debris flow at the northern end of Lake Berryessa.



24.      County Administrator/Purchasing Agent requests authorization to declare certain items as surplus and dispose of them at public auction.  (Complete list on file with the Clerk of the Board)



25.      Board to appoint Supervisors Bill Dodd and Brad Wagenknecht, with Supervisor Mark Luce as alternate, to possibly meet with members of the Napa City Council on the probable sale of the Collier Apartments.



26.      Approve minutes of Board of Supervisors’ meetings of March 13 and 20, 2001.









28.      9:05 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  Director of Public Works requests Board consideration and possible adoption of a resolution abandoning a portion of Rancho Drive between West Park Avenue and West Pueblo Avenue.  (Noticed Public Hearing by Clerk of the Board)



29.      9:10 A.M.  Agricultural Commissioner to present the Annual Crop Report for 2000.








30.      District Attorney requests adoption of a resolution implementing a one dollar ($1) Vehicle Registration Assessment for enhanced efforts to prosecute crimes involving driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.






31.      Clerk of the Board requests appointment of one (1) person from the following applicants to serve on the Napa County Commission on Self-Esteem with the term of office to expire January 1, 2002.  Appointee to be nominated by District 3 Supervisor.



James G. Lemieux

Dana K. Talbot



32.      Discussion and possible action including, but not limited to, the following legislation:


A.              AB 121 (Leslie): Property taxation: postponement income limit.

B.              Adoption of a resolution urging our legislators to maintain single Assembly, State Senate and Congressional Districts for Napa County following reapportionment.

C.              AB 1424 (Thomson): Mental Health: involuntary treatment.



33.      Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports and Announcements.



34.      Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda Items.








35.      Closed Session regarding:


          A.       CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR  (Government Code

Section 54957.6)


Agency negotiator:  Bruce Heid

Employee organization:  Napa County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association





Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b):  (One case)


C.       CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9(a))


                     Name of case:  Dylia J. Klatt vs. County of Napa, Contra Costa County, Case

No. C-00-01701