Brad Wagenknecht District
1 |
Mark Luce District
2 |
Diane Dillon District 3 |
Bill Dodd District
4 |
Mike Rippey District
5 |
Nancy Watt Acting
County Executive Officer |
Clerk of the Board |
Robert Westmeyer County Counsel |
Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street, Room
305, Napa, California 94559. If you
require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special
arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by
calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).
The agenda is divided into three sections:
CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters typically include routine
financial or administrative actions, as well as final adoption of ordinances
that cannot be both introduced and adopted at the same meeting. Any item on the CONSENT CALENDAR will be
discussed separately at the request of any person. CONSENT CALENDAR items are usually approved with a single motion.
SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.
REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and
administrative actions and are classified by program areas. Immediately after approval of the CONSENT
CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR
CALENDAR will be considered.
THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition
from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions. In order that all interested parties have an
opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific
subject under discussion. Time
limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.
1. Call to Order; Roll Call.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. 9:00 A.M. PUBLIC
In this time period, anyone may address the Board of
Supervisors regarding any subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but
which is not on today's agenda. Individuals will be limited to a
three-minute presentation. No action
will be taken by the Board of Supervisors as a result of any item presented at
this time.
4. Department Heads’ Reports and
5. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3315 with the California Department of Mental Health (CDMH) for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 establishing the County’s community mental health services.
6. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to revenue Agreement No. 4028 with the California Department of Mental Health to change service delivery requirements and add language regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
7. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 4613 with Nancy Waldeck, MFCC, increasing the amount by $5,000 for a new maximum of $16,390 to provide additional counseling services for clients of the children’s programs.
8. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following amendments to provide services in the Mental Health Outpatient Managed Care Program:
A. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4060 with Kevin Kappler,
Ph.D., increasing the amount by $6,000 for a new maximum of $58,000;
No. 8 –
B. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 4539 with Judith Speed,
Ph.D., increasing the amount by $2,000 for a new maximum of $16,000;
C. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4542 with Sharon Harp, MFT,
increasing the amount by $2,000 for a new maximum of $10,000;
D. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4549 with Dana Talbot, MFT,
increasing the amount by $4,000 for a new maximum of $20,000;
E. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4548 with Mimi Wolfe, MFT,
increasing the amount by $1,000 for a new maximum of $15,000; and
F. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 4661 with Bill Ruhs, MFT, increasing
the amount by $4,000 for a new maximum of $12,000.
9. Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of the following actions pertaining to
the winter shelter and related services:
A. Adoption of a resolution extending the declaration of a shelter crisis in accordance with Government Code Sections 8698 through 8698.2; and
B. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to extend the lease with the State of California on a month-to-month basis through March 31, 2003, to utilize space at Napa State Hospital, Building B, Napa, California, to operate an Emergency Winter Homeless Shelter.
10. Agricultural Commissioner requests approval of and authorization for Chair to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4339 with the California Department of Food and Agriculture reimbursing costs not to exceed $447,726 for the term July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 for activities related to the detection and exclusion of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter.
11. County Fire Chief requests authorization to implement a Volunteer
Firefighters Stipend Program as part of the Napa County Fire Department Policy
12. Director of Public Works requests approval of plans and specifications
for the “Silverado Trail at Oak Knoll Avenue
Deceleration Lane Project,” RDS 02-02, authorization to advertise for
bids and setting 3:30 P.M. on March 6, 2003 for the opening of sealed bids.
PROPERTY – Continued
13. Director of
Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign
Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4719 with Reinard W. Brandley, Consulting
Airport Engineer, increasing the amount by $15,500 for a new maximum of
$290,500 and amending
the scope of work to include additional services related to Biological and
Cultural Work for various Airport capital improvement projects.
14. Director of Public Works requests
approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with the
California State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for a maximum of
$27,595 for their oversight of the removal of lead-contaminated soil at the
County Sheriff's Department’s shooting range located at Syar Industries.
15. Director
of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an
Improvement Agreement with the City of American Canyon Water District for water
service improvements to the new Napa County Sheriff’s Facility.
16. Housing Director requests approval of a
contribution of $3,000 from the Affordable Housing Fund to “Christmas in April
- Napa Valley” to assist with the cost of repairing homes on National
Rebuilding Day, April 26, 2003.
17. Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Management Compensation Plan with regard to compensation and benefits, effective February 25, 2003.
on file with the Clerk of the Board)
18. Human Resources Director requests
adoption of a resolution approving and ratifying the Memoranda of Understanding
with the Law Enforcement Unit and Law Enforcement Supervisory Unit of the
Deputy Sheriffs’ Association of SEIU Local 614 (Agreement Nos. 2744 and 2745). (Details
on file with the Clerk of the Board)
19. Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution
amending the Departmental Allocation List and appropriate Personnel Policies
with regard to certain positions in the Board of Supervisors and County
Executive Office, effective February 25, 2003.
– Continued
20. Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution
modifying the way the County currently administers COBRA benefits with regard
to the County’s Kaiser plan.
21. Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution
regarding the following in connection with the Human Resources Division,
effective March 1, 2003:
A. Amend
the Departmental Allocation List and Table and Index;
B. Approve revised class
specifications for Human Resources Director, Principal Human Resources Analyst,
Benefits Administrator, Senior Human Resources Analyst, Senior Human Resources
Analyst-HHSA, Human Resources Analyst I/II/III, Human Resources Assistant and
Human Resources Services Specialist; and
C. Approve
the extension of the Human Resources Services Specialist Limited Term (LT)
through June 30, 2003.
22. Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4608 with the County of Marin, Department of Health and Human Services for a maximum of $25,000 for the term January 1, 2003 through June 30, 2003 to provide staff services to the Workforce Investment Board.
23. Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services for $441,887 for the term October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2005 to implement the Nurse Workforce Initiative (NWI) project to recruit, train and certify 36 licensed registered nurses.
24. Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests approval of
and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Lynne Vaughan dba
Resources for Innovation for a maximum of $27,600 for the term January 1, 2003
through November 30, 2004 to conduct in-depth and comprehensive evaluation of
four (INVEST, INCLUSION, Develop and Nurses Workforce Initiative) of the
projects managed by the North Bay Employment Connection.
25. Acting County Executive Officer requests
relief from liability for cash shortages in Trust No. 3900-10300-10127 in the
amount of $2,468.92.
– Continued
26. Acting County Executive Officer requests approval of and
authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Maximus, Inc. for a
maximum amount of $55,000 for the term
February 25, 2003 through September 30, 2003 for User Fee Study for
the Property Departments and the Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights
and Measures.
27. Acting County Executive Officer/Purchasing Agent requests the
A. Declare certain items of office furniture and computers as
surplus and no longer required for public use (Complete list on file with
the Clerk of the Board); and
B. Authorize the Purchasing Agent to dispose of these items of
personal property by donating them to the following tax-exempt health and human
service organizations:
Catholic Charities
Napa Valley Support Services
St. Helena Hospital
Foundation/California Specialty Hospital
28. Approve minutes of Board of Supervisors’ meeting of
July 23, 2002.
30. 9:05 A.M. Special Meeting:
Board of Supervisors meeting as the Board
of Directors of the Lake
Berryessa Resort Improvement District:
A. Approve minutes of Lake Berryessa Resort
Improvement District meeting of January 7, 2003.
B. District Engineer requests acceptance of the work as complete and authorization for the Chair to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the Clerk/Recorder for Contract No. PW 01-14, “Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District Slope Stabilization Improvements Project.”
C. Adjournment.
31. 9:15 A.M. PUBLIC
HEARING Consideration and possible action
regarding an appeal filed by Kevin Block, on behalf of his clients Susan and
Lonen Curtis to a decision made by the Conservation, Development and Planning
Department (the "Department") on October 16, 2002 approving an
Erosion Control Plan Structural No. 02461-ECPS (A Modification to ECPS No. 98241-ECPS) for Kenneth and Susan
Viney for land disturbing and earthmoving activities associated with the
final construction of the lower driveway (“Phase 1”) on two parcels totaling 51.04 acres located on the west side of
Soda Canyon Road, approximately 4.35 miles north of its intersection with
Silverado Trail in an Agricultural Watershed (AW) Zoning District. (Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 032-090-014 and
CONTINUANCE TO APRIL 22, 2003 AT 10:00 A.M.)
32. 9:20 A.M. PUBLIC
HEARING First reading and intention to adopt an ordinance amending Section 2.100.090 and Section
2.100.210 to the Napa County Code relating to the definition of Non-Classified
Service, vacation accruals, and payouts upon separation from County employment.
DETERMINATION: It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility
the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and therefore
CEQA is not applicable [See Guidelines For the Implementation of the California
Environmental Quality Act, 14 CCR 15061(b)(3)].
33. 9:25 A.M. PUBLIC
HEARING First reading and intention to adopt an ordinance amending Section 2.100.180B and adding
Section 2.100.181 to the Napa County Code relating to the submitting of
fingerprints for new employees and certain categories of current employees
pursuant to the Penal Code.
DETERMINATION: It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility
the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and
therefore CEQA is not applicable [See Guidelines For the Implementation of the
California Environmental Quality Act, 14 CCR 15061(b)(3)].
SET MATTERS - Continued |
34. 9:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING First reading and intention
to adopt an ordinance amending Article II of Chapter 2.04 of the Napa County
Code relating to Continuity in Government.
DETERMINATION: As an organizational
or administrative activity of government political in nature, not involving any
physical change to the environment, and relating only to general administrative
procedure, the proposed ordinance is not a project subject to the California
Environmental Quality Act [14 CCR 15378(b)(2), (5)].
35. 10:35 A.M. Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer to discuss and request approval of and
authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with the Napa County Winegrape
Pest and Disease Control District for the sharing of costs related to the Napa
County Glassy-winged Sharpshooter/Pierce’s Disease Workplan in Napa County.
DETERMINATION: General Rule California Environmental Quality
Act Guidelines [14 CCR 15061(b)(3)].
36. Director of Public Works requests the following actions in
relation to the Juvenile Justice Center Project:
A. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 73,
transferring $35,000 within the Capital Improvement budget unit (4/5 vote
required); and
B. Approval of and authorization for the
Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4906 with URS Corporation in the
amount of $31,049 for a contract total of
$95,906 for reimbursable costs in relation to Consulting and Project
Management Services provided for the Project.
37. Acting
County Executive Officer to present Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Mid-Year Budget
Report and request adoption of the Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Recommended Budget
Preparation/Final Hearing Schedule.
38. Discussion and possible action regarding legislation.
39. Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports
and Announcements.
40. Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda
41. Closed Session: None