TUESDAY                  FEBRUARY 20, 2001                  9:00 A.M.




Brad Wagenknecht

District 1

Mark  Luce

District 2

Mel Varrelman

District 3

Bill Dodd

District 4

Mike Rippey

District 5



Jay Hull

County Administrator

Mary Jean McLaughlin

Clerk of the Board

Robert Westmeyer

County Counsel










The Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street, Room 305, Napa, California 94559.  If you require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).


The agenda is divided into three sections:


CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters typically include routine financial or administrative actions, as well as final adoption of ordinances that cannot be both introduced and adopted at the same meeting.  Any item on the CONSENT CALENDAR will be discussed separately at the request of any person.  CONSENT CALENDAR items are usually approved with a single motion.


SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.


REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and administrative actions and are classified by program areas.  Immediately after approval of the CONSENT CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR CALENDAR will be considered.


ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions.  In order that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific subject under discussion.  Time limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.






1.        Call to Order; Roll Call.



2.        Pledge of Allegiance.



3.        9:00 A.M.  PUBLIC COMMENT


In this time period, anyone may address the Board of Supervisors regarding any subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but which is not on today's agenda.  Individuals will be limited to a three-minute presentation.  No action will be taken by the Board of Supervisors as a result of any item presented at this time.


4.        Department Heads’ Reports and Announcements.








5.        Chief Probation Officer requests the following actions related to implementation of a juvenile probation pilot project with the Napa County Office of Education (NCOE):


A.              Approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with NCOE in the amount of $23,079 for the term February 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001 to provide probation services at the Dee T. Davis High School Campus; and

B.       Approval of Budget Transfer No. 58 in the amount of $23,079 increasing Probation Department salaries with offsetting revenue from the NCOE.  (4/5 vote required)



6.        Director of Corrections requests the following actions effective March 3, 2001:



A.              Amendment of the Departmental Allocation List to add one (1) (M) Correctional Lieutenant and delete any resulting vacancy; to add one (1) Cook III-Limited Term (LT) and one (1) (S) Supervising Building Maintenance Worker and to delete one (1) Correctional Technician (LT) and one (1) Building Maintenance Worker;

B.              Amendment of the Table and Index to add Correctional Lieutenant;

C.              Amendment of appropriate policies to add Correctional Lieutenant; and

D.              Approval of new class specification for Correctional Lieutenant.

(Details on file with the Clerk of the Board)



7.        District Attorney requests authorization for out-of-state travel for Scott LeStrange, Assistant District Attorney, to attend the National Drug Court Institute's Drug Court Prosecutors' Training in Williamsburg, Virginia, from March 5-10, 2001 at a maximum cost of $200.








8.        District Attorney requests approval of and authorization to sign the Cases Consortium Memorandum of Understanding.



9.        Sheriff requests approval of and authorization to sign a joint grant application with the cities of American Canyon, Calistoga, Napa, St. Helena, Town of Yountville, and the California Highway Patrol in the amount of $60,000 for the term October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002 to provide a public awareness program directed towards traffic safety.



10.      Superior Court requests amendment of the Table and Index increasing the salary of the Court Executive Officer, effective February 20, 2001.






11.      Assessor/Recorder-County Clerk requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 3770 with the State Department of Finance for sixth year participation in the State-County Property Tax Administration Program for a loan amount of $366,020.



12.      Auditor-Controller requests the Board accept and instruct the Clerk of the Board to file the Audit Report of the Napa County Corrections Department Inmate Welfare Trust Fund for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000.  (Report on file with the Clerk of the Board)






13.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4040 with Progress Foundation for a maximum of $5,000 for the term November 1, 2000 through October 31, 2001 for the Transitional Youth Program.








14.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4278 with Napa County Council for Economic Opportunity, Inc. for the term July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 to provide counseling services to specific clients of Child Welfare Services and Children's Behavioral Health Programs.



15.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3353 with Napa Valley College for a maximum of $76,568 for the term July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 for the Independent Living Skills Program.



16.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Maxwell & Hallis for a maximum of $20,000 for the term February 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001 to provide consultation and compilation of the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Cost Report for Fiscal Year 1999-2000.



17.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval to rescind Grant Agreement No. 4405 with Catholic Charities.



18.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of revisions to the Napa County Child Care Planning Council Bylaws.  (Bylaws on file with the Clerk of the Board)



19.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the Certification Statement Regarding Composition of Local Planning Council Membership.








20.      Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests the following actions regarding the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board:


A.              Adoption of a resolution temporarily changing the composition of the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board; and

B.              Appointment of the following eight (8) citizens to the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board:


Applicants                Category                            Expiration of Term

Dale A. Hendry         Business Community           January 31, 2002

John Michael Burns   Interested Citizen                 January 31, 2004

Cliff W. Emerick       Interested Citizen                 January 31, 2003

Kip Kendall               Interested Citizen                 January 31, 2004

Doug James             Student                              January 31, 2003

Roger Stalcup           Business Community           January 31, 2004

Mark Van Gorder      Alcohol Industry                 January 31, 2004

Joyce Wallace                     Interested Citizen                 January 31, 2004






21.      Agricultural Commissioner requests authorization for out-of-state travel to attend meetings and discussions regarding the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter in Washington, D.C., from February 26-28, 2001 at an estimated cost of $2,500.



22.      Director of Environmental Management requests authorization to donate surplus recycling toters to the Pacific Union College for use in their campus recycling program.



23.      Director of Public Works requests approval of the following actions pertaining to Agreement No. 4223 with the Silverado Napa Corporation regarding the Silverado Highlands I, Phase Three subdivision:


A.              Acknowledge completion of roadway and storm drainage improvements; and

B.              Authorize release of the performance bond and the labor and materials bond.





PROPERTY - Continued



24.      Director of Public Works requests approval of the following actions pertaining to Agreement No. 4350 with Napa Valley Gateway Limited and its Napa Valley Gateway Unit Three, Phase Seven subdivision:


A.              Acknowledge completion of roadway and storm drainage improvements;

B.              Authorize release of the performance bond and the labor and materials bond; and

C.              Accept a maintenance bond for roadway and storm drainage improvements.



25.      Director of Public Works requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 55, transferring $9,713 from the Assessor's budget to Equipment Pool to increase the available funding for a replacement vehicle allocated to the Assessor.  (4/5 vote required)






26.            Information Technology Services (ITS) Director requests the following:


A.              Approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4419 with Acuent, Inc. amending the Scope of Services and increasing the amount by $141,200 for a new maximum of $249,200 for PeopleSoft consulting; and

B.              Approval of Budget Transfer No. 59 in the amount of $141,200 from the Technology Account in Central Services increasing appropriations in the ITS budget.  (4/5 vote required)



27.      Job Training Director requests an increase in the amount authorized for out-of-state travel for Ken Slavens, Maritza Monge, Christine Burns, Jeanne Poe, Martha Finnegan, and Bruce Wilson to attend the National Association of Workforce Boards Forum 2001 in Washington, D.C., from February 24-27, 2001 by $3,700 for a new total of $16,000.



28.      Personnel Director requests the Board approve salary adjustments for the PSE-represented classification of Probation Officer I and for Management classes of Information Systems Manager I, Chief Deputy District Attorney, Chief Deputy Public Defender, Family Support Division Chief, and Local Enforcement Agency Coordinator, effective February 17, 2001.  (Details on file with the Clerk of the Board)








29.      Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests authorization for out-of-state travel for Donna DeWeerd, Regional Coordinator, and Bruce Wilson, Regional Analyst, to attend the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals 12th Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from May 20-23, 2001 at an estimated cost of $3,500.



30.      Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 54 in the amount of $805,153 increasing appropriations in Regional Training Employment with offsetting revenue from the Department of Labor for the H-1B Project INVEST grant.  (4/5 vote required)



31.      Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with the Napa Valley Workforce Investment Board for the term July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 pursuant to the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.



32.      County Administrator requests the following actions related to a grant application for a new juvenile justice facility:


          A.       Approval of and authorization for County Administrator to sign a grant application with the State Board of Corrections in the amount of $5,378,888 for the term July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2004 for construction; and

          B.       Adoption of a resolution authorizing the grant application and making other funding and operational assurances.



33.      County Administrator requests appointment of the following persons to serve on the Emergency Medical Care Committee with the terms of office to expire April 1, 2001:


Applicants                                Category of Appointment

          Bradley Thomas Setterlund        Alternate, Ambulance Company Operator

          Aaron William York                  Alternate, CHP Helicopter



34.      Approve minutes of Board of Supervisors’ meeting of January 30, 2001.









36.      9:15 A.M.  Registrar of Voters to present overview of redistricting process with presentation of work completed to date and discussion of integration with County-wide Geographic Information System (GIS).



37.      9:15 A.M.  Board to consider adoption of resolution adopting Findings of Fact and Decision on Appeal filed by Napa Citizens for Honest Government to decisions by the Conservation, Development and Planning Commission on August 2, 2000  i) finding that the following proposed activities are within the scope of the 1998 Napa County Airport Industrial Area Park Specific Plan Update Program approved on October 20, 1998; ii) finding that the 1998 Napa County Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan Update Program Environmental Impact Report adopted on October 20, 1998 adequately describes the activities for the purposes of California Environmental Quality Act; and iii) approving the following Napa Valley Gateway, Ltd. applications:


A.       Tentative Parcel Map No. 95641-PM to divide four (4) parcels totaling 12.93 acres into seven (7) parcels of 0.87, 1.52, 1.60, 1.86, 1.92, 2.04 and 3.12 acres as a part of the second phase of a Development Plan which incorporates the previously approved first phase of the Development Plan;

B.       Use Permit No. 95642-UP to construct a 66,414 square foot 73-room business hotel with ancillary meeting space as part of the second phase of a Development Plan which incorporates the previously approved first phase of the Development Plan with portions of the building and related architectural features exceeding the 35-foot height limit set forth in Section 18.80.050.E of the Airport Compatibility Zoning District on a proposed 3.12-acre parcel; and

C.       Use Permit No. 95644-UP to construct six commercial buildings totaling 105,355 square feet for a variety of support commercial and office uses on four proposed parcels totaling 6.69 acres as part of the second phase of a Development Plan which incorporates the previously approved first phase of the Development Plan.


The affected parcels are located west of State Highway 29, north of Airport Boulevard, east of Devlin Road, and south of Gateway Road East within an Industrial Park:Airport Compatibility (IP:AC) Combination Zoning District.  (Assessor's Parcel Nos. 057-200-004, 057-200-005, 057-200-006 and 057-200-007)




SET MATTERS – Continued



38.      9:30 A.M.  Board of Supervisors meeting as a Board of Equalization:


          A.       Approve minutes of Board of Equalization meeting of January 16, 2001.


          B.       Agenda review.


          C.       STIPULATIONS*


00-46                         Bedford Property Investors

                     (Assessor’s Parcel No. 046-600-012)

                     (Continued from January 16, 2001)


00-74                         Redwood Retirement Residence

                     (Assessor’s Parcel No. 007-311-023)

                     (Continued from January 16, 2001)


*Stipulations on file with the Clerk of the Board.




00-33/34        Franciscan Vineyards, Inc.

                     (Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 034-100-017 and 030-070-009)


00-41                         Michael J. Riordan

                     (Assessor’s Parcel No. 036-382-025)

                     (Continued from January 16, 2001)


00-62                         Sunrise Napa Assisted Living

                     (Assessor’s Parcel No. 038-170-042)

                     (Continued from January 16, 2001)


*Requests for Continuance on file with the Clerk of the Board.


E.       Adjourn to Board of Equalization meeting Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 9:30 A.M.



SET MATTERS – Continued



39.      10:00 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  Board to consider first and final reading and adoption of the following ordinances:


A.       County of Napa - Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment No. 00249-ORD proposing to amend the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Zoning District of the Napa County Zoning Ordinance Section 18.32.030, “Uses permitted upon grant of a use permit,” to add nurseries and garden stores, including outdoor storage of plant materials; small financial services such as branch banks and automatic teller machines (no drive-through banking); and professional, administrative, executive, financial, real estate, insurance and other general business offices. 

(Noticed Public Hearing by the Conservation, Development and Planning Department)

Environmental Determination:  Negative Declaration prepared.

B.       County of Napa - Rezoning Request No. 00255-RZG - request approval to rezone two (2) parcels totaling 2.95 acres from Commercial Limited (CL) to a Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Zoning District located on the south side of Inglewood Avenue and on the west side of State Highway 29, near the intersection of the two roads.  (Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 027-120-040 and 027-120-050)

(Noticed Public Hearing by the Clerk of the Board)

Environmental Determination:  Negative Declaration prepared.



40.      1:30 P.M.  Recess to the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (NCFCWCD) meeting.  (See NCFCWCD Agenda)








41.      Director of Conservation, Development and Planning to provide a status report and request action on an amendment to Section 18.104.300 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to Farmworker Housing.








42.      Consideration and possible action regarding Supervisor Bill Dodd's nomination to the Conservation, Development and Planning Commission for the term of office which shall run concurrently with the term of office of the appointing Board of Supervisors' member:



Gloria Beutler  (incumbent)

David John Buurma

Terrence Keith Scott



43.      Discussion and possible action regarding legislation.



44.      Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports and Announcements.



45.      Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda Items.



46.      Closed Session regarding:



Section 54957.6)


Agency negotiator:  Bruce Heid

Employee organization:  Napa County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association




Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b):

(3 cases)