TUESDAY                     FEBRUARY 19, 2002                      9:00 A.M.



Brad Wagenknecht

District 1

Mark  Luce

District 2

Mel Varrelman

District 3

Bill Dodd

District 4

Mike Rippey

District 5


Jay Hull

County Executive Officer

Mary Jean McLaughlin

Clerk of the Board

Robert Westmeyer

County Counsel










The Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street, Room 305, Napa, California 94559.  If you require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).


The agenda is divided into three sections:


CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters typically include routine financial or administrative actions, as well as final adoption of ordinances that cannot be both introduced and adopted at the same meeting.  Any item on the CONSENT CALENDAR will be discussed separately at the request of any person.  CONSENT CALENDAR items are usually approved with a single motion.


SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.


REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and administrative actions and are classified by program areas.  Immediately after approval of the CONSENT CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR CALENDAR will be considered.


ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions.  In order that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific subject under discussion.  Time limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.






1.         Call to Order; Roll Call.



2.         Pledge of Allegiance.



3.         9:00 A.M.  PUBLIC COMMENT


In this time period, anyone may address the Board of Supervisors regarding any subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but which is not on today's agenda.  Individuals will be limited to a three-minute presentation.  No action will be taken by the Board of Supervisors as a result of any item presented at this time.


4.         Department Heads’ Reports and Announcements.







5.         Director of Corrections requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Identix Incorporated for $7,328 for the term January 9, 2002 through January 1, 2003 for a maintenance service agreement for the LiveScan Fingerprint System and the Duplex Fingerprint Card Printer Station used by the Department of Corrections.



6.         Sheriff requests authorization for out-of-state travel for Deputy Todd Hancock to attend the Techno Security Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, from April 6-11, 2002, at an estimated cost of $550.



7.         Sheriff requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Deputy Sheriff James Baumgartner for $308.14 per month for the term February 19, 2002 through June 30, 2002 for canine handling and housing services.



8.         Sheriff requests approval of the following actions related to the Rural and Small County Law Enforcement Assistance Program (RASCLEAP) in the amount of $176,155:


            A.        Approval of Budget Transfer No. 76 appropriating $99,319 as fixed assets and $76,836 for law enforcement equipment with offsetting revenue from the RASCLEAP Trust (4/5 vote required); and

            B.        Establish fixed assets in the amount of $99,319 for eleven mobile data computers.  (4/5 vote required)









9.         Assessor/Recorder-County Clerk requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. 3770 with the State Department of Finance for seventh year participation in the State-County Property Tax Administration Program for a loan amount of $366,020.






10.       Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4354 with Catholic Charities, Inc. for a maximum of $24,000 for the term July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 to provide property management services for the Casa Grande Housing Program.



11.       Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Mary Baracco, R.N., for a maximum of $7,072 for the term January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002 to provide nurse practitioner services in County health clinics.



12.       Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the following agreements for the term February 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002 to provide counseling services in the Substance Abuse Treatment Options Program (STOP):


            A.        Agreement with Persis Hamilton, R.N., for a maximum of $2,704;

            B.        Agreement with Daniel Lott, Ph.D., for a maximum of $2,704; and

            C.        Agreement with Loretta Silvagni, LCSW, for a maximum of $2,704.






13.       Acting Director of Public Works requests approval of plans and specifications for the “Recyclable Household Hazardous Waste Collection Site Project,” PW 02-03, authorization to advertise for bids and setting 3:30 P.M. on March 1, 2002 for opening of sealed bids.









PROPERTY - Continued



14.       Acting Director of Public Works requests approval of plans and specifications for the “Lead Removal at the Syar Gun Range Project,” PW 02-09, authorization to advertise for bids and setting 3:30 P.M. on March 14, 2002 for opening of sealed bids.



15.       Acting Director of Public Works requests approval of plans and specifications for the “Yountville Cross Road Bridge Seismic Repairs Project,” RDS 02-08, authorization to advertise for bids and setting 3:30 P.M. on March 14, 2002 for opening of sealed bids.



16.       Acting Director of Public Works/Aviation requests authorization for Chairman to sign a Certificate of Acceptance of an Avigation and Hazard Easement Deed from Owens Corning Corporation.  (Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 057-110-022 and 057-110-062)






17.       Clerk of the Board requests authorization to correct Board of Supervisors’ minutes of meeting of September 18, 2001, Item No. 28 regarding discretionary County Contributions funds to include approval of the Napa Valley Coalition of Non-Profit Agencies funding request in the amount of $25,000, as recommended by the County Executive Officer.



18.       County Counsel requests adoption of a resolution which will:


A.        Establish a Board of Directors to administer the affairs of the Napa County Winegrape Pest and Disease Control District; and

B.        Direct the County Executive Officer to immediately commence seeking applicants for the District Board, who meet the qualifications set forth in the Food & Agriculture Code, so nominations and appointments by the Board of Supervisors to the District Board may take place immediately, if the Supervisors’ decision on March 26, 2002, is to create such a District.

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  Exempt per California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 15320.














19.       County Counsel requests adoption of a resolution which will:


A.        Establish a Farmworker Housing Advisory Committee to advise the Board on the allocation of proceeds of any annual assessment which may be imposed;

B.        Establish a Committee composed of five planted vineyard landowners or their agents and two farmworkers, with staggered terms; and

C.        Direct the County Executive Officer to immediately commence seeking qualified applicants for the Committee.

            ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  Exempt per California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 15320.



20.       County Counsel and Auditor-Controller requests adoption of a resolution which will:


            A.        Rescind Resolution 01-160, which adopted a Revised Restated and Amended 457 Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust/Custodial Document; and

B.        Reinstate and Readopt the Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust/Custodial Document adopted on March 24, 1998 (Resolution 98-35).

            ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  None required.



21.       Job Training Director requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 74 appropriating $5,894 in the Training and Employment Center budget, with offsetting revenue from Workforce Investment Act (WIA) grant funds for youth programs.  (4/5 vote required)



22.       Job Training Director requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 75 appropriating $225,000 in the Training and Employment Center budget, with offsetting revenue from the North Bay Employment Connection Project Inclusion grant for activities relating to better serving the needs of people with disabilities.  (4/5 vote required)



23.       Job Training Director requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4580 with the Napa Valley College increasing the amount by $12,000 for a new maximum of $32,000 for additional client job skills training.



24.       Local Enforcement Agency Manager requests authorization to accept the 2001/02 Waste Tire Enforcement Grant from the California Integrated Waste Management Board in the amount of $32,894 for the term February 1, 2002 through April 1, 2004.








25.       Personnel Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Table and Index increasing the salary of certain management positions, effective January 19, 2002.



26.       Personnel Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Departmental Allocation List with regard to two (2) Quality Improvement Specialists and one (1) Office Assistant II and approving a new class specification of Quality Improvement Specialist in the Behavioral Health Department, effective March 2, 2002.  (Details on File with the Clerk of the Board)



27.       County Executive Officer requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4301 with Napa Valley Vintners Community Health Center for the term September 18, 2001 through June 30, 2002 in the amount of $100,000 to provide a health center for low-income individuals and families of Napa Valley.



28.       County Executive Officer requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with the Pope Valley Cemetery District for $20,000 for the term September 18, 2001 through June 30, 2002 for development and improvement of said Pope Valley Cemetery.



29.       County Executive Officer requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Acuent, Inc. for $88,200 for the term February 19, 2002 through June 30, 2002 for PeopleSoft Human Resources consulting.



30.       County Executive Officer requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the Napa County Fair Budget for Calendar Year January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002.  (Copy on File with the Clerk of the Board)



31.       County Executive Officer/Purchasing Agent and Agricultural Commissioner request authorization to declare one used Knopp FS-6 Electric Meter Portable Uniload Test Set as surplus and no longer required for public use and dispose of the unit by donation to the County of Solano.  (4/5 vote required)













32.      County Executive Officer/Purchasing Agent and Assessor/Recorder-County Clerk request the following:


            A.        Declare certain fixed assets as surplus and no longer required for public use;

            B.        Authorize their disposal at public auction; and

            C.        Authorize their removal from the County’s fixed asset list after disposal at public auction.



33.       Adoption of Retirement Resolution No. 02-24 for Norman Badion, Librarian III, Napa City-County Library, in recognition of over 28 years of service.



34.       Adoption of Retirement Resolution No. 02-25 for Joseph Steiner, Senior Deputy Sheriff II, Sheriff’s Department, in recognition of over 16 years of service.



35.       Approve minutes of Board of Supervisors’ meeting of December 18, 2001.









37.       9:05 A.M.  Special Meeting:


            The Board of Supervisors sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Monticello Public Cemetery District:



            A.        Approve minutes of Monticello Public Cemetery District meeting of January 8, 2002.

B.        Acting Director of Public Works requests adoption of a resolution amending the Napa County Policy Manual to add Part II, Section 25, establishing the creation of, and operational rules for, the Monticello Public Cemetery District Advisory Committee.

            C.        Adjournment.



38.       9:10 A.M.  Presentation of proclamation on behalf of the Napa County Commission on Self-Esteem recognizing a Community Hero.



39.       9:15 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  First reading and intention to adopt an ordinance amending the Napa County Code by amending Sections 3.10.050, 8.44.030, 13.12.010, 15.08.040, 15.60.010, 17.14.265, 17.22.110, 18.20.040, 18.40.020, 18.40.040, 18.40.050, 18.40.060, 18.40.100, 18.40.110, 18.40.130, 18.80.020, 18.80.050, 18.80.060, 18.80.070, and 18.116.060 pertaining to technical corrections, Section 17.06.050 pertaining to parcel map exemption procedures, and Chapter 17.46 pertaining to lot line adjustments.

            ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  Exempt (General Rule).



             THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ON MARCH 19, 2002 AT 10:00 A.M.)



40.       9:20 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  First reading and adoption of Proposed Ordinance Amendment No. 00232-ORD adding Chapter 18.104.245 to the Napa County Code for the purpose of modifying minimum parcel size and setback requirements for establishing Pre-Prohibition wineries.

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Negative Declaration Prepared.  According to the Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have, if mitigation measures are not included, potentially significant environmental impacts in the following areas: None.


             REQUESTS CONTINUANCE TO MARCH 19, 2002 AT 9:25 A.M.)





SET MATTERS – Continued



41.       9:20 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  Appeal filed by Irving Thomas to the Conservation, Development and Planning Director’s decision of September 5, 2001 to approve AT&T Wireless/Edgar Ilsley – Site Plan Approval Request No. 00383-SPA to (a) remove four 13 foot “whip” antennas from an existing 10 foot tall unmanned concrete building on the site; (b) add six unmanned AT&T Wireless Panel Antennas, each with a height of 8 feet, a depth of approximately 6.3 inches and a width of 11.6 inches mounted approximately 4 feet above the top of and on the south and west elevations of the same existing building; (c) replace an existing open mesh circular antenna dish attached to the southwest corner of the uninhabited concrete building with a new solid antenna with a diameter of approximately 10 feet; and (d) add new power and telecom connections to existing equipment, located on a 114.10+ acre parcel on the east side of Silverado Trail at the terminus of a private access road within an Agricultural Watershed (AW) Zoning District.  (Assessor’s Parcel No. 032-530-023)  6280(A) Silverado Trail, Yountville.

            ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  None Required (Ministerial Act).

            (CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 11, 2001 AND JANUARY 29, 2002; STAFF

             REQUESTS CONTINUANCE TO MARCH 12, 2002 AT 9:30 A.M.)



42.       9:30 A.M.  Board of Supervisors meeting as a Board of Equalization:


            A.        Approve minutes of Board of Equalization meeting of January 29, 2002.


            B.        Agenda review.




00-42                             Valley Convenience Stores, Inc.

                        (Assessor’s Parcel No. 850-000-007)


00-68                             Golden State Debris Box

                        (Assessor’s Parcel No. 800-050-277)


00-69                             American Canyon Disposal Service

                        (Assessor’s Parcel No. 800-049-163)


00-70                             Napa Valley Disposal Service

                        (Assessor’s Parcel No. 800-048-385)


00-71                             Buy In, Inc.

                        (Assessor’s Parcel No. 800-050-276)


00-78                             Napa Garbage Service

                        (Assessor’s Parcel No. 057-110-067)


*Withdrawals on file with the Clerk of the Board.



SET MATTERS – Continued


Item No. 42 - Continued





99-78               Austin Hills

                        (Assessor’s Parcel No. 032-530-007)

                        (CONTINUED TO APRIL 16, 2002)


00-80 &           Miner Family Winery, LLC

01-20               (Assessor’s Parcel No. 031-050-031)


*Requests for Continuance on file with the Clerk of the Board.


E.         Adjourn to Board of Equalization meeting Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at

9:30 A.M.



43.       9:30 A.M.  PUBLIC HEARING  Appeal filed by Vincent Spohn, Attorney on behalf of Carol Brodman, to a decision by the Conservation, Development and Planning Commission on October 3, 2001 to approve Olney Winery – Use Permit Request No. 00088-UP to establish a 25,000 gallon/year winery within a proposed 19,237 square foot winery structure and 15,000 square feet of caves with a marketing plan with 12 events per year, tours and tasting by appointment only, and retail wine sales on a 40 acre parcel located on the west side of Dry Creek Road.

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  Negative Declaration Prepared.   Approximately 1,500 feet south of its intersection with Linda Vista Avenue within an AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district.  According to the Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have, if mitigation measures are not included, potentially significant environmental impacts in the following areas:  None.


 TO MARCH 26, 2002 AT 10:00 A.M.)



44.       1:30 P.M.  Recess to the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (NCFCWCD) meeting.  (See NCFCWCD Agenda) 



45.       2:00 P.M.  Discussion relating to the relocation of the Humane Society, as required by the Napa Flood Control Project.  (Supervisor Rippey)













46.       Director of Conservation, Development, and Planning requests consideration and possible authorization for Chairman to sign a letter to the Napa County League of Municipalities (NCLOM), articulating its position regarding the Countywide Land Use and Housing Strategy and the certification of the Napa County Housing Element.






47.       Clerk of the Board requests appointment of one (1) person from the following applicants to serve on the Napa City-County Library Commission with the term of office to expire June 30, 2002:



            Luisa Coll-Pardo Heymann

Tom Feutz

Frank Hartzell

Mark Z. North

Craig J. Smith



48.       First reading and intention to adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 18.124 of the Napa county code by adding section 18.124.035 and amending Sections 18.124.010, 18.124.040, 18.124.060 18.124.070 and 18.124.100 pertaining to the issuance of use permits, making the Board of Supervisors the decision-making body for use permits and ceqa determinations when the Board is the decision-making body for any necessary companion action, such as a General Plan Amendment.

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), General Rule (County Guidelines Section 404).



49.       County Executive Officer to present Fiscal Year 2001/2002 Mid-Year Budget Report.



50.       Discussion and possible action regarding legislation.



51.       Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports and Announcements.











52.       Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda Items.



53.       Closed Session regarding:


            A.        CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR  (Government Code Section



Agency Negotiator:   Bruce Heid

Employee Organization:   County of Napa/Deputy Sheriff's Association




                        Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section

54956.9(b)  (One case)



                        Code Section 54957)