TUESDAY JANUARY 4, 2000 9:00 A.M.

Brad Wagenknecht

District 1

Mark Luce

District 2

Mel Varrelman

District 3

Kathryn Winter

District 4

Mike Rippey

District 5


Jay Hull

County Administrator

Mary Jean McLaughlin

Clerk of the Board

Robert Westmeyer

County Counsel









The Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. at 1195 Third Street, Room 305, Napa, California 94559. If you require an assistive listening device, interpreter or any other special arrangement please provide the Clerk of the Board with 24-hour notice by calling 253-4580 (253-6088TDD).

The agenda is divided into three sections:

CONSENT CALENDAR - These matters include routine financial and administrative actions, as well as the final adoption of ordinances and are approved by a single majority vote.

SET MATTERS - These items are noticed hearings, work sessions and public hearings.

REGULAR CALENDAR - These items include significant policy and administrative actions and are classified by program areas. Immediately after approval of the CONSENT CALENDAR, if the time for hearing SET MATTERS has not arrived, the REGULAR CALENDAR will be considered.

ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA please proceed to the rostrum and, after receiving recognition from the Chair, give your name, address, and your comments or questions. In order that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the specific subject under discussion. Time limitations shall be at the discretion of the Chair or Board.







1. Call to Order; Roll Call.


2. Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Presentation of Retirement Resolution No. 00-01 to Deanna Silvestri, Field Inspection Supervisor, Building Inspection, in recognition of over 31 years of service.


4. Board of Supervisors’ Organization for 2000:

A. Election of Officers (Chair and Vice-Chair) on Items 1 through 6.

1. Board of Supervisors.

Board of Supervisors meeting as the following:

  1. 2. Board of Equalization.
  2. 3. Silverado Community Services District.
  3. 4. Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District.
  4. 5. Napa-Berryessa Resort Improvement District.

  5. 6. Monticello Public Cemetery District.

Adjournment on Items 2 through 6.

    1. Board of Supervisors meeting as the Napa County Public Improvement Corporation.
    2. 1. Election of Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary).

      2. Adjournment.

    3. Board of Supervisors meeting as the Napa County Housing Authority.

1. Election of Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary).

2. Adjournment.



In this time period, anyone may address the Board of Supervisors regarding any subject over which the Board has jurisdiction but which is not on today's agenda. Individuals will be limited to a three-minute presentation. No action will be taken by the Board of Supervisors as a result of any item presented at this time.


6. Department Heads’ Reports and Announcements.





  1. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3555 with the City of Napa for a maximum of $8,000 for the term July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 to provide services to the Club Live program.

  3. Director of Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with CyberMill, Inc. for a maximum of $31,690 for the term November 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 to provide vocational development services for adolescent clients of the Children’s Division of HHSA.

  5. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3897A with the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) for the term July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 providing a maximum of $90,000 to fund Medi-Cal Administrative Activities performed by Health staff.

  7. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3402 with the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) which allocates $369,102 for the term October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000 and prescribes terms and conditions for operation of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition program.

  9. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4149 with Alternatives for Better Living increasing the contract amount by $1,638 for a new maximum of $5,004 to provide counseling services to clients referred by the Children’s program.

  11. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Napa County Council for Economic Opportunity, Inc. (NCCEO) for a maximum of $20,000 for the term July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 to provide counseling and referral services to families with members involved or at risk of involvement in gang activity.





    CONSENT CALENDAR – Continued

    HUMAN SERVICES – Continued


  13. Director of Health and Human Services Agency requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign the following amendments to agreements with psychiatric hospitals to conform rates to those mandated by the California Department of Mental Health:

    1. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 3592 with St. Helena Hospital for inpatient managed care;
    2. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4135 with California Specialty Hospital for inpatient managed care;
    3. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4141 with St. Helena Hospital for uninsured mental health care; and
    4. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4142 with California Specialty Hospital for uninsured mental health care.




14. Agricultural Commissioner requests authorization to sign an agreement with the 25th District Agricultural Association (Napa Valley Exposition) for the use of the site for the Department’s "Hands-on Training" workshop to be held March 15, 2000.


  1. Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign a Multiple Listing Agreement with Robert Harris, co-listing Coldwell Banker Commercial Brokers of the Valley, for the sale of the Polk/Franklin Street property, for the term ending March 14, 2000, at a maximum cost not to exceed five percent (5%) of the sale price.

  3. Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4166 with Glass Architects for an amount equal to 12% of the construction cost, to prepare preliminary designs, plans and cost estimates relating to the Hall of Justice, Historic Courthouse and Administration Building, with a maximum fee of $55,990.

  5. Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with Glass Architects for an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the term January 10, 2000 through December 1, 2000 for preliminary design, plans and cost estimates relating to the Yountville Maintenance Facility.




PROPERTY – Continued


18. Director of Public Works requests adoption of amendments to the County of Napa Departmental Vehicle Assignments and to the County of Napa 24-Hour Vehicle Assignments.


  1. Director of Public Works requests authorization to disburse $125,669 from the Traffic Mitigation-Airport Area Trust Account to Napa Valley Gateway, Ltd. as reimbursement for construction of a portion of Devlin Road.

  3. Director of Public Works requests acceptance of the work as complete and authorization for Chairman to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the Clerk/Recorder for Contract No. PW 99-15-R, "Administration and Hall of Justice Parking Overlay and Sheriff’s Parking Expansion".

  5. Director of Public Works requests approval and authorization to issue a Request for Proposals to conduct a space analysis of County departments. (Request for Proposals on file with the Clerk of the Board)


22. Board of Supervisors meeting as the Board of Directors of the Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District:

    1. Approve minutes of the Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District meeting of November 16, 1999.
    2. District Engineer requests the following actions:

    1. Authorization for the District to apply for a Natural Disaster Assistance Act grant from the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) in the amount of $360,000 to repair erosion damage to District facilities;
    2. Adoption of a resolution designating the District Engineer as the "Applicant’s Agent" to OES pertaining to the application and administration of OES grant funding; and
    3. Adoption of a resolution establishing California Department of Transportation Standards, Napa County Road and Street Standards, Napa County Conservation Regulations and certain other policies as District procedure.

C. Adjournment.






PROPERTY – Continued


23. Board of Supervisors meeting as the Board of Directors of the Silverado Community Services District:

    1. Approve minutes of the Silverado Community Services District meetings of August 10, September 15 and September 21, 1999.

B. District Manager requests appointment of the following members and alternates to the Silverado Community Services District Advisory Board for calendar year 2000 based on nominations made by the Silverado Property Owners Association:

Member Alternate Representing

Joe Russoniello John Davis Cottage A

Sarah Gianelli George Doka Cottages B & C

James Rawlinson Joann Del Re Cottage D

John Egan Dr. Phil Hicks Oakcreek East/Grove

Bill Eagleton VACANT Fairways

Eleanor Kimbrough Dick Harding Creekside

Dr. Arthur Hemphill Alice Peterson Silverado Oaks

Enzo Belli Bob Boney Unit 1

David Hull VACANT Units 2A, 2B, 2C

Bill Trautman John Hagerty Unit 4/Crest

Eric Lehman Harold Helbing Units 5A & 5B

Eileen Ripple VACANT Silver Trail

Bok Reitzel Bob Stewart Silverado Springs

Kirk Candland Silverado Country Club

& Resort

C. Adjournment.




  1. Job Training Director requests authorization to amend the Departmental Allocation List to delete one (1) Account Clerk II and add one (1) Account Clerk II-Limited Term (LT) position, effective January 8, 2000 through June 30, 2000.


25. Library Director requests adoption of a resolution authorizing the Director of Napa City-County Library to apply for and use a credit card solely for the purchase of library materials.








  1. Library Director requests approval of the following actions related to a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:

    1. Authorization for Chairman to sign a grant agreement in the amount of $16,063 for the term ending June 30, 2000 for public access computer equipment;
    2. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 36 appropriating $16,063 in the Library budget (Budget Unit 61200), with offsetting revenue from the grant; and
    3. Approval of out-of-state travel by Assistant Library Director Janet McCoy, Library Computer Systems Technician Melissa Cornell, Librarian III Norman Badion and Library Associate II Katherine Anderson for grant-related training in Seattle, Washington from February 12-19, 2000.


  1. Personnel Director requests authorization to amend the Departmental Allocation List deleting one (1) Emergency Services Manager from Emergency Services (Budget Unit 29300) and adding one (1) Emergency Services Manager to County Administrator (Budget Unit 10200), effective January 8, 2000.

  3. Personnel Director requests authorization to amend the Departmental Allocation List for Management Information Services (Budget Unit 17700) to delete one (1) Office Assistant II and add one (1) Senior Office Assistant, effective January 4, 2000.

  5. Personnel Director requests the following:

    1. Approve the Tentative Agreement between the County of Napa and NAPE/SEIU Local 614 regarding equity adjustments in January, 2000 and January, 2001; and
    2. Amend the Table and Index effective January 8, 2000 increasing the salary of positions within the listed Key Classes as outlined in documents on file with the Clerk of the Board.


  1. Personnel Director requests adoption of a resolution requesting authorization to hold a Referendum for eligible employees as defined in Section 218(D)(3) of the Federal Social Security Act.






    CONSENT CALENDAR – Continued



  3. Regional Training Employment Coordinator requests approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign an agreement with School Web Services for a maximum of $18,600 for the term December 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 for web design and content coordination.

  5. County Administrator and Clerk of the Board request adoption of a 2000 meeting schedule for the Board of Supervisors specifying the following Tuesday dates as those on which the Board will not meet:
  6. February 15, 2000 October 31, 2000

    July 4, 2000 December 19, 2000

    September 5, 2000 December 26, 2000


  7. Approve minutes of Board of Supervisors’ meeting of December 7, 1999.






  1. 9:10 A.M. Director of Public Works requests discussion and possible action regarding a potential recreational opportunity on Napa Flood Project land after completion of the project.

  3. 9:30 A.M. Executive Director of the Napa County Transportation Planning Agency will make a presentation regarding bicycle planning, programming and safety in the Napa region.

  5. 10:15 A.M. Discussion and possible action related to hosting a four-defendant jury trial including the following:
  6. A. Discussion of estimated project costs and potential state and federal funding to offset costs to the County;

    B. Approval of emergency construction within the Hall of Justice to accommodate a multiple-party, four-jury homicide trial set to commence on February 23, 2000; and

    C. Approval of and authorization for Chairman to sign a construction contract with Blythe and Associates for a maximum of $75,000 to complete the project without the giving of a notice of bids or award of the contract through competitive bidding, as permitted by Public Contract Code 1102, 20134 and 22050.


  7. 1:30 P.M. Recess to the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (NCFCWCD) meeting. (See NCFCWCD Agenda)

  9. 2:00 P.M. Recess to the Napa County Flood Protection and Watershed Improvement Authority (NCFPWIA) meeting. (See NCFPWIA Agenda)




  11. Discussion and possible action regarding appointments of Board members to various committees, commissions and advisory boards.


41. Discussion and possible action regarding legislation.







42. Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports and Announcements.


43. Board of Supervisors’ Future Agenda Items.


44. Closed Session regarding:


(Government Code Section 54956.9(a)):

Names of cases:

    1. Alan Cowardin et al. v. Board of Supervisors for the County of Napa and John Tuteur, Registrar of Voters for the County of Napa. (Napa Superior Court Case No. 26-07036)
    2. Sierra Club v. County of Napa, et al. (Napa County Superior Court Case No.
    3. 26-07212)

    4. Sierra Club v. County of Napa, et al. (Napa County Superior Court Case No.
    5. 26-07213)

    6. Sierra Club v. County of Napa, et al. (Napa County Superior Court Case No.
    7. 26-08229)

    8. City of St. Helena, et al. v. Napa Valley Wine Train, Inc. (Public Utilities
    9. Case No. 88-03-016)

    10. Napa Citizens for Honest Government and North Bay Citizens for Responsible

Transportation v. County of Napa. (Napa County Superior Court Case No.
