APPROVAL OF MINUTES REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the September 20, 2021 special meeting minutes.
MEETING DATES - 2022 REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and Adoption by the Board of the proposed meeting schedule for calendar year 2022.
ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT REQUESTED ACTION: Approval and Acceptance of the Authority's annual June 30, 2021 financial audit.
REMOTE TELECONFERENCE MEETINGS REQUESTED ACTION: Executive Director requests approval of Resolution No. 2021-05 making findings and declaring the Board's intent to initiate and continue remote teleconference meetings pursuant to Government Code section 54953(e), based on the Governor’s declaration of a state of emergency and local recommendation for continued remote attendance at Brown Act meetings due to the threat of COVID-19.
ELECTIONS REQUESTED ACTION: Accept nominations and elect officers for Chair and Vice-Chair. These selections will commence in the new calendar year.
CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Staff to provide an update on the status of activities relevant to the Act.
ADOPTION OF SB 1383 MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) DISCUSSION AND REQUESTED ACTION: Agency Manager requests discussion and adoption of MOUs between the Agency and each of its members in support of implementation of SB 1383 (Organics Diversion).
FRANCHISES' STATUS DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Manager and Company to provide an update concerning the implementation of franchises' activities.
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WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANIES' ISSUES DISCUSSION ITEM: This is an opportunity for the franchisee(s) to discuss/raise any items of concern they may wish the UVA to consider.
MANAGER'S REPORT DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Manager to provide an update on the status of current activities and obtain Board direction on a process for use of available surplus funds.
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REPORTS FROM JURISDICTIONS DISCUSSION ITEM: Reports by the member jurisdictions of current information relevant to the Agency:
- Napa County
- Calistoga
- St. Helena
- Yountville
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FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of any items Board members wish to have addressed at a future meeting date.
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CLOSED SESSION: Conference with Legal Counsel; Existing Litigation (Gov. Code, § 54956.9(d)(1)) The Agency Board finds, based on advice from legal counsel, that discussion in open session will prejudice the position of the Agency in the litigation.Name of Case: WhataWasteNV.org v. Upper Valley Waste Management Agency et al.Name of Parties: WhataWasteNV.org; Upper Valley Waste Management Agency; Clover Flat Land Fill, Inc.; Vista Corporation; Upper Valley Disposal ServiceCase No.: Napa County Superior Court Case No.: 21CV001451