Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission 9/5/2012 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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CEQA Status: A Negative Declaration was prepared. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the project would not have potentially significant effects on the environment. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new 20,000 gallon per year winery with the following: 1) utilize a 1,728 square foot existing barn; 2) construct a 10,000 square foot winery cave; 3) construct 1,100 square foot covered crushpad totaling 12,828 square feet; 4) employ three full-time and one part-time employees; 5) conduct hours of operation - 7:00 AM-6:00 PM, seven days per week, tours and tastings hours as 10 AM-4 PM; 6) nine parking spaces; 7) tours and tastings by appointment only, a maximum of four people per day Monday through Friday and eight people per day Saturday and Sunday for a maximum of 36 people per week; 8) a marketing plan that includes twelve events per year with a maximum of 25 persons per event and two events per year for a maximum of 80 persons per event. Catered food will be included; and, 9) installation of a new septic system and wastewater process system.

The 12.33 acre project site is located at the intersection of Second Avenue and Rapp Lane, bordered on the north by Chateau Lane within a AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district. (Assessor's Parcel No. 052-170-020). 15 Chateau Lane, Napa.

Staff Recommendation: Approve the Negative Declaration and approve the Use Permit as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Linda St. Claire (707) 299-1348,

Supporting Documents
A Exhibit A - Findings ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )
B Proposed Conditions of Approval ( Microsoft Word Document - 36 kb )
C Original Use Permit - Marshall Vineyard and Cellars Staff Report 03526-UP ( Adobe PDF Document - 4828 kb )
D Groundwater Permit ( Adobe PDF Document - 348 kb )
E Department Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 405 kb )
F Negative Declaration/Initial Study ( Microsoft Word Document - 93 kb )
G Greenhouse Gas Summary ( Adobe PDF Document - 435 kb )
H Application ( Adobe PDF Document - 2435 kb )
I Graphics ( Adobe PDF Document - 1343 kb )