Presentation of a proclamation declaring October 4-10, 2004 as “Mental Health Awareness Week” in Napa County.
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Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of revenue Agreement No. 3110 with the California Department of Health Services for a maximum of $123,759 for the term April 1, 2004 through March 31, 2007 for services related to the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Program.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3740 with Community Health Clinic Olé for a maximum of $95,000 for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 to provide indigent medical services.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign renewals of the following agreements with Telecare Corporation for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005:
- Agreement No. 4277 to provide managed care inpatient mental health services; and
- Agreement No. 4464 for a maximum of $25,000 to provide inpatient mental health services to uninsured clients.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4597 with Napa Valley Unified School District, Napa Valley Adult School for a maximum of $5,000 for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 to provide training services to clients participating in the Training and Employment Center Program.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following agreements with the California Department of Health Services for the provision of HIV Counseling and Testing and AIDS Education and Prevention services:
- Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 3409 (AIDS Master Grant Agreement) decreasing the amount by $42,926 for a new maximum of $639,947;
- Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 3485 prescribing terms and conditions for HIV Counseling and Testing; and
- Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 3820 prescribing terms and conditions for AIDS Education and Prevention activities.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4857 with Thomas Jackson, M.D., incorporating agency-wide changes to the General Terms and Conditions and increasing documentation standards for services provided in the Mental Health Outpatient Managed Care Program.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 6154 with Randy Snowden increasing the amount by $5,000 for a new maximum of $20,000 and incorporating agency-wide changes to the General Terms and Conditions for Fiscal Year 2004-2005.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 6197 with Ocadian Care Centers, dba Medical Hill Rehabilitation Center, incorporating agency-wide changes to the General Terms and Conditions and revising the rate of compensation for Fiscal Year 2004-2005.
Acting Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 6254 with Boys and Girls Club of Napa Valley increasing the amount by $14,419 for a new maximum of $64,297, incorporating agency-wide changes to the General Terms and Conditions and revising the Scope of Work include project activity deadlines for youth skills training services.
Director of Public Works requests award of the contract for the "Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing of Silverado Trail Project," RDS 04-16, to R.D. Evans Grading and Paving of Foresthill, California, for their low base bid of $897,087 and authorization for the Chair to sign the construction contract.
Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign renewals of the following agreements with the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture to perform services for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005:
- Agreement No. 3547 for reimbursement of expenditures for weighmaster audits with revenue not to exceed $4,650;
- Agreement No. 4212 for reimbursement of expenditures for the enforcement of the California Organic Foods Act with revenue not to exceed $1,400;
- Agreement No. 2683 for reimbursement of expenditures for performance of inspections and sampling of petroleum products with revenue not to exceed $2,325;
- Agreement No. 4103 for reimbursement of expenditures for high-risk pest exclusion inspection services with revenue not to exceed $4,674; and
- Agreement No. 2036 for payment not to exceed $60,380 for animal damage control services.
Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Joint Powers Agreement No. 3633 with Sonoma County Sealer of Weights and Measures to include the Marin County Sealer and to accept Marin County’s weight truck and petroleum truck into the agreement.
Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution regarding the following in connection with the Public Administrator-Guardian Division of the Health and Human Services Agency, effective October 5, 2004:
- Amend the Departmental Allocation List to add one (1) Assistant Public Guardian/Conservator and one (1) .5 Senior Office Assistant and delete one (1) Assistant to the Public Administrator/Guardian/Conservator and one (1) Probate Assistant;
- Amend the Table and Index to add Assistant Public Guardian/Conservator; and
- Amend appropriate policies to add Assistant Public Guardian/Conservator.
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Human Resources Director requests approval of a ninety (90) day extension of Leave Without Pay for a Child Support Specialist II in Child Support Services through December 31, 2004.
Approve minutes of the meeting held September 21, 2004.
Acting Director of Conservation, Development and Planning recommends:
- Consideration and possible adoption of a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 86-53 (which adopted the 1986 County California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines) and Adopting Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Categorical Exemption Class 8: It has been determined that this type of project does not have a significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act [See Class 8 (“Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment”) which may be found in the Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act at 14 CCR 15308.]; and
- First reading and intention to adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 2.88 adding a new Section 2.88.050 (I) regarding environmental statements in connection with appeals.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: General Rule. It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and therefore CEQA is not applicable [See Guidelines For the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, 14 CCR 15061(b)(3)]. (CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 14, 2004; STAFF RECOMMENDS CONTINUANCE TO OCTOBER 26, 2004 AT 1:30 P.M.)
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Recess to the Napa County Flood Protection and Watershed Improvement Authority (NCFPWIA) meeting (See NCFPWIA Agenda).
Adoption of a resolution amending the Napa County Policy Manual to modify the Rules of Conduct of the Napa County Board of Supervisors to add guidelines relating to appointments of Board members to committees, commissions, boards authorities, and to amend the policy regarding public appointments. (CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 28, 2004)
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CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6)
Agency Designated Representatives: Dennis Morris, Human Resources Director Unrepresented Employees: Non-Classified, Management and Confidential Employees of the County of Napa (Excluding Elected Officials)