APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Staff requests approval of the February 3, 2005 regular meeting minutes.
BUDGET TRANSFER. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a budget transfer reflecting an increase in revenues and appropriations for additional construction and demolition advosory services by Brown, Vence and Associates, and for the purchase of a settlement tank for the construction and demolition project at the DRTS.
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Budget Transfer
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet -
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TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT. Marcia Hull will provide an annual Treasurer's report and an update on the investment report.
RATES. The Authority Manager recommends a fee increase to improve cash flow and increase fiscal security of the Authority as follows; 1. The Authority member’s franchise haulers who have committed to using the Authority facilities – no increase
2. Self haul users - $56 per ton effective 4/21/05, an additional $1 effective 10/01/05, and an addition $1 effective 7/1/06
3. Material selected for C&D diversion- $54 per ton
NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR RECYCLE/RE-USE BUILDING. Manager requests acceptance of th ework as complete and authorization for the Chair to sign and the Clerk of the Board to file a Notice of Completion with the Clerk/Recorder for Authority Agreement #04-01, "DRTS Reuse/Recycling Center Building".
FIRE REPAIR REVIEW. Review of the emergency findings and authorization pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c)(1) for the Devlin Road Transfer Station Fire Repairs made by the Board at their February meeting and determine that there is a need to continue such action, and that such need continues to exist.
NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR FIRE REPAIRS. Accept the work as complete and authorize Chair to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the Clerk/Recorder for the Authority Agreement #04-06 for the Devlin Road Solid Waste Transfer Building Fire Repair.
PUBLIC HEARING: CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C&D) ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. Approval of Authority Resolution #05-02 concerning the initial study and proposed final mitigated negative declaration for the Devlin Road Transfer Station construction and demolition project.
BVA AGREEMENT AMENDMENT. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign the 3rd amendment to Authority Agreement #04-10 with Brown Vence and Associated to provide additional services related to construction and demolition activities at the DRTS.
SETTLEMENT TANK PURCHASE. Approval and authorization for the Manager to purchase a settlement tank for stormwater activities for the proposed construction and demolition activities.
CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C&D) FINAL REPORT. Approval and acceptance of the final construction and demolition report for the DRTS
UNTARPED SELF-HAUL. Discussion of potential options to address untarped loads.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT UPDATE. Staff to provide an update on the capital improvements project.
MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT. Staff to discuss the January 2005 monthly financial report of the Authority.
LEGISLATION. Staff to review current Federal and State Solid Waste legislation.
MANAGER'S REPORT. Manager will report on activities related to the Authority.
REPORTS FROM JURISDICTIONS. Reports of current information relative to the Authority by the member jurisdictions:
- Vallejo
- Napa City
- Napa County
- American Canyon
BOARD OF DIRECTORS' COMMENTS. Opportunity for the Board members to raise any issues or concerns not addressed elsewhere on the agenda.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. Discussion of any items Board members wish to have addressed at a future meeting date.
ADJOURNMENT. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Napa-Vallejo Waste Management Authority's Board of Directors will take place on Thursday, April 7, 2005, at the City of American Canyon's Community Meeting Room.