SILVERADO SUSCOL, LLC - VERIZON WIRELESS TELECOMMUNCIATIONS FACILITY - AIRPORT LAND USE CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION # P11-00126-ALUC Request: Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Consistency Determination for a proposed co-located, unmanned telecommunications facility on an existing 136.8 ft. tall (176.4 ft MSL) PG&E tower as required pursuant to the State Aeronautics Act, Public Utilities Code Chapter 4, Article 3.5, Section 21676. The existing tower will be raised from 136.8 ft. to 142.8 ft. (182.4 MSL) in height. The property is located on an approximately 143.08 acre parcel on the east side of Anderson Road, approximately 700 feet southeast of the intersection at Napa-Vallejo Highway (SR 221) and Anderson Road, in Napa County Airport Compatibility Zone C, Extended Approach/Departure Zone, approximately 1.42 mile (7,500 feet) northeast of the Runway Protection Zone. (Assessor's Parcel Number: 046-400-047) 500 Soscol Creek Road, Napa
Staff Recommendation: That the Commission find the project consistent with the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.
Staff Contact: Ronald Gee, 299-1351, ronald.gee@countyofnapa.org
IASCO FLIGHT TRAINING CENTER INFORMATION ITEM Request: Information item concerning the status of the IASCO Flight Training Center since the departure of Japan Airlines and the new China pilot training program, located at the Napa County Airport, 2000 Airport Road, Napa
Staff Recommendation: No action.
Staff Contact: Ronald Gee, 299-1351, ronald.gee@countyofnapa.org