Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission 1/5/2011 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda


CEQA Status:
Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared. According to the proposed mitigated negative declaration, if mitigation measures are not included, the proposed project would have potentially significant environmental impacts in the following areas: Biological Resources, Population & Housing and Transportation/Traffic. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit, including a Variation to the Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan (AIASP) site development standards to establish a new 20,000 gallon per year winery with: 1) a new ±7,110 square foot building for winery production uses; 2) a 2,660 square foot covered outdoor area for crush activities, fermentation tanks and bottling; 3) the conversion of an existing circa 1855 2,000 square foot residence to winery accessory uses; 4) five full-time and five part-time employees; 5) eleven on-site parking spaces; 6) by-appointment tours and tastings with a maximum of 32 visitors per day and 224 per week; 7) a marketing plan with four food & wine pairing events per week for a maximum of 50 guests at each event and eight food & wine pairing events per year for a maximum of 50 guests at each event; 8) access via an existing access drive on an adjoining property off Devlin Road that will be widened to approximately 20-feet except as noted below; 9) an on-site system for domestic sanitary waste and a hold and haul system for winery process waste disposal; and 10) water service from the City of American Canyon.  The proposed Variation to the AIASP development standards would allow a reduction of the setback from Suscol creek, and reductions of drive aisle and landscape planter widths. The project is located on a 1.0 acre parcel approximately 400-feet west of Devlin Road and approximately 200-feet south of Suscol Creek. APN's: 057-170-007 (project site) & 057-170-008 (access drive). 129 Devlin Road, Napa.

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring and reporting program and approve the use permit with the proposed conditions of approval.

Staff Contact: Sean Trippi, 299-1353 or

Supporting Documents
A Findings ( Microsoft Word Document - 67 kb )
B Proposed Conditions of Approval ( Microsoft Word Document - 72 kb )
C Review Agency Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 1085 kb )
D Initial Study / Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program ( Adobe PDF Document - 1744 kb )
E Wastewater Feasibility Report & Amendments ( Adobe PDF Document - 1440 kb )
F Application Submittal Materials ( Adobe PDF Document - 1967 kb )
G Correspondence - DFG letter ( Adobe PDF Document - 325 kb )
H Project Graphics ( Adobe PDF Document - 5495 kb )


CEQA Status:
  Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15304 of the California Environmental Quality Act (Class - 4 Minor alteration to the condition of land) and Appendix B, Class 4 of the Napa County Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act.  This project is not on any lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5

Request: Approval of a use permit modification to a Comprehensive Sign Plan (#96639-S) for the Press Restaurant to permit a two sided, 35 square foot free standing pole sign with white background, black lettering, indirect illumination, and at an overall height of 16 feet.  The sign will be located within an extension of an existing fire hydrant/parking island adjacent to the right of way for State Highway 29.  The project site is located on the west side of State Route 29, approximately 470 ft. north of its intersection with Inglewood Avenue within a CN (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning district. Assessor's Parcel Number 027-150-001. 607 St. Helena Highway, St. Helena.

Staff recommendation: Find the project categorically exempt and approve an alternative ground mounted sign not to exceed 4 ft. in height or 32 square feet in area.

Staff contact: Mary Doyle, 299-1350 or

Supporting Documents
A Findings ( Microsoft Word Document - 45 kb )
B Conditions of Approval ( Microsoft Word Document - 50 kb )
C Application Material ( Adobe PDF Document - 203 kb )
D Review Agency Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 136 kb )
E Graphics ( Adobe PDF Document - 1142 kb )


Request:  Presentation of a draft informational handout containing a compilation of all existing County policies and requirements related to project design.  Commission and public comments are requested.

Staff Recommendation:  Information item.  Commission may provide direction.

Staff Contact:  John McDowell, 299-1354 or or Linda St. Claire, 299-1348 or

Supporting Documents
A Draft Design Guidelines ( Adobe PDF Document - 1203 kb )