Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission 6/16/2010 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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CEQA Status:
 Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the proposed mitigated negative declaration, if mitigation measures are not included, the proposed project would have potentially significant environmental impacts in the following area: Biological Resources. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code section 65962.5. 
Request: Variance to allow construction of a new winery within required road setbacks (300 feet required, 69 feet proposed). Use Permit to establish a new 50,000 gallon per year winery with: 1.) a 9,034 sq. ft. three level barrel storage building with adjoining courtyard; 2.) an approximately 11,600 sq. ft. wine production and storage cave; 3.) three full-time and three part-time employees; 4.) fourteen parking spaces; 5.) by-appointment tours and tastings with a maximum of 18 visitors per day and 40 per week; 6.) a marketing plan with twelve 25-person events, twelve 50-person events, two 50-person harvest events, and participation in Auction Napa Valley (all marketing events include catered food service); 7.) relocation of the existing private drive extending from Lommel Road; 8.) new domestic and process wastewater treatment systems; and 9.) two new upslope water tanks totaling approximately 90,000 gallons.  The project is located on a 15 acre parcel located at the terminus of Lommel Road, approximately 1 mile northeast of its intersection with the Silverado Trail and within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district. APN: 018-060-027, Calistoga

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring and reporting plan and approve the requested variance and use permit as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Chris Cahill, 253-4847 or

Supporting Documents
A Proposed Findings ( Adobe PDF Document - 147 kb )
B Proposed Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 68 kb )
C Fire Marshal's Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 141 kb )
D Environmental Management Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 56 kb )
E Public Works Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 233 kb )
F Building Division Comments/Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 58 kb )
G Public Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 21 kb )
H Project Revision Statement and Mitigation Monitoring Program ( Adobe PDF Document - 82 kb )
I Mitigated Negative Declaration ( Adobe PDF Document - 2566 kb )
J Greenhouse Gas Reduction Checklist ( Adobe PDF Document - 194 kb )
K Submitted Application Materials ( Adobe PDF Document - 2849 kb )
L Graphics ( Adobe PDF Document - 6760 kb )


  Negative Declaration Prepared.  According to the Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have no potentially significant impacts. This project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government code section 65962.5.
REQUEST:  (A) Approval of a Variance from the required road setbacks set forth in Napa County Code section 18.104.230 (A.)(2.) to allow the construction of a winery building no more than 130 feet from the centerline of a shared private access road where 300 feet is required. (B) Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new 45,000 gallon per year winery in three phases totaling 31,200 square feet as proposed below: Phase I:  Demolish an existing barn and two small agricultural structures; construct a new, two-story fermentation building with barrel storage, mechanical room, administrative office, wine library and tasting room and covered crush pad/work areas for a Phase I winery totaling 21,603 square feet; with 10 full-time and 5 part-time employees; 23 parking spaces (incl. one ADA space); Tours and Tasting By Appointment Only for a maximum of 24 visitors per day (168 max. per week); a Marketing plan with four 20-person food and wine pairing events per month, four 50-person industry/wine club events per year, one wine auction event per year and participation in the Napa Valley Wine Auction (all events will serve food items); install a commercial kitchen with a new water system; install a combined winery and domestic sanitary wastewater subsurface drip dispersal system; make improvements to the existing main access for winery production use. Phase II: Construct a second 5,760 square foot two-story structure immediately adjacent to the proposed Phase I winery structure to include a second outdoor crush/work area, additional barrel storage, a commercial kitchen, hospitality area and outdoor patio area. Phase III: Construct an addition to the Phase II structure totaling 3,837 square feet to include additional wine storage; a mechanical equipment room and an outdoor patio.  The project is located on a 10.39 acre parcel on the northwest side of Las Amigas Road approximately 350 feet east of its intersection from Cuttings Wharf Road and approximately 2 miles southwest of St. Hwy. 12/121 within an Agricultural Watershed:Airport Compatibility (AW:AC) combination zoning district. (Assessor’s Parcel #: 047-240-037) 1016 Las Amigas Road, Napa.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Variance and Use Permit as proposed with conditions of approval.

Staff Contact: Patricia Hornisher 299-1349 or

Supporting Documents
A Exhibit A - Findings ( Adobe PDF Document - 62 kb )
B Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval ( Adobe PDF Document - 105 kb )
C Initial Study/Negative Declaration ( Adobe PDF Document - 594 kb )
D Biological and Cultural Resource Assessments ( Adobe PDF Document - 245 kb )
E Department Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 519 kb )
F Use Permit Application Materials ( Adobe PDF Document - 1480 kb )
G Greenhouse Gas Checklist ( Adobe PDF Document - 489 kb )
H Wastewater Feasibility and Phase One Water Reports ( Adobe PDF Document - 3210 kb )
I Variance Application Materials ( Adobe PDF Document - 883 kb )
J Ceja Neighbor Outreach Letter ( Adobe PDF Document - 69 kb )
K Report Graphics ( Adobe PDF Document - 1577 kb )