Agendas & Minutes

Board of Supervisors 7/27/2004 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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Chief Probation Officer requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following agreements with Fouts Springs Youth Facility for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 to provide court ordered placement of wards:

  1. Agreement No. 4391 at a monthly rate of $3,346 per male ward; and 
  2. Amendment No. 1 of Agreement No. 6215 at a monthly rate of $3,559 per female ward.


Napa Special Investigations Bureau (NSIB) Governing Board requests approval of the following distribution totalling $138,000 from seized and forfeited funds from narcotic/drug trafficking investigations in Napa County (4/5 vote required):

  1. Napa Sheirff's Department              41.5%         $ 57,270
  2. Napa Police Department                23.5%            32,430
  3. Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement     11.0%            15,180
  4. St. Helena Police Department          9.0%            12,420
  5. Calistoga Police Department            9.0%            12,420
  6. Napa Probation Department             6.0%              8,280


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewals of the following agreements for a maximum of $12,000 each for the term May 18, 2004 through June 30, 2005 to provide Touchpoints child development training:

  1. Agreement No. 4440 with Napa County Office of Education; and
  2. Agreement No. 4445 with Ralph Myers, M.D.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 4880 with Smithson/Dillon Associates for a maximum of $15,000 for the term July 1, 2004 through September 30, 2004 to provide a part-time Executive Director for the Workforce Investment Board.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 4667 with Care Network, LLC, decreasing the amount by $4,000 for a new maximum of $6,000 to provide in-home protective services to dependent adults.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following agreements with George Monteverdi, M.D., for the term July 27, 2004 through June 30, 2005:  

  1. Agreement for a maximum of $39,000 to provide medical consultation services in the California Children’s Services and Medical Therapy Unit Programs; and 
  2. Business Associate Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of the following actions regarding Karen Lee Smith, M.D.:

  1. Waiver of the registered voter requirements of Government Code Section 24001 in regard to item (2) finding that waiver is in the best interest of the County to prevent an interruption in essential services;
  2. Authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Karen Lee Smith, M.D., appointing her to serve as Interim Napa County Health Officer for a maximum of $27,440 for the term August 1, 2004 through September 30, 2004; and 
  3. Authorization for the Chair to sign a Business Associate Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of the following actions regarding the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant for bioterrorism:

  1. Authorization for the Chair to sign a revenue agreement with the California Department of Health Services for a maximum of $197,470 for the term September 1, 2003 through August 30, 2005; and
  2. Budget Transfer No. 8 increasing appropriations by $90,023 in the Public Health budget with offsetting revenues from the HRSA grant to fund contract expenditures and administrative costs. (4/5 vote required)


Library Director requests authorization to accept a donation in the amount of $7,500 from the Friends of the Napa Library, and a donation of $39,600 from the Napa City-County Public Library Foundation.


Library Director requests acceptance of a Library Services and Technology Act grant administered by the California State Library, in the amount of $5,022 for the Public Library Staff Education Program.


Library Director requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 6 canceling Library Fund designation and increasing appropriations by $25,613 in the Library budget, for supplemental collection development. (4/5 vote required)


Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement No. 4478 with William and Dorothy Keller, for leased space located at 1721 First Street, Napa, California for Emergency Medical Services staff, for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, for a new cost of $37,596 annually.


Director of Public Works requests the reallocation of $25,000 in Proposition 12 Parks Bond Act Per Capita Grant funds from the Solano Avenue Bicycle Rest Stop to the Napa Solano Ridge Trail Project.


Director of Public Works requests approval of plans and specifications for the “Cuttings Wharf Road Class II Bike Lane Extension Project,” RDS 04-05, authorization to advertise for bids and setting 3:30 P.M. on August 26, 2004 for opening of sealed bids.


Second reading and adoption of an ordinance amending portions of Chapter 15.60 of the Napa County Code relating to affordable housing and housing impact fees for non-residential developments.

Supporting Documents
A Ordinance ( Microsoft Word Document - 220 kb )


Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution amending the Departmental Allocation List for the Building Division of the Conservation, Development and Planning Department with regards to adding six (6) Building Inspector I/II/III positions and deleting four (4) Building Inspector I/II and two (2) Building Inspector III positions, effective July 31, 2004.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 23 kb )


Human Resources Director requests adoption of a resolution correcting the effective date of Resolution No. 04-103 amending the Departmental Allocation List with regard to positions in the Social Services and Training and Employment Divisions of the Health & Human Services Agency, effective July 31, 2004. 

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 25 kb )


County Executive Officer requests approval of Budget Transfer No. 7 increasing the appropriations in the Regional Training Employment budget by $198,500 with offsetting revenues from the State of California Employment Development Department for Project COMPASS to provide one-stop employment services to people with disabilities. (4/5 vote required)


County Executive Officer requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 6214 with Bartel Associates, LLC increasing the amount by $15,500 for a new maximum of $20,000 for actuarial servces related to the CalPERS. 


County Executive Officer requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with the Napa Valley Housing Authority (NVHA) for a maximum of $30,000 for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 for administration of the County's Affordable Housing Fund.


County Executive Officer requests the following appointment/reappointments to the Napa Valley Workforce Investment Board with the term of office to commence immediately and expire as indicated: 

Name Representing Term Expires
Seth Hudson          Economic Development              

June 30, 2005

Name Representing Term Expires
Christine Burns Private Sector Business June 30, 2006
Robert Eickmeier One-Stop Partner June 30, 2006
Jacqueline Gitman Community Based Organization June 30, 2006
Larry Glenn Labor June 30, 2006
Randy Gourley Labor June 30, 2006
Reuben Katz Private Sector Business June 30, 2006
Maritza Monge Private Sector Business June 30, 2006
Barbara Nemko Education June 30, 2006
Brad Wagenknecht Board of Supervisors June 30, 2006

Supporting Documents
A Letter from NVWIB Executive Director ( Adobe PDF Document - 55 kb )
B Applicant Resumes ( Adobe PDF Document - 1783 kb )


Director of Conservation, Development and Planning recommends:

  1. Adoption of a resolution amending the Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan relating to limitations on commercial retail use and hotels; and
  2. First and final reading and adoption of an ordinance amending Section 18.44.020 of the Napa County Code relating to accessory commercial uses in the General Industrial Zoning District. 
    ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 5 (CEQA Guidelines Section 15305), minor alteration to a land use limitation.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution Amending Specific Plan ( Microsoft Word Document - 37 kb )
B Attachment A - Specific Plan Text Changes ( Microsoft Word Document - 62 kb )
C Attachment A - Specific Plan Appendix K ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 92 kb )
D Attachment A - Specific Plan Map ( Adobe PDF Document - 334 kb )
E Ordinance (redlined version) ( Microsoft Word Document - 37 kb )
F Correspondence from Property Owner ( Adobe PDF Document - 48 kb )
G Ordinance (Final Adopted Copy) ( Microsoft Word Document - 0 kb )


Discussion and possible adoption of a resolution of Decision on Appeal and Findings of Fact upholding the decision of the Director of Public Works denying the Lot Line Adjustment filed by Brian Carr. (Assesor's Parcel Nos. 027-510-006, 027-510-020, and 027-510-016)
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action involves the denial of a project and thus is not subject to CEQA (14 CCR 15270). 

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 51 kb )


Discussion and possible direction to staff relating to negotiations with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) for Court Facilities Transfers under SB 1732.


CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representatives: Dennis Morris, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization: SEIU Local 614 - NAPE (Employee Unit & Supervisory Unit of the County of Napa).
Unrepresented Employees:
Non-Classified, Management and Confidential Employees of the County of Napa (Excluding Elected Officials)


CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representatives: Dennis Morris, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization: Napa County Deputy Sheriffs' Association (Employee Unit & Supervisory Unit of the County of Napa).