Agendas & Minutes

Board of Supervisors 6/15/2004 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of revenue Agreement No. 4028 with the California Department of Mental Health for a maximum of $692,536 for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 for the Napa County Mental Health Managed Care Program.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of the following actions regarding California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs revenue agreements:

  1. Authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 3579 decreasing the amount by $9,655 for a new maximum of $1,246,559 for Fiscal Year 2003-2004; and
  2. Authorization for the Chair to sign the renewal of Agreement No. 3579 for a maximum of $3,933,267 for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2008.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4724 with, Inc., increasing the amount by $40,000 for a new maximum of $332,320 to provide psychiatric services to the mental health program.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign the following amendments regarding counseling services in the Children’s Behavioral Health and Child Welfare Services Programs:

  1. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 6094 with Maureen O'Shea, Ph.D., increasing the amount by $1,000 for a new maximum of $3,500; and
  2. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4149 with Alternatives for Better Living, Inc., increasing the amount by $2,000 for a new maximum of $4,750.


Director of Health and Human Services requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a revenue agreement with the State of California Employment Development Department for a maximum of $152,662 for the term April 1, 2004 through June 30, 2006 to provide youth workforce development programs.


Director of Health and Human Services requests adoption of a resolution approving the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 County Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. 

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )


Library Director requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4456 with the City of American Canyon for provision of public library services.


Director of Public Works requests adoption of a resolution approving a service plan for County Service Area No. 3 in accordance with Chapter 3.10 of the Napa County Code.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 31 kb )


Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement No. 4491 with AmCan Plaza, LLC, for leased space located at 3421 Broadway, Suite E-3, American Canyon, California for the American Canyon Library, for the term July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2009, for a new cost of $69,672 annually.


Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 6054 with the Napa County Flood Control District for a maximum of $26,400 for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and extending the term through June 30, 2005 to fund and administer the Napa County Stormwater Management Program.

Supporting Documents
A Exhibit B ( Microsoft Word Document - 30 kb )


Director of Public Works requests adoption of a resolution and authorization for Chair to sign a Certificate of Acceptance and other documents necessary for the County to accept the dedication of First Avenue, a road dedicated to the County by Map of Subdivision of Thompson's Soscol Ranch, dated June 20, 1889.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 27 kb )
B Exhibit A ( Adobe PDF Document - 111 kb )
C Exhibit B ( Microsoft Word Document - 21 kb )


Auditor-Controller requests acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 proposed budget for County Service Area No. 3 with a total appropriation of $238,506.

Supporting Documents
A Schedule 13 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 56 kb )
B Schedule 14 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 51 kb )
C Schedule 15 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 57 kb )


Auditor-Controller requests acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 proposed budget for County Service Area No. 4  with a total appropriation of $381,913.

Supporting Documents
A Schedule 13 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 56 kb )
B Schedule 14 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 51 kb )
C Schedule 15 ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 58 kb )


Auditor-Controller requests the Board accept and instruct the Clerk of the Board to file Monitoring Reports for programs monitored by Regional Training Employment on expenditures incurred from October 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003 for the following agreements and corresponding grants:

  1. County of Sonoma - INCLUSION and Youth with Disabilities Program - Agreement No. 4940;
  2. County of Sonoma - Nurse Workforce Initiative Program - Agreement No. 4939; and
  3. Shirley Ware Education Center - Nurses Workforce Initiative Program - Agreement No. 5088 through March 31, 2003.


County Counsel requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 11 to Agreement No. 3881 with Miller, Starr & Regalia establishing rates applicable to various time periods for services performed.

Supporting Documents
A EXHIBIT ( Microsoft Word Document - 31 kb )


County Counsel requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 4761 with Trucker Huss establishing new rates effective January 1, 2004 to provide specialized tax related legal services.

Supporting Documents
A EXHIBIT ( Microsoft Word Document - 22 kb )


County Executive Officer requests adoption of a resolution authorizing submittal of two applications to the California State Association of Counties' annual Challenge Awards Program.

Supporting Documents
A Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 24 kb )
B Exhibit A ( Microsoft Word Document - 29 kb )
C Exhibit B ( Microsoft Word Document - 23 kb )


Approve minutes of the meeting held May 11, 2004.

Supporting Documents
A Minutes of meeting held May 11, 2004. ( Microsoft Word Document - 64 kb )


Approve minutes of the meeting held May 18, 2004.

Supporting Documents
A Minutes of meeting held May 18, 2004. ( Microsoft Word Document - 62 kb )


Approve minutes of the meeting held May 25, 2004.

Supporting Documents
A Minutes of meeting held May 25, 2004. ( Microsoft Word Document - 49 kb )

Recess to the Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District (LBRID) meeting (See LBRID Agenda).


Recess to the Napa Berryessa Resort Improvement District (NBRID) meeting (See NBRID Agenda).


Recess to the Silverado Community Services District (SCSD) meeting (See SCSD Agenda).


Recess to the Monticello Public Cemetery District (MPCD) meeting (See MPCD Agenda).


Recess to the Board of Equalization (See BOE Agenda).


Director of Public Works and County Counsel request consideration and possible action pertaining to Napa County Transportation Planning Agency's (NCTPA) requested action to approve the formation of the Napa Valley Transportation Authority ("Authority"), and to approve the Napa Valley Transportation Improvement Expenditure Plan as follows: 

  1. Adopt the Negative Declaration prepared for the formation of the Authority making the following findings:
    1. Find that the Board has read and considered the Negative Declaration prior to taking action on said Negative Declaration and the proposed project.
    2. Find that the Negative Declaration is based on independent judgment by the Board.
    3. Find that the Negative Declaration was prepared and considered in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.
    4. Find that there is no substantial evidence in the record as a whole that the project will have a significant effect on the environment.
    5. Find that the Conservation, Development and Planning Department is the custodian of the records of the proceedings on which this decision is based. The records are on file with the Department at 1195 Third Street, Suite 210, Napa, California.
    6. Find that considering the record as a whole there is no evidence that the proposed project will have a potential adverse effect on wildlife resources or habitat upon which the wildlife depends.
  2. Adopt the resolution creating the Authority.
  3. Appoint two Board members and alternates to the Authority consistent with the Board's appointments to NCTPA.
  4. Adopt the resolution approving the proposed Napa Valley Transportation Improvement Expenditure Plan for adoption by the Authority.

Supporting Documents
A Negative Declaration ( Microsoft Word Document - 279 kb )
B Resolution Creating the Napa Valley Transportation Authority ( Microsoft Word Document - 24 kb )
C Resolution Approving Proposed Napa Valley Transportation Improvement Expenditure ( Microsoft Word Document - 18 kb )
D Transportation Improvement Expenditure Plan ( Adobe PDF Document - 1471 kb )
E Resolution of NCTPA Recommending Formation of the Authority ( Adobe PDF Document - 231 kb )
F Staff Report from Mike Zdon, Executive Director NCTPA ( Adobe PDF Document - 420 kb )


Director of Public Works requests the following actions:

  1. Presentation and request for Measure A funding from the Rutherford Dust Society regarding its Conceptual Plan for Stabilization and Restoration of the Napa River, Rutherford Reach; and 
  2. Refer request for funding to staff with direction to set up a Board Workshop at a future date to discuss criteria for allocating Measure A funds. 

Supporting Documents
A Project Summary ( Microsoft Word Document - 30 kb )
B Map of Project Limits ( Adobe PDF Document - 5607 kb )


First reading and intention to adopt an ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Napa, State of California, amending Chapter 1.20 of the Napa County Code pertaining to recovery of costs for nuisance abatement and criminal violations for code violations.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:  General Rule. It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and therefore CEQA is not applicable [See Guidelines For the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, 14 CCR 15061(b)(3)].

Supporting Documents
A Ordinance (redlined version) ( Microsoft Word Document - 34 kb )


Director of Public Works to provide presentation on Energy Management Plan projects and implementation and request adoption of a resolution authorizing the Chair to execute related loan agreement documents with the California Energy Commission (CEC).

Supporting Documents
A CEC Resolution ( Microsoft Word Document - 30 kb )

Recess to the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (NCFCWCD) meeting (See NCFCWCD Agenda).


Directors of Conservation, Development and Planning, Public Works, Environmental Management, County Fire Chief and Information Technology Services (ITS) request the following:

  1. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an agreement with Accela, Inc. to purchase Accela Automation (Land Management) software and related implementation services to replace the current Permits Plus application, at a cost not to exceed $249,800 in product and services, and $11,200 in reimbursed travel expenses; and
  2. Approval of Budget Transfer No. 80 canceling Building Inspection designations and increasing appropriations in the ITS budget by $261,000 (4/5 vote required).

Supporting Documents
A Overview of Accela Automation Software ( Microsoft Word Document - 32 kb )


Consideration and possible adoption of a resolution establishing, increasing and decreasing fees for services provided by the Conservation, Development and Planning Department, Building and Planning Divisions and Department of Public Works.



Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9: (One case)



Names of cases:

  1. County of Napa v. Edward William Schlies, et. al. (Case No. 26-25408)
  2. County of Napa v. O'Neill/Mullin LLC; HNAPAD Associates, et. al. (Case No. 26-25407)


CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representatives: Dennis Morris, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization: SEIU Local 614 - NAPE (Employee Unit & Supervisory Unit of the County of Napa)
Unrepresented Employees:
Non-Classified, Management and Confidential Employees of the County of Napa (Excluding Elected Officials)