Meeting Supporting Documents

Planning Commission 7/21/2021 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue then a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of Categorical Exemptions Class 3 and 5. It has been determined that this type of project does not have a significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. [See Section 15303], Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), which may be found in the guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act at 14 CCR §15303, Napa County’s Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act, Appendix B, under Class 3: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, #10 Construction and operation of small wineries” and Section 15305(a), Class 5 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) which may be found in the guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act at 14 CCR §15305. This project is not on any lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new 20,000 gallon winery with the following components: (1) The construction of approximately 4,638 square foot winery building with approximately 3,881 square feet of production space and approximately 757 square feet of accessory space; (2) The construction of a 2,066 square foot covered crush pad and utility yard; (3) Use of an existing pole barn to house pump equipment and a generator; (4) Installation of seven parking spaces; (5) The construction of a wastewater disposal system, 1,000 gallon pre-treatment tank and 20,000 gallon post-treatment tank (below grade); (6) Installation of a fire protection water tank and domestic water tank; (7) Construction of a new driveway connection from Mount Veeder Road consistent with the Napa County Road and Street Standards; (8) Incorporation of the avoidance measures identified in the Biological Resources Assessment prepared for the project by Analytical Environmental Services on September 5, 2017, into the project design including a 65-foot stream setback, submittal of special-status bird species and other migratory passerines (perching birds) pre-construction surveys to Planning Division staff prior to issuance of the grading permit if vegetation clearing or other land disturbance is proposed during the bird breeding season (February 15 through September 30), and installation of silt fencing along the northern project development area during project construction to prevent potential project-related sediment latent runoff from entering Pickle Creek during rain events; (9) On-premises consumption of wines produced on site within the 2,066 square foot concrete covered crush pad area and 668 square foot outdoor patio in accordance with Business and Professions Code Sections 23358, 23390 and 23396.5; (10) Three (3) full time employees and three (3) part-time employees; (11) Hours of operation: Production, 6:00 am to 6:00 pm; Hospitality, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm; (12) By appointment visitation is requested to be a maximum of 10 visitors per day; maximum 70 visitors per week; and (13) a marketing program with up to three (3) events per year for a maximum 30 guests. A variance is also requested to permit the construction of the winery building approximately 66-feet from the centerline of Mount Veeder Road within the required 300-foot winery setback. The project is located on an approximately 40 acre parcel within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district at 2072 Mount Veeder Road, Napa; APN: 034-100-046. It has a General Plan land use designation of Agriculture, Watershed and Open Space (AWOS).

Staff Recommendation: Find the project Categorically Exempt and approve the Variance and Use Permit, as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Jason R. Hade, Principal Planner, (707) 259-8757 or

Applicant Contact: George Monteverdi, Ph.D, Monteverdi Consulting, P.O. Box 6079, Napa, CA 94581, (707) 761-2516 or

Supporting Documents
A Recommended Findings ( Adobe PDF - 61 kb )
B Recommended Conditions of Approval and Final Agency Approval Memos ( Adobe PDF - 1483 kb )
C Categorical Exemptions Memorandum ( Adobe PDF - 234 kb )
D Use Permit Application Packet ( Adobe PDF - 5053 kb )
E Variance Application Packet ( Adobe PDF - 4106 kb )
F Water Availability Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 2767 kb )
G Wastewater Feasibility Study ( Adobe PDF - 7035 kb )
H Biological Resources Survey ( Adobe PDF - 10116 kb )
I Geotechnical Study ( Adobe PDF - 8245 kb )
J Focused Traffic Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 2640 kb )
K Graphics ( Adobe PDF - 10187 kb )
L Winery Comparison Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 300 kb )
M Public Comments ( Adobe PDF - 17 kb )
N 7A Additional Public Comments (Added after initial agenda posting) ( Adobe PDF - 1285 kb )
O Item 7A Additional Public Comment(2) (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 14 kb )