CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Negative Declaration the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit Modification for an existing winery to allow the following: 1) increase the winery production capacity from 25,000 gallons to 35,000 gallons per year; 2) increase the existing area of the winery caves; 3) increase the number of daily by-appointment visitation; 4) increase the number of employees; 5) modify by-appointment tasting hours; 6) modify the Marketing Plan; 7) allow for on-site consumption of wines; 8) construct a trellis shade structure; 9) increase the width of portions of the existing roadway; and, 10) a request for an Exception to the Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS). The project is located on a ±42.96 acre parcel at the terminus of Kreuzer Lane; within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district; 270 Kreuzer Lane, Napa; APN: 045-310-056 and 045-310-055.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Use Permit Modification and RSS Exception, as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Wyntress Balcher, Planner II, (707) 299-1351 or wyntress.balcher@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: Susanne M. Heun, Consulting COO, (707) 363-3424;Susanne@me.com
CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit Major Modification to permit the expansion of an existing 340,000 gallon winery to allow the following: (1) Construction of a 2,860 square foot office within the existing barrel building; (2) Upgrading of the existing wastewater system and associated infrastructure consistent with County Code to include one (1) additional 2,500 gallon septic tank and dispersal field expansion; (3) Increase daily tours and tastings from 75 persons per day (by appointment only), 525 person per week maximum to 180 persons per day (by appointment only), 1,260 visitors maximum per week; (4) A Marketing Program to establish the following: (a) 24 annual events for up to 60 guests; (b) 13 annual events for up to 200 guests; and (c) One (1) wine auction related event per year for up to 200 guests; (5) On-premises consumption of wines produced on site in the outdoor patio area in accordance with Business and Professions Code Sections 23358, 23390 and 23396.5; (6) Increase on-site employees from 10 full-time employees and 12 harvest season employees to 28 full-time employees and 24 harvest season employees; (7) Increase parking spaces from 23 spaces to 34 spaces; (8) Change the winery’s tasting room hours of operation from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM to 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM; (9) Installation of a left-turn lane on Duhig Road at the project’s access driveway and paving and striping at the intersection of Duhig Road and State Route 12-221 [Required by County]; and (10) Deletion of condition of approval number 2 in previously-approved Major Modification Use Permit modification P05-0452-MOD which requires tasting and tours be completed by 4:00 PM and retail wine sales be completed by 4:30 PM. No new buildings or other external changes to the winery’s physical facility are proposed, nor any increase in production. The applicant had also included a request for an exception to the Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS) left-turn lane requirement. The request proposed an exception to allow the Cuvaison Winery Use Permit Modification to be approved without the requirement that a left turn lane be installed at the intersection of the property driveway and Duhig Road. However, this request has been denied under a separate action of the Public Works Director per the procedures set forth in the RSS.
The project is located on an approximately 392 acre site within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district on the east side of Duhig Road approximately 735 feet south of its intersection with State Route 12-121; 1221 Duhig Road, Napa, CA; APN: 047-120-005; and 006.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Use Permit Major Modification, as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Jason R. Hade, AICP, Planner III, (707) 259-8757 or jason.hade@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: Tom Adams, Dickenson Peatman, & Fogarty, 1455 First Street, Suite 301, Napa, CA 94559; (707) 252-7122
CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit Major Modification for an existing 48,000 gallon winery to allow: 1) an increase in the daily tours and tastings visitation; 2) modification of the approved marketing program; 3) an increase in the number of employees; and, 4) the addition of on-premises consumption of wine in certain designated areas. No change in production capacity or existing physical winery facilities are proposed by the project. The project is located on a ±99.59 acre parcel, on the east side of Silverado Trail approximately one mile south of its intersection with Oakville Cross Road within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district; 7400 Silverado Trail, Napa 94558; APN:032-030-027.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the requested Use Permit Modification as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Wyntress Balcher (707) 299-1351; wyntress.balcher@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: George H. Monteverdi, Monteverdi Consulting, (707) 255-5368, George@monteverdiConsulting.com