Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission 8/18/2021 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda



CEQA Status:
Consideration and possible adoption of Categorical Exemptions pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines at 14 CCR §15301 (Class 1, Existing Facilities), CCR §15302 (Class 2, Replacement or Reconstruction), CCR §15304 (Class 4, Minor Alterations to Land), CCR §15308, (Class 8, Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment), and CCR §15333 (Class 33, Small Habitat Restoration Project). This project has also been determined to be exempt pursuant to CCR §15061 in that the recognition, retention, and maintenance of existing site improvements has no possibility of causing a significant effect. The project is not on any lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: A. Components Necessary to Remedy Existing Violations: Approval of a request for an exception to the Napa County Conservation Regulations (County Code Chapter 18.108), in the form of a Use Permit to maintain the following existing site improvements that encroach into the required stream setbacks: 1) a 10x7-foot accessory structure (“cave”) built into the stream bank with concrete stairs and patio on the roof; 2) three (3) storm drain outfalls in the stream bank; 3) gravel parking space, subdrain pipe, retaining wall, fire protection tank, propane tank, dry draft fire hydrant; 4) well appurtenances, two (2) mechanical pads and sheds attached to the western exterior of the house and Barn; and 5) two (2) equipment sheds, backyard patio, pizza oven and firepit with gas line. B. Expansion Beyond Existing Improvements: The Use Permit Exception request also includes the following proposed improvements within the stream setback: 6) development of a gravel fire truck turnout in the Greenfield Road right-of-way; 7) relocation of generator pad; and 8) reconfiguration of stormwater catchment and conveyance and installation of erosion control measures to stabilize the stream bank. The project is located at 1080 Greenfield Road, approximately 1.5 miles from its intersection with Conn Valley Road in St. Helena, within the Agriculture, Watershed and Open Space (AWOS) General Plan designation and Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district. APN 025-390-006

Staff Recommendation: Find the project categorically exempt from CEQA and approve a modified version of the Use Permit Exception request.

Staff Contact: Pam Arifian, Planner III; phone (707) 259-5934; email:  

Roseann and Mark Burhenne

Paul N. Bartelt, Bartelt Engineering, 1303 Jefferson Street, 200B, Napa, CA 94559, 707-258-1301

Supporting Documents
A Recommended Findings ( Adobe PDF - 131 kb )
B Recommended Conditions of Approval ( Adobe PDF - 183 kb )
C CEQA Memo ( Adobe PDF - 461 kb )
D Use Permit Plans ( Adobe PDF - 5803 kb )
E Stormwater Control Plan ( Adobe PDF - 1089 kb )
F Storm Drain Outfall Exhibit ( Adobe PDF - 3521 kb )
G Application Submittal Materials ( Adobe PDF - 1384 kb )
H CDFW LSAA Outfalls ( Adobe PDF - 5302 kb )
I 7A Public Comment (Added after initial agenda posting) ( Adobe PDF - 62 kb )



 Nomination of two (2) members of the Planning Commission to serve as the Planning Commission's representatives on the Housing Element Advisory Committee (HEAC) which will act as an advisory group to the Board of Supervisors for the County's Sixth Cycle Housing Element Update (2023-2031).

Staff Contact: John McDowell, (707) 299-1354 or