Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission 8/19/2020 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: The application proposes the following operational changes and physical improvements to the existing 160,000 gallon per year winery. Increase maximum daily visitation from 12 visitors per day to 95 visitors per day; replace the existing marketing program with an annual program of six events with 50 guests and two events with 100 guests; increase employees from 10 to 19; clarify winery operations seven days a week; use of the existing outdoor patio for visitation activities; and approval of on-premises consumption in the hospitality building and the outdoor patio. The proposal includes appointment of a winery staff member as Travel Demand Management (TDM) coordinator to facilitate reducing auto commuting trips and promote use of shuttle buses to all marketing events in order to reduce overall vehicle trips to the site and lessen Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) associated with the winery. Improvements to the existing onsite sanitary wastewater system and an expansion of the existing subsurface dispersal field and pretreatment system; addition of two 10,000-gallon domestic water storage tanks; convert approximately 500 square feet of existing Production space to Accessory use space for temporary uses for visitation and marketing events; and an increase in parking spaces from 12 to 23. The project is located on an approximately 15.83 acre site within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district, with a General Plan land use designation of Agricultural Resources (AR). Site address is 1500 Los Carneros Avenue, Napa, CA; APN: 047-212-022.

Staff Recommendation:
Adopt the proposed Negative Declaration and approve the requested Major Modification as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Emily Hedge, Planner III, 707-259-8226 or

Applicant Contact: Saintsbury LLC, c/o David Graves, 1500 Los Carneros Road, Napa, CA 94559; phone 707-252-0592 or email

Supporting Documents
A Recommended Findings ( Adobe PDF - 186 kb )
B Recommended Conditions of Approval and Final Agency Memos ( Adobe PDF - 1744 kb )
C Previous Project Conditions ( Adobe PDF - 7517 kb )
D Intial Study Negative Declaration ( Adobe PDF - 372 kb )
E Use Permit Major Modification Application Packet ( Adobe PDF - 1317 kb )
F Water Availability Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 44423 kb )
G Wastewater Feasibility Study ( Adobe PDF - 37041 kb )
H Traffic Impact Study and Addendum ( Adobe PDF - 6498 kb )
I Graphics ( Adobe PDF - 2685 kb )
J Winery Comparison Analysis and Summary of Changes ( Adobe PDF - 174 kb )
K Public Comments ( Adobe PDF - 90 kb )
L 7A Memo (Added after initial agenda posting) ( Adobe PDF - 349 kb )
M 7A Public Comments (Added after initial agenda posting) ( Adobe PDF - 1365 kb )
N 7A Additional Public Comment (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1747 kb )


Digital and E-Commerce in the Wine Industry
Presentation and discussion on the role of winery e-commerce in the marketing and sales of wine by Paul Mabray, CEO of Emetry.

Staff Recommendation: Informational Item. No action necessary.

Staff Contact: Brian Bordona 707-259-5935 or


Supporting Documents
A Paul Mabray Bio ( Adobe PDF - 82 kb )



CEQA Status: Feasibility and planning studies for possible future actions are Statutorily Exempt under 14 California Code of Regulations 15262 (State CEQA Guidelines) and CEQA is not applicable. These recommendations, in and of themselves, do not have a potential for resulting in a direct, physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change, and therefore are not considered to be a project under 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines). Also, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and therefore CEQA is not applicable pursuant to the General Rule contained in the Guidelines For the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, 14 CCR 15061(b)(3).

Request: Staff is requesting direction for revising the Winery Comparison Analysis Table to allow for a more informed and detailed discussion of comparing applications for winery visitation and production.

Staff Recommendation: Take public comment and provide direction regarding revisions to the Winery Comparison Analysis Table in order for staff to return back to the Commission with further analysis and proposed changes for additional discussion and implementation if warranted.

Staff Contact: Charlene Gallina, Supervising Planner; (707) 299-1355;