ROGERS WINERY / GARY AND KATHLEEN ROGERS – USE PERMIT AND LOCAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION REQUEST - #P10-00337-UP CEQA Status: Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15303,15305 and 15331 of the California Environmental Quality Act (Class 3 – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, Class 5 – Minor Alteration in Land Use Limitations and Class 31 - Historical Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation) and Appendix B, Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures Item #10: Construction and Operation of Small Wineries) of the Napa County’s Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. REQUEST: (A.) Approval to designate the Rogers Winery (formerly known as the Mountain Cove Ranch Winery) built in 1887, as a Local Napa County Landmark. (B.) Approval of a Use Permit to establish a 30,000 gallon per year winery within the existing two-story, historic winery structure to include: (1) restoration, rehabilitation and reuse of the existing 4,773 sq. ft. historic Mountain Cove Ranch winery building as a winery production building and construction of a new 225 sq. ft. covered crush pad for a winery totaling 4,998 sq. ft.; (2) two full-time employees; (3) five parking spaces (incl. one ADA space); (4) tours and tasting by prior appointment only with a maximum of 20 visitors per day (maximum of 120 visitors in a proposed six day week); (5) a provision for on-premise wine consumption consistent with Assembly Bill 2004 (Evans) within the tasting room and patio area; (6) a marketing plan with: ten private food and wine tasting events per year with 30 persons per event (all food service to be catered by Napa County licensed operators) and participation in one Napa Valley Wine Auction Event (100 person maximum) using shuttle buses and off-site parking; (7) installation of a new combined process and domestic wastewater system using a multistage treatment process with final disposal via a trench pressure dispersal system; and, (8) civil improvements to the existing private driveway to comply with County Road & Street Standards for one-way loop roads. The winery project is located on a 55.30 acre parcel off a private driveway on the east side of Conn Valley Road approximately 1.5 miles northeast of its intersection with Howell Mountain Road within an Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district; Assessor’s Parcel #: 025-180-069; 970 Conn Valley Road, St. Helena.
Staff Recommendation: Find the project Categorically Exempt and approve the Use Permit and Local Landmark Designation as proposed with conditions of approval.
Staff Contact: Jessica Jordan 299-1355 or Jessica.Jordan@countyofnapa.org
FRANK FAMILY VINEYARDS / TWO YEAR STATUS REPORT - USE PERMIT MODIFICATION #P06-0102-MAJ MOD CEQA Status: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulation 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable. Request: Use Permit compliance review and possible action for Frank Family Vineyards. Pursuant to the project's adopted conditions of approval, a compliance audit is required two years after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the tasting room subject to review by the Planning Commission. The project site is located on a ±5.15-acre site on the east side of Larkmead Lane, between Silverado Trail and State Highway 29, approximately 2,400 feet north of State Highway 29 and approximately 100 to 200 feet south of the Napa River. (APN: 20-290-007) 1091 Larkmead Lane, Calistoga.
Staff Recommendation: Take public testimony, evaluate the project's compliance with conditions of approval and applicable standards, and provide direction to staff on any outstanding compliance issues.
Staff Contact: Sean Trippi 299-1353 or sean.trippi@countyofnapa.org
WILLIAMSON ACT UPDATE Request: Presentation regarding the current status of the California Land Conservation (Williamson) Act of 1965 and discussion on the County's adminstration of the Williamson Act.
Staff Contact: Don Barrella, (707) 299-1338 or donald.barrella@countyofnapa.org