YOUNTVILLE VINEYARDS, LLC / CA'NANI WINERY - USE PERMIT P09-00185-UP & VARIANCE P09-00492-VAR CEQA Status: Negative Declaration has been prepared. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not on any of the the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5 Request: (A) Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new, 48,000 gallon per year winery with: 1) a two-story, 16,243 sq. ft. winery building with 5,800 sq. ft. of offices, 1,670 sq. ft. of tasting/sales area; 2,281 sq. ft. of barrel storage, total 2,410 sq. ft. roof deck areas and 15,970 sq. ft. of cave area with four portals for a winery totaling 56,370 sq. ft.; 2) conversion of an existing 1,460 sq. ft., detached garage to a farm equipment storage building and a new 375 sq. ft. utility building; 3) 13 full-time and 2 part-time employees; 4) 44 on-site parking spaces; 5) new entrance monument and sign; 6) up to 75 visitors per day (Fri-Sun) and 40 visitors per day (Mon-Thurs) by appointment only; 7) a marketing plan with 27 events per year with a maximum of 24 people (10 as evening events ending at 10:00 PM), two events per year with a maximum 49 people, one event per year with 100 people, and one event per year with 300 people; and 8) a new process wastewater septic system. (B) Approval of a Variance to reduce the minimum 600 foot winery setback from SR 29/St. Helena Highway to 235 feet. The project site is located on two parcels, approximately 14.11 acres total size (12.52 and 1.59 acres), on the southeast corner of the intersection at Yount Mill Road and SR-29/St. Helena Highway, within the AP (Agricultural Preserve) zoning district. (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 031-120-026 and 031-130-026) 7466 St. Helena Highway, Napa.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Use Permit and Variance with the recommended Conditions of Approval.
Staff Contact: Ronald Gee, 707-253-4417, or ronald.gee@countyofnapa.org
McBRIDE WINERY/ CHARLES & KATHLEEN McBRIDE - USE PERMIT P10-00049 UP AND VARIANCE P10-00050 VAR CEQA STATUS: Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15303 Class 3 (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”) which may be found in the guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act at 14 CCR §15303, and Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures Item #10: Small Wineries) of the Napa County’s Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. REQUEST: (A) Approval of use permit for a 25,000 gallon per year winery within a new two story structure totaling 3,623 square feet which includes the following: approximately 2,000 square feet of production area (fermentation, bulk bottle storage, distribution area, equipment/maintenance area), an employee kitchen and laboratory, a 260 square foot tasting room, a 330 square foot office, 360 square feet of conference/meeting area, with approximately 3,450 square feet of outdoor work area including covered crush area, 1200sf outdoor tank area, and 5 parking spaces. The project includes two full time employees, one part-time employee; a marketing program with 6 private wine events per year with catered food for 25 guests maximum per event, and 1 private Harvest event per year for 100 guests maximum per event. (B) Approval of a variance to reduce the 300 ft. private road winery setback to 100 feet, and to reduce the 600 ft. major arterial road winery setback from State Highway 128 to 480 feet. The project is located on an 11-acre parcel on the west side of State Highway 128 approximately 1,200 feet north of its intersection with Bennett Lane within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district. (Assessor's Parcel Number: 017-110-049) Calistoga.
Staff Recommendation: Find the project Categorically Exempt and approve the Major Modification Use Permit with proposed conditions of approval.
Staff Contact: Mary Doyle, 299-1350 or mary.doyle@countyofnapa.org
DESIGN REVIEW STUDY SESSION Request: Information item and possible action concerning Commission's request that Staff present options for establishing a limited design review evaluation process for projects requiring Commission review. Commission will be presented with design review examples from other jurisdictions.
Staff Recommendation: Information item. Commission may provide direction.
Staff Contact: John McDowell, 299-1354 or john.mcdowell@countyofnapa.org or Hillary Gitelman, 253-4805 or hillary.gitelman@countyofnapa.org