Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission 7/7/2010 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue there is a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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CEQA Status:
  Negative Declaration prepared.  According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have no potentially significant environmental impacts.  The project is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request:  Approval of a use permit to construct a 6.7 Mega-Watt solar electric power generation facility. The proposed facility will consist of approximately 50,000 photovoltaic modules assembled into large scale solar arrays mounted on pre-cast concrete pads. The facility will be constructed on about 50 acres of the 80-acre site. The overall height of the arrays will be approximately 5 to 6 feet above existing grade. There will generally be no employees on-site except for maintenance as needed. There is no expected water use or sewage disposal. Access would be provided from an existing gated access point at the west end of Eucalyptus Drive. The facility would be fenced.  The 80 acre project site is located on the west end of Eucalyptus Drive within an Agricultural Watershed: Airport Compatibility (AW:AC) zoning district. APN’s: 058-020-012 (S.F.A.P.) and 058-050-042 (S.F.A.P.). American Canyon.

Staff Recommendation: To continue the item to Jluy 21, 2010.

Staff Contact: Sean Trippi, 299-1353 or



CEQA Status: Negative Declaration has been prepared. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not on any of the the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5
Request: Approval to allow major modification to Use Permit # 94099-MOD to: 1) expand winery production capacity from 65,000 gallons/year to 143,000 gallons/year; 2) expand and relocate the demonstration kitchen with 662 square feet of additional kitchen area and 1,261 square feet of new seating area; 3) expand the existing winery facility with a 2,937 square foot second-floor winery office wing and first-floor 801 square foot office addition; 4) expand the existing west-side, outdoor terrace by 1,500 square feet; 5) increase parking from 30 to 62 spaces with a new parking lot; 6) increase the number of full-time employees from six to ten and part-time employees from three to five; 7) construct a new wastewater disposal system; 8) modify the existing marketing plan to increase the average number of food and wine seminar attendees from 30 to 36, allow up to 75 visitors/day (55 average) for private tours and tastings and modest food service, add a new once-monthly evening marketing event for up to 80 people and new twice-yearly marketing events with food service for up to 150 visitors, all evening events would be held between the hours of 6:00 pm and 11:30 pm with clean-up permitted until 12:00 am; 9) modify four 1994 Use Permit conditions of approval and four mitigation measures which restricted winery operations to accommodate a former neighbor; and 10) allow retail sales of produce and animal products grown, raised or produced on the winery property and adjacent parcel, also owned by the applicant’s family.

Staff Recommendation:
Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Use Permit with the recommended conditions of approval.

Staff Contact: Ronald Gee, 707-299-1351, or

Supporting Documents
A Exhibit A - Findings ( Adobe PDF Document - 17 kb )
B Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval ( Adobe PDF Document - 70 kb )
C Prior Use Permits ( Adobe PDF Document - 690 kb )
D Fire Department Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 284 kb )
E Public Works Department Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 265 kb )
F Department of Environmental Management Comments - Part I ( Adobe PDF Document - 729 kb )
G Department of Environmental Management Comments - Part II ( Adobe PDF Document - 433 kb )
H Initial Study / Negative Declaration ( Adobe PDF Document - 129 kb )
I Traffic Analysis - Part I ( Adobe PDF Document - 626 kb )
J Traffic Analysis - Part II ( Adobe PDF Document - 593 kb )
K Use Permit Application - Part I ( Adobe PDF Document - 699 kb )
L Use Permit Application - Part II ( Adobe PDF Document - 159 kb )
M Demonstration Kitchen Statement ( Adobe PDF Document - 68 kb )
N Demonstration Kitchen Photos ( Adobe PDF Document - 167 kb )
O Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Measures ( Adobe PDF Document - 150 kb )
P Exhibits ( Adobe PDF Document - 5371 kb )


CEQA Status:
 Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the proposed negative declaration, the project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code section 65962.5. 
Request: Variance to allow construction of a new winery within required road setbacks (300 feet required, 82 feet proposed). Use Permit to establish a new 30,000 gallon per year winery with: 1.) +/- 10,700 sq. ft. two story winery building with cellar and second-story deck; 2.) winery storage shed and at-grade courtyard improvements; 3.) three full-time and three part-time employees; 4.) by-appointment tours and tastings with a maximum of 16 visitors per day and 42 per week; 5.) annual marketing plan with 24 20-person events, three 60-person events, a 125-person (non-Auction Napa Valley) auction event, and participation in Auction Napa Valley; and 6.) four new 15 foot tall water tanks totaling +/- 80,000 gallons. The project is located on a 16 acre parcel located on the south side of Inglewood Avenue, approximately ½ mile west of its intersection with CA-29 (the St. Helena Highway) and within the AP (Agricultural Preserve) zoning district. APN: 027-120-056. 1919 Inglewood Avenue, St. Helena, Calif., 94574

Staff Recommendation:
Adopt the negative declaration and approve the requested variance and use permit as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Chris Cahill, 253-4847 or

Supporting Documents
A Proposed Findings ( Adobe PDF Document - 153 kb )
B Proposed Conditions of Approval ( Adobe PDF Document - 85 kb )
C Environmental Management Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 163 kb )
D Fire Marshal's Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 73 kb )
E Public Works Conditions ( Adobe PDF Document - 224 kb )
F Negative Declaration and Initial Study ( Adobe PDF Document - 823 kb )
G Greenhouse Gas Reduction Checklist ( Adobe PDF Document - 148 kb )
H Applicant's Additional Variance Findings and View Study ( Adobe PDF Document - 361 kb )
I Neighbor Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 29 kb )
J Submitted Application Materials ( Adobe PDF Document - 2085 kb )
K Graphics ( Adobe PDF Document - 3195 kb )


Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the outcome of a confidential review of wine production capacity at wineries selected anonymously by the Planning Commission in 2009, followed by selection of 2010 audit participants. Direct staff to review the selected 2010 wineries for compliance with their approved allowances for visitation and marketing as well as production.

Staff Recommendation:  Review and comment on the results of the 2009 winery production monitoring program and select 2010 participants.  Direct staff to formulate a program to monitor approved visitation for Tours & Tasting and Marketing Events.

Staff Contact: Patricia Hornisher, 299-1349

Supporting Documents
A Winery Production Process Flow Chart ( Adobe PDF Document - 236 kb )
B TTB Example Form ( Adobe PDF Document - 79 kb )
C Sample Request Letter ( Adobe PDF Document - 171 kb )
D 2009 Winery Spreadsheets ( Adobe PDF Document - 986 kb )
E 2009 Compliance Summary Sheet ( Adobe PDF Document - 46 kb )


Request:  Information item and possible action concerning Commission's request that Staff present options for establishing a limited design review evaluation process to apply to projects requiring Commission review.

Staff Recommendation:  Information item.  Commission may provide direction.

Staff Contact:  John McDowell, 299-1354 or or Hillary Gitelman, 253-4805 or   

Supporting Documents
A Design Review Comparison Table ( Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet - 16 kb )