ST. HELENA HOSPITAL WOODSIDE SUBDIVISION / ST. HELENA HOSPITAL - USE PERMIT, TENTATIVE MAP & REZONING (P07-00855-UP, P07-00856-TM, P07-00857-RZG) CEQA Status: Negative Declaration has been prepared. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have no potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not on any of the the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5 Request: Approval of a tentative map to create individual parcels for 25 existing single-family homes owned by the St Helena Hospital, the St. Helena Hospital and Health Center, or the Northern California Conference of 7th Day Adventists, hereafter referred to as St. Helena Hospital. The request also includes adoption of an ordinance rezoning properties owned by the St. Helena Hospital, identified below, from Residential Single: Building Site Combination District – 5-acre minimum (RS:B-5) to Planned Development (PD) consistent with other property owned by the Hospital. A Use Permit is also requested to allow the future construction of additions or buildings accessory to the existing homes in the PD district without going through the use permit process each time as is currently required by County Code. The Use Permit would also allow 11 structures on the hospital campus to be considered “flex space” that would allow residential uses, administrative offices or clinical/hospital related uses. No new development or the creation of new developable lots is included in this proposal. The tentative map would involve subdividing 10 lots into 31 lots. Three of the 10 lots are currently zoned RS:B-5 and the remaining 7 are zoned PD. Twenty-Five (25) of the new lots would be created for existing homes. Two (2) lots would include the main hospital campus and associated buildings and improvements. One (1) lot would include existing apartment buildings. The remaining three (3) lots would remain as open space. The approximately 92 acre project area is located between Sanitarium Road and Deer Park Road approximately 2.5 to 3.0 miles northeast of the City of St. Helena within the RS:B-5 (Residential Single: Building Site Combination) and PD (Planned Development) zoning districts. (Assessor’s Parcel numbers: 021-110-015*; 021-140-001*, 003*, 005*; 021-150-001*, 002*, 007*; 021-171-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 120, 130; 021-181-001, 002, 005, 007, 009, 010; 021-172-004; and, 021-400-011) Deer Park.
* - parcels not included in the rezoning
Staff Recommendation: That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and forward a recommendation of approval of the rezoning, tentative map, and use pemrit to the Board of Supervisors.
Staff Contact: Sean Trippi, 253-4417 or strippi@co.napa.ca.us
KITCHAK WINERY / PETER & PATRICIA KITCHAK– USE PERMIT & VARIANCE REQUEST (#P09-00148-UP & #P09-00149-VAR) & A REQUEST FOR AN EXCEPTION TO NAPA COUNTY ROAD & STREET STANDARDS CEQA Status: Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15303 and 15305 of the California Environmental Quality Act (Class 3 – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and Class 5 – Minor Alteration in Land Use Limitations) and Appendix B, Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures Item #10: Small Wineries) of the Napa County’s Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Request: (A) Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new 5,000 gallon per year winery to include: (1) conversion of an existing 2,048 square foot, single-story, residential garage for use as a winery production / wine tasting retail sales building for a winery totaling 2,048 square feet; (2) a 300 square foot uncovered crush pad; (3) a 400 square foot uncovered hospitality patio; (4) one full-time and two part-time employees; (5) six parking spaces; (6) tours and tasting by appointment only with a maximum of 12 visitors per day (84 visitors per week max.); (7) a marketing plan with: six 20-person promotional events with catered meals per year; four 30-person release events per year; No Tours & Tasting Appts or Marketing Events to be held on the same day and will hold no Temporary Events; (8) installation of a hold and haul winery process wastewater system; (B) Approval of a Variance from the winery road setback requirements of Napa County Code Section 18.104.230 (A)(2) to allow a winery structure to be constructed 196 feet from the centerline of a private easement serving two parcels where 300 feet is required. (C) A request for an Exception to the Napa County Road and Streets Standards to allow a reduced winery road width from Hardman Avenue to the proposed winery structure (20 foot width required). The winery project is located on an 14.77 acre parcel on the north side Hardman Avenue approximately 1,500 feet east of its intersection with Silverado Trail within an AP (Agricultural Preserve) zoning district. (Assessor’s Parcel #: 039-190-038). 1094 Hardman Avenue, Napa. Staff Recommendation: Find the project Categorically Exempt from CEQA and approve the Use Permit and Variance with the proposed conditions of approval. Staff does not recommend approval of the Road Exception.
Staff Contact: Patricia Hornisher 299-1349 or thornish@co.napa.ca.us