ALPHA OMEGA WINERY, LLC. / ALPHA OMEGA WINERY – VARIANCE AND USE PERMIT MAJOR MODIFICATION REQUEST #P08-00047 AND #P07-00869-MOD CEQA Status: Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the proposed Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have, if mitigation measures are not included, a potentially significant environmental impact in the following area: transportation/traffic. This project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government code section 65962.5 Request: Approval of a Variance: to allow a new production/barrel building to encroach a max.of 74 ft. into the required 300 foot setback from centerline of Mee Lane and a corner of the new covered porch addition on the existing winery building to encroach 127 ft. into the required 600 foot setback from centerline of St. Hwy. 29 and a Use Permit Modification: to modify Use Permits: #U-118081, #U-538485, & #95037-MOD in 2 phases: Phase A: (1) establish the size of the pre-Winery Definition Ordinance public tasting room; (2)(a) Public Tours and Tasting Visitors: recognize Public Tours and Tasting visitors without prior appoint. at a max. of 900 visitors/wk; (2)(b) By Appointment Tours and Tasting Visitors: establish Tours and Tasting by Appoint. Only Visitors and combine them with Marketing event visitors for max.of 450 visitors/wk. The total combined Public, By Appt.& Marketing visitors not to exceed a max.of 1,350 visits/wk; (3) increase employees to 19 f/t and 6 p/t with an additional 15 p/t, seasonal workers during Harvest; (4) establish a Marketing Plan to include: 7 events/mo. with a max.of 50 people/event, 10 annual events with a max.of 100 people/event, and 6 annual events with a max. 200 people/per event (2 for the Napa Valley Wine Auction). Events to be catered by off-site food service; (5) authorize the use of the covered patio and garden areas by visitors; (6) add a 2nd work shift during Harvest only; (7) increase parking to 63 auto & 2 bus spaces; and, (8) convert the existing wastewater pond to a dual domestic and process wastewater system. Phase B: (1) construct a new approx. 9,273 sq. ft. production/barrel building adjacent to the existing 6,298 sq.ft.winery structure totaling approx.15,571 sq.ft.; (2) increase production from 50,000 gal.to 144,000 gal. The project is located on a 10.79 ac. parcel on the southeast side of Mee Lane approx.760 ft. northeast of its intersection with St. Highway 29 & approx.2 mi. south of the City of St. Helena.(Assessor’s Parcel #: 030-080-046) 1155 Mee Lane, St. Helena.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration, and approve the Variance & Use Permit Modification as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Patricia Hornisher 299-1349
BOB KLEIS / JAMES E. VASSER JR. / VASSER WINERY - USE PERMIT #P07-00598-UP CEQA Status: Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the proposed mitigated negative declaration, if mitigation measures are not included, the proposed project would have potentially significant environmental impacts in the following areas: Aesthetics and Biological Resources. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code section 65962.5 Request: Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new 36,000 gallon per year winery with: 1) a 7,000 sq. ft. winery cave including production, storage, office, and tasting room facilities; 2) a 5,500 sq. ft. uncovered outdoor crush pad and loading area; 3) a winery/agricultural storage barn totaling 1,800 sq. ft. and including 900 sq. ft. of winery equipment storage; 4) two full-time and two part-time employees; 5) eleven parking spaces; 6) by-appointment tours and tastings with a maximum of 16 visitors per day and 36 per week; 7) a marketing plan with four 50-person max. marketing events and one 100-person max. wine auction event annually; 8) an exception to the Road and Street Standards to allow a new winery access road with widths between 14 and 18 ft. (18 ft. required); and 9) the construction of four turnouts on Chimney Rock Road. The project is located on a 42.4 acre parcel located on the west side of Soda Canyon Road, adjacent to its intersection with Chimney Rock Road, and within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district. APN: 039-630-011. 2001 Soda Canyon Road, Napa, CA 94559.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring and reporting plan and approve the use permit as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Chris Cahill, 253.4847 or ccahill@co.napa.ca.us
PHILLIP SMITH/ INGLEWOOD BUSINESS PARTNERS, LLC / INGLEWOOD VILLAGE BUSINESS PARK - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP APPLICATION #P08-00493-PM CEQA Status: Categorically Exempt Section 15301 (Class 1(k) Existing Facilities - Subdivision of existing commercial or industrial buildings where no physical changes occur which are not otherwise exempt.) Request: Approval of a tentative parcel map to create three commercial condominiums at the Inglewood Village commercial office development. The proposal would convert three existing commercial buildings to airspace condominium units with the ground area of the property designated as common area. No new development or change of allowed uses is proposed as part of this application. The project is located on a 2.9 acre parcel located on the southeast side of Inglewood Avenue, adjacent to its intersection with the St. Helena Highway (CA-29), and within the CN (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning district. APN: 027-120-063. 1275 Inglewood Avenue, St. Helena, Calif., 94574.
Staff Recommendation: Find the project categorically exempt from CEQA and approve the tentative parcel map as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Chris Cahill, 253.4847 or ccahill@co.napa.ca.us
SMALL LOT ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VEHICAL STORAGE ORDINANCE - PROPOSED ORDINANCE #P08-00612-ORD Request: The County is considering an ordinance to establish animal keeping and vehicle densities on small parcels to reduce the impact on animals and neighboring properties due to excessive animal keeping, storage and unsanitary practices. Proposed amendments to the Zoning Code would: 1) Enable limited animal husbandry uses on any parcel less than 5 acres in size in unincorporated Napa County; 2) establish standards for animal husbandry uses on parcels less than 5 acres in size, including setting limits on the number of animals per acre and requiring setbacks from property lines for animal pens and enclosures located on small lots; 3) establish use permit procedures to allow animal concentrations greater than the proposed animals-per-acre standard on parcels less than 5 acres in size; 4) prohibit raising of roosters for exhibition or blood sport including establishment of an amortization schedule to cease any existing operations; and 5) establish limits on the number of vehicles stored on properties outside of enclosed structures, including establishment of an amortization schedule to cease any existing operations. Ordinance Title: An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Napa, State of California, Amending Napa County Code Sections 18.08.040 (Include Certain Small Lot Animal Husbandry Uses Within the Definition of Agriculture and Exclude from the Definition of Agriculture the Raising of Roosters for Exhibition or Blood Sports), 18.52.020 (Provide for Agriculture as a Use Allowed Without a Use Permit in the Residential Single Zoning District) and 18.104.190 (Establish Restrictions on Outdoor Vehicle Storage); and Adding New Sections 18.08.424 (Defining Outdoor Vehicle Storage), 18.104.410 (Establishing Standards for Small Lot Animal Husbandry) and 18.132.062 (Establishing an Amortization Schedule to Terminate Outdoor Vehicle Storage, Small Lot Animal Husbandry Uses not in Conformance with Established Standards and the Raising of Roosters for Exhibition or Blood Sports)
CEQA Status: The project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 14 CCR 15061(b)(3) - General Rule; Section 15305 - Class 5, Minor Alteration to a Land Use Limitation; and Section 15308 - Class 8, Action by Regulatory Agencies for the Protection of the Environment. Staff Recommendation: That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and consider forwarding a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.
Staff Contact: Hillary Gitelman 253-4805
AMENDMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS Request: Resolution amending Planning Commission Bylaws concerning the date of officer elections, and adding disclosures as a standing item on agendas.