CEQA STATUS: Consideration and possible adoption of Categorical Exemption Class 3. It has been determined that this type of project does not have a significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. [See Section 15303 Class 3 New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, which may be found in the guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act at 14 CCR ยง15303] This project is not on any lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.
REQUEST: Modification of an existing Use Permit (#U-177778) and subsequent modifications) for an existing 50,000-gallon winery to allow the following changes: A. COMPONENTS NECESSARY TO REMEDY EXISTING VIOLATIONS: 1. Recognition of a 180-person increase in by-appointment visitation for a combine total of 280 daily visitors and a weekly maximum of 1,044 visitors. Currently authorized for 100 public visitors a day with a weekly maximum of 500 visitors; 2. Recognition of six (6) full-time employees and seven (7) part-time employees. Currently authorized for five (5) full-time employees and one (1) part-time employee; and 3. Recognition and continued use of picnic tables at the corner of Old Sonoma Road and Highway 12 as employee waiting area. Applicant was required to remove the tables per Use Permit Modification #U-177778-MOD#3 Condition of Approval No. 7. B. EXPANSION BEYOND EXISTING CONDITIONS: 1. Addition of an approximately 1,080 sf cover over an existing crush pad; 2. Improve gravel entry walkway to pervious pavers with visitor tables; 3. Use of outdoor areas for tastings; 4. On-premises consumption of wines produced on-site located in the hospitality portion of the winery building and outdoor areas in accordance with Business and Professions Code Sections 23358, 23390 and 23396.5; and 5. Installation of an accessible parking space and walkway to the winery. The project is located on an approximately 4.37 acre site within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district with a General Plan land use designation of AWOS (Agriculture, Watershed & Open Space) at 5400 Old Sonoma Road, Napa, CA; Assessor Parcel #047-110-016.
Staff Recommendation: Find the project Categorically Exempt from CEQA and approve the Major Modification, as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Charlene Gallina, Planning Supervisor, (707) 299-1355 or charlene.gallina@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: Taylor Bartolucci, Madonna Estate, 5400 Old Sonoma Road, Napa; (707) 255-8864; taylor@madonnaestate.com
Representative Contact: Andrea Matarazzo, Pioneer Law Group, 1122 S Street, Sacramento; (916) 287-9502; andrea@pioneerlawgroup.net