CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Categorical Exemption Class 1. It has been determined that this type of project does not have a significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). See Section 15301 [Class 1 Minor Alterations to Existing Facilities] which may be found in the guidelines for the implementation of the CEQA at 14 CCR §15301. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit Major Modification to an existing 143,000 gallon per year winery to allow the following: COMPONENTS NECESSARY TO REMEDY EXISTING VIOLATIONS: 1) Recognition of daily by-appointment tastings of 125 persons per day. Currently authorized for 132 “Public” visitors a day, allowed to occur without prior appointment. The by-appointment visitation would be an addition to the currently authorized visitation and would result in a total of 257 visitors per day; 2) Recognition of 36 full-time employees and six part-time employees. Currently authorized for 10 full-time employees and five part-time employees; 3) Recognition of use of portions of the cave for visitation and marketing activities. Currently authorized for production related uses only; and 4) Recognition of on-premises consumption of wines in areas used for hospitality. Currently not an authorized activity. The project is located on an approximately 11.82 acre site within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district with a General Plan land use designation of AWOS (Agriculture, Watershed & Open Space) at 6320 Silverado Trail, Napa, CA; APN: 031-230-017
Staff Recommendation: Find the project Categorically Exempt from CEQA and approve the Use Permit Major Modification, as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Emily Hedge, Planner III, (707) 259-8226 or emily.hedge@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: Robert Sinskey, 6320 Silverado Trail, Napa, CA 94558; (707) 944-9090, pinot@robertsinskey.com
Applicant Representative Contact: Richard Tooker, Farella Braun + Martel LLP; 899 Adams Street, Suite G, St. Helena, CA 94575; (707) 967-4152; rtooker@fbm.com
CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts after implementation of mitigation measures. Mitigation measures are proposed for the following areas: Biological Resources. This project is not on any lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit Major Modification to an existing 102,000 gallon per year winery to allow the following: (1) Increase in maximum annual permitted wine production from 102,000 to 150,000 gallons; (2) Expand the existing 22,470 square foot cave (Type two (2)) to a 68,415 square foot (Type three (3)) cave; (3) Excavation of two (2) new cave portals; (4) Paving an unpaved road for portal access; (5) Deposit of approximately 20,300 cubic yards of cave spoils at a spoils stockpile on land owned by the applicant, 0.9 miles southeast of the project site; (6) Utilize 720 square feet of the cave expansion as a tasting room; (7) Construct 3,350 square feet of a covered crush pad; (8) Construct 820 square feet of an uncovered mechanical yard; (9) Widening of sections of the project access road (Wild Horse Valley Road) to bring it into compliance with the Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS); and (10) Expand the existing wastewater treatment and disposal systems to handle the increase in winery process wastewater. The project also includes a request for an exception to the Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS) and the requirement to widen a 500-foot section to 22 feet on Wild Horse Valley Road from Monticello Road to the winery. The project is located on a 36.13 acre parcel, within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district on the west side of a private road approximately 3,500 feet south of its intersection with State Route 121/Monticello Road; 3200 Monticello Road, Napa, CA 94558; APN: 033-110-075.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the Exception to the Napa County Roads & Street Standards and Use Permit Major Modification, as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Trevor Hawkes, (707) 253-4388 or trevor.hawkes@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Representative Contacts: Tom Adams, (707) 252-7122 or tadams@dpf-law.com. Josh Devore, (707) 252-7122 or jdevore@dpf-law.com