CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit for an 18,000 gallon winery (existing 5,000 gallon winery approved under a Small Winery Exemption - Phoenix Vineyards) to allow the following: a) Maximum annual permitted maximum production of 18,000 gallons (increased from 5,000 gallons); b) Remodel of the interior of the existing winery building (approximately 3,500 square feet) and addition of an employee breakroom (approximately 64 square feet) increasing the winery building size to approximately 3,600 square feet; c) Conversion of an existing, approximately 1,200 square foot agricultural storage building to a winery storage building; d) Construction of an approximately 3,800 square foot cave (spoils being transported offsite to a permitted location); e) Hours of operation seven days a week: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM - production hours, except during harvest and 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM - visitation hours (the winery was previously only open for production six days a week and no visitation was permitted); f) Employment of seven employees (four full time and three part time) non harvest (increase from 2 full-time employees); g) Tours and tastings by appointment only for 17 per day; weekly maximum of 119 visitors; h) Food and wine pairings with daily visitation (applicant to obtain a food facility permit as required); i) Annual marketing plan of five annual events comprised of four events (maximum of 30 guests per event) and one event (maximum of 50 persons), catered food may be served at events; j) 7 parking spaces (increased from 5); k) Construction of a wastewater system (two options proposed); l) Use of the on-site well (Well #1); m) Installation of two 10,000 gallon water storage tanks; n) Install landscaping on property and driveway; and o) Improvement of the existing on site driveway (widening to 20 feet) to meet Napa County Road and Street Standards. Also included is approval of a Viewshed application for required screening of the proposed water tanks. The project is located on a 5.75 acre parcel, located at 3171 Dry Creek Road, Napa within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district. APN: 035-460-022.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the proposed Negative Declaration and approve the requested Use Permit and Viewshed, as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Emily Hedge, Planner III, (707) 259-8226 or emily.hedge@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: Jill Klein, 73 Luke Drive, Napa, CA 94558; (707) 265-9349 or jill@matthiasson.com