Meeting Supporting Documents

Planning Commission 6/20/2018 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue then a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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CEQA Status:
Consideration and possible adoption of a Class 3 Categorical Exemption. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303, the construction of new small structures are exempt from CEQA review. Appendix B of Napa County's Local Procedures for Implementing CEQA under Class 3: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, #10 includes small wineries that meet certain criteria. This project meets those criteria as it: (a) proposes less than 5,000 square feet of conditioned space; (b) will involve no cave excavation; (c) will produce 30,000 gallons of wine or less per year; (d) will generate less than 40 vehicle trips per day and 5 peak hour trips except on those days when marketing events are taking place; (e) will hold no more than 10 marketing events per year, each with no more than 30 attendees, except for one wine auction event with up to 100 persons in attendance; and (f) will hold no temporary events. No unique site conditions require any additional mitigation to negate impacts. This project is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: Approval of a Use Permit (P17-00379-UP) to establish a 30,000 gallon per year winery with the following components: 1) The construction of a 4,200 square foot winery production building with an additional 400 square foot covered crush pad and 400 square foot outdoor tasting area; 2) Improvements to an existing driveway to meet Napa County Road and Street Standards in most sections; 3) the construction of seven (7) parking spaces; 4) a new sanitary sewage wastewater management system and a new hold-and-haul wastewater disposal system; 5) employment of two (2) full-time and two (2) part-time employees during normal operations and up to six (6) full-time and four (4) part-time employees during harvest; 6) visitation for a maximum of 15 persons per day and an average of 40 persons per week; 7) hours of operation: production 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m., hospitality Monday-Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; 8) a marketing program to allow up to 10 events annually for 30 attendees maximum and 1 event annually for 100 attendees maximum; 9) installation of a commercial kitchen to prepare food for marketing events; 10) installation of on-site landscaping; 11) installation of solid waste and recycling storage area; and 12) on-premises consumption of wines produced on site in accordance with Business and Professions Code Sections 23358, 23390, and 23396.5 (AB 2004-Evans Bill). The project also includes a request for an exception to the Napa County Road and Street Standards for a length of 138 feet immediately in front of the residence on the neighboring parcel to the northwest. The 21.88 acre parcel on which the winery is proposed is located on the east side of Big Ranch Road approximately one mile south of its intersection with Oak Knoll Avenue, north of the City of Napa. The parcel is zoned AP (Agricultural Preserve) District; 4042 Big Ranch Road; Assessor's Parcel No. 036-190-003.

Staff Recommendation: Find the project categorically exempt from CEQA and approve the request for an exception to the Napa County Roads and Street Standards and Use Permit as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Graham Hannaford, Planner II, (707) 299-1361 or

Applicant: Stan Boyd; phone 707-386-9463 or email

Applicant's Representative: George Monteverdi, Monteverdi Consulting, LLC; phone 707-761-2516 or email

Supporting Documents
A Draft Findings ( Adobe PDF - 58 kb )
B Draft COA ( Adobe PDF - 4491 kb )
C Draft CEQA Determination Memo ( Adobe PDF - 406 kb )
D Application Material ( Adobe PDF - 11636 kb )
E Road Exception Request ( Adobe PDF - 4403 kb )
F Water Availability Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 4638 kb )
G Wastewater Feasibility Study ( Adobe PDF - 8644 kb )
H Trip Generation Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 1327 kb )
I Graphics ( Adobe PDF - 3650 kb )
J Winery Comparison Charts ( Adobe PDF - 101 kb )
K 7A Memo and Correspondence (Added after initial agenda posting) ( Adobe PDF - 298 kb )



CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Categorical Exemption Class 1 Existing Facilities), which exempts repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing facilities involving negligible or no expansion of use, and Section 15302 (Categorical Exemption Class 2 Replacement or Reconstruction), which exempts replacement or reconstruction of existing facilities on the same site and with the same purpose. The project site is not located on any of the lists of hazardous material sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: Approval of a request for an exception to the Napa County Conservation Regulations (County Code Chapter 18.108), in the form of a Use Permit, in order to allow the reconstruction and relocation of a private driveway to encroach into the minimum required 55- to 65-foot stream setback from the top of bank of Browns Valley Creek, a blue-line and County definitional stream (as defined in County Code Section 18.108.030). The driveway that provided access from McCormick Lane to the existing residence located at 1100 McCormick Lane (Assessor’s Parcel No. 050-270-009) was damaged by a landslide in February, 2017 and made unusable. A portion of the driveway is within an existing roadway easement located on APN 050-270-027. The approvals requested with the project include a request for approval of an exception to Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS) to allow for a non-standard longitudinal slope and a horizontal inside radius of curvature of less than 50 feet. The 14.95-acre parcel on which the project is proposed is adjacent to the City of Napa, has a General Plan land use designation of Agriculture, Watershed and Open Space (AWOS), and is located in the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district. The project is located at 1100 McCormick Lane (Assessor's Parcel No. 050-270-009).

Staff Recommendation: Find the project categorically exempt from CEQA and approve the Use Permit Exception request, as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Kyra Purvis, Planner II; phone (707) 299-1788; email

Applicant: Steven and Andrea Cardey; phone (707) 363-0632; email

Supporting Documents
A Recommended Findings ( Adobe PDF - 225 kb )
B Recommended Conditions ( Adobe PDF - 984 kb )
C CEQA Exemption Memo ( Adobe PDF - 280 kb )
D Graphics ( Adobe PDF - 10511 kb )
E Use Permit Application ( Adobe PDF - 642 kb )
F RSS Exception Request ( Adobe PDF - 119 kb )
G Project Plans ( Adobe PDF - 6697 kb )
H Creek Setback Exhibit ( Adobe PDF - 906 kb )
I Pre- and Post-Project Exhibit ( Adobe PDF - 1176 kb )
J Biological Assessment ( Adobe PDF - 2099 kb )
K Geotechnical Study ( Adobe PDF - 2953 kb )
L Hydraulic Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 19050 kb )
M 7B Memo (Added after initial agenda posting) ( Adobe PDF - 276 kb )