General Plan Circulation Element Update – Study Session
CEQA Status: This study session is an opportunity for the Planning Commission, public and staff to discuss the draft update to the Circulation Element of the General Plan. At this time, staff does not request that the Commission make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors with respect to adoption of the updated Circulation Element. This study session is therefore exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15262 (Planning and Feasibility Studies) of the state’s Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA. Staff will incorporate any comments from the public and Commission into another iteration of the draft document, and thereafter will conduct environmental analysis of the proposed policies and action items before returning to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for actions to adopt the appropriate CEQA findings and the amendment to the General Plan.
Request: Napa County proposes to update the Circulation Element of its General Plan to update local transportation system information and incorporate current trends, best practices, and regulatory changes in the planning and impact analysis of transportation networks. At this meeting, staff will introduce the current Draft Circulation Element and the companion Draft Traffic Impact Study (TIS) Guidelines document, and will invite comments and questions from members of the Planning Commission and public.
Staff Recommendation: Review the Draft Circulation Element and the Draft TIS Guidelines, receive the staff presentation and public comments, and provide feedback and comments to staff on the draft documents.
Staff Contact: Dana Ayers, Planner III, (707) 253-4388 or dana.ayers@countyofnapa.org