Meeting Supporting Documents

Planning Commission 6/7/2017 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue then a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

View the Agenda



CEQA Status:
Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The property is on the California Environmental Protection Agency’s list of hazardous sites (Government Code Section 65962.5), but is listed as a closed site. In 2005, there was a minor spill of chlorinated pesticides and/or hazardous material contamination in the soil. The spill was remediated and the site was closed in 2006, and is therefore not considered to have any potential significant environmental effect.

Request: Approval of a Use Permit to allow the construction of a new 100,000 gallon winery with the following characteristics: 1) Construction of a 33,702 sf winery building and a 1,200 sf attached covered crush pad; 2) Tours and tastings by appointment with a maximum of 40 visitors per weekday and 60 visitors on weekends/holidays for a maximum weekly total of 320 visitors; 3) A marketing program, which consists of two events per month for up to 30 people and four annual events for up to 150 people. Portable restrooms to be provided for events over 90 people; 4) Establishment of commercial catering kitchen for food and wine pairing activities; 5) Provision of food and wine pairings for the tours and tastings; 6) Employment of four full time and three part time employees; 7) Establishment of hours of operation: Monday through Sunday - visitation 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., and non-harvest production 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; 8) On premises consumption of wines produced on site within the winery building and adjacent patio areas in accordance with Business and Professions Code Sections 23358, 23390 and 23396.5; 9) Construction of 13 parking spaces; 10) Improvement of the southern existing driveway dedicated to winery visitors in conformance with the Napa County Road and Street Standards. The northern driveway to be dedicated for agricultural purposes, employees and production activities of the winery; 11) Construction of a new entry gate and winery signage for the southern driveway; 12) Replacement of the existing wooden bridge with a clearspan bridge in compliance with California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Napa County Conservation Regulations; 13) Construction of an on-site wastewater system with disposal of treated wastewater on vineyards on the adjacent 26 acre parcel (APN: 043-040-003); 14) On-site water storage tanks and utilizing the existing connection to the Congress Valley Water Department and/or well on the adjacent parcel (APN 043-061-022). A Variance application (P14-000331-VAR) is also requested to allow construction of the winery 178 feet within the 600 foot winery setback of Old Sonoma Road. The project is located on an approximately 11.52 acre parcel, within the AW: Agricultural Watershed zoning district approximately 1,320 feet south of Congress Valley Road and Old Sonoma Road intersection approximately 225 feet on the east side of the Old Sonoma Road located at 4062 Old Sonoma Road, Napa CA.; APN: 043-040-001. The project will rely on the adjacent 26 acre vineyard parcel (APN: 043-040-003) to dispose of the treated wastewater and utilize the existing connection to the Congress Valley Water Department and/or well on the adjacent parcel (APN 043-061-022).

Staff Recommendation: Drop the item from the agenda and re-notice for a future hearing date.

Staff Contact:
Charlene Gallina, Supervising Planner, (707) 299-1355 or

Applicant Contact: Katherine Philippakis, Esq. and Kirsty Shelton Gerosa; Farella, Braun + Martel; 899 Adams Street, St. Helena, Napa, CA 94574; (707) 967-4000; &





CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have no potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: Approval of a Major Modification to Use Permit #003088-UP and 03447-MOD, to allow: 1) an increase in the winery production capacity from 40,000 to 60,000 gallons; 2) an increase days of operation from five (5) to seven (7) days per week; 3) an increase employment from the approved seven (7) to a total 18 employees; 4) an increase in the expected by-appointment visitation from 4 to a maximum 21 weekdays and 45 visitors weekends; 5) the re-purpose of three existing structures (2,151 sq. ft. residence; 1,897 sq. ft. barn; 728 sq. ft. storage building) into winery use; 6) the addition of a food service kitchen for employees and caterers; 7) a modification of the marketing program to add events: 2/month (max. 25 persons); 2/year (max. 15 persons); 4/year (max. 50 persons); 2/year (max. 250 persons) for a total of 34 marketing events per year; no tours/tastings will be scheduled during larger marketing events (100 or more); 8) the use of portable toilets for events for over 100 persons; 9) on-premises consumption of wine in the tasting rooms and designated outdoor areas in accordance with Business and Professions Code Sections 23358, 23390 and 23396.5; 10); a revision of on-site vehicular circulation and the construction of a new driveway access to Big Ranch Rd.; 11) the addition of 18 on-site parking spaces, for a total 30 improved parking spaces; 12) the construction of a paved outdoor patio on east side of existing winery; and, 13) installation of improvements to water supply, wastewater, and fire suppression facilities. The project is located on a 10.84 acre parcel on northeast side of Big Ranch Road, at its intersection with Salvador Ave. within the Agricultural Resource (AR) General Plan Designation and within the Agricultural Preserve (AP) zoning district; 4038 Big Ranch Road, Napa; APN: 036-190-007.

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Use Permit Modification, as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Wyntress Balcher, Planner II, (707) 299-1351 or

Applicant Contact: Jeff Redding, Land Use Planning Services, (707) 255-7375,

Supporting Documents
A Recommended Findings ( Adobe PDF - 37 kb )
B Recommended Conditions of Approval and Final Agency Approval Memos ( Adobe PDF - 3079 kb )
C Previous Project Conditions ( Adobe PDF - 4943 kb )
D Initial Study/Negative Declaration ( Adobe PDF - 612 kb )
E Use Permit Application Packet ( Adobe PDF - 10076 kb )
F Water Availability Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 5584 kb )
G Wastewater Feasibility Study ( Adobe PDF - 5584 kb )
H Graphics ( Adobe PDF - 8184 kb )
I Winery Comparison Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 137 kb )
J Public Comments ( Adobe PDF - 402 kb )
K Correspondence Received After Packet Mail-Out (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 766 kb )
L Correct "Attachment 'F': Water Availability Analysis" (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 1264 kb )



CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of an Addendum to the adopted Negative Declaration prepared for the winery in 2014. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 an addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or if none of the conditions contained in CEQA Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent negative declaration have occurred. This project site is not on any lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: Approval of a Major Modification and Variance of Use Permit #P13-00167-UP to allow the following: 1) construction of an additional 5,878 sq. ft. building for barrel storage 160 feet from State Highway 29, 440 feet within the required 600 ft. winery setback; 2) increase the approved winery building total from 19,328 sq. ft. to 33,453 sq. ft., adding a barrel storage building, reducing the total interior space from 11,000 sq. ft. to 10,782 sq. ft., and increasing the covered exterior space from 8,328 sq. ft. to 22,671 sq. ft.; 3) the addition of 824 sq. ft. of covered outdoor porch space to the office building; 4) increase the winery equipment building from 816 sq. ft. to 1,016 sq. ft.; 5) add a 150 sq. ft. Fire Pump and Fire Equipment shed adjacent to the Visitor/Employee restrooms; and, 6) relocation of the four water storage tanks with an additional two water tanks, each 48,000 gallons and 25 feet in height, to the east side of winery building. No changes are proposed to production, employees, tours and tastings or marketing activities. The project is located on a ±30 acre project site on the east side of State Route 29, approximately ¼-mile north of the State Highway 128 / State Route 29 intersection. APN: 030-100-016. 1790 St. Helena Hwy South, Rutherford, CA 94573.

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Addendum to the adopted Negative Declaration prepared for the winery, and approve the Use Permit Major Modification as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Wyntress Balcher (707) 299-1351,

Applicant Contact: Rob Anglin, (707)927-4280,

Supporting Documents
A Recommended Findings ( Adobe PDF - 58 kb )
B Recommended Conditions of Approval and Final Agency Approval Memos ( Adobe PDF - 3386 kb )
C Previous Staff Reports of P13-00167-UP and P13-00185-VAR ( Adobe PDF - 125 kb )
D Previous Project Conditions ( Adobe PDF - 3392 kb )
E CEQA Memorandum ( Adobe PDF - 222 kb )
F Use Permit Application Packet ( Adobe PDF - 3030 kb )
G Variance Application Packet ( Adobe PDF - 2793 kb )
H Graphics ( Adobe PDF - 4978 kb )
I Winery Comparison Analysis ( Adobe PDF - 101 kb )
J Revised Conditions of Approval (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 801 kb )
K Ted Hall's Presentation (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF - 6113 kb )