Meeting Supporting Documents

Planning Commission 3/4/2015 Regular Meeting

Links to the official agenda(s), board letters and supporting documents are found here. If an item number is blue then a board letter is available for it, so click the item number to view the board letter. If an item has any supporting documents, they will be displayed by the item number. The document's title is a link to the actual document. The attachment type and file size are listed next to the title. Please see the agenda link(s) below for the official PDF agenda(s).

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CEQA Status:
Consideration and possible adoption of a Categorical Exemption. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301 [See Class 1 (“Existing Facilities”)]; Section 15303 [See Class 3 (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”)]; and Section 15304 [See Class 4 (“Minor Alterations to Land”)], which may be found in the guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act.  The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.

Request: Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new 10,000 gallons per year winery with 1) daily tours and tastings for five persons maximum per weekday and seven persons maximum per weekend and a maximum of 30 persons per week by appointment only; 2) conversion of an existing 2,309 square foot barn to winery uses; 3) construction of a new 2,675 square foot building with a 500 square foot open breezeway; 4) construction of an 875 square foot covered crush pad; 5) on premise consumption in the hospitality building of wines produced on site in accordance with Business and Professions Code Sections 23358, 23390 and 23396.5 (also known as AB 2004 (Evans Bill)); 6) two (2) 30 person marketing events annually; 7) one (1) 100 person auction event annually; 8) connection to an existing domestic wastewater treatment and disposal system 9) a hold and haul system for process wastewater; 10) a 20,000 gallon water storage tank and pump house; 11) an improved 20 foot driveway access in accordance with Napa County Road and Street Standards; and 12) construction of seven (7) parking spaces; and 13) five of fewer employees. A Variance is also requested to encroach 435 feet into the required 600 foot setback from Silverado Trail. The 10.68 acre project site is located approximately 200 feet north of Deer Park Road and within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) Zoning District at 2900 Silverado Trail, St. Helena (APN: 021-352-041).

Staff Recommendation: Take final action finding the project Categorically Exempt from CEQA and approving the requested Use Permit and Variance request as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Shaveta Sharma, Planner

Applicant Contact: Cherie Melka (707) 695-7687


Supporting Documents
A Exhibit A- Findings ( Adobe PDF Document - 197 kb )
B Exhibit B- Revised Conditions of Approval ( Adobe PDF Document - 236 kb )
C CEQA memo ( Microsoft Word Document - 234 kb )
D Previous Staff Report ( Adobe PDF Document - 4531 kb )
E Public comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 5960 kb )
F Addtl Comments Rec'd at the 2-18-15 Meeting (Added after initial agenda posting) ( Adobe PDF Document - 1022 kb )
G Correspondence received after the packet mail out (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF Document - 4824 kb )
H Comments received at the 3-4-15 meeting (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF Document - 2477 kb )



CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Subsequent Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Subsequent Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The Project site is not included on a list of hazardous material sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.

: Approval to modify Use Permit #P11-00348 to: 1) Relocate the site of the approved 50,000 gallon winery to the northwestern portion of the property, ±220 ft. east from the approved driveway entrance location; 2) Construct a new two-story, 16,235 sq. ft. winery building for wine production, administration, and hospitality activities with ±1408 sq.ft. covered crush pad; 3) Increase parking with the construction of a new 22 total space parking lot; 4) Install two (2) 10,000 gallon treated recycled water holding tanks, replacing the approved 50,000 gallon tank; and one (1) 60,000 gallon water storage tank to replace the approved 40,000 gallon domestic and fire water storage tank; 5) Relocate the approved septic system; 6) Eliminate the previously approved conversion of the existing single family residence to a winery and changes to the driveway and bridge crossing Hardman Creek, serving the residence; 7) Revise the landscape concept for the newly proposed site; 8) Abandon the previously approved Conservation Regulations exception; and, 9) Remove ±2 acres of vineyard to accommodate the new winery location. The proposal also includes Variance #P14-00195, pursuant to County Code Section 18.104.230, to allow construction of the proposed wine production building 220± feet from Silverado Trail, in lieu of the required minimum 600-ft winery setback. There are no proposed changes to the winery production level, visitation (maximum 124 daily visitors; maximum 868 visitors per week), marketing plan (event guests included in maximum daily visitation: 105 events/yr.- maximum 24 guests; 4/year- maximum 75 guests; 4/year-maximum 75 guests; 2/year- maximum 125 guests), number of employees (maximum 10), stone wall and entry structure, or the Hardman Creek streambed restoration project as previously authorized.The 13.23 acre project parcel is located on the east side of the Silverado Trail, approximately ½ mile south of its intersection with Soda Canyon Road, within the AP (Agricultural Preserve) zoning district. APN: 039-610-006. 3150 Silverado Trail, Napa, Calif., 94558.

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Subsequent Negative Declaration and approve the Variance request and Use Permit Modification as conditioned.

Staff Contact: Wyntress Balcher, Planner II, (707) 299-1351;

Applicant Contact: Donna B. Oldford, Plans 4Wine; 707.963.5832;

Supporting Documents
A Exhibit A - Findings ( Adobe PDF Document - 49 kb )
B Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval ( Adobe PDF Document - 260 kb )
C Department & Agency Comments ( Adobe PDF Document - 728 kb )
D Initial Study-Subsequent Negative Declaration ( Adobe PDF Document - 7101 kb )
E Use Permit P11-00348 ( Adobe PDF Document - 1807 kb )
F Public Comment ( Adobe PDF Document - 1022 kb )
G Application ( Adobe PDF Document - 5714 kb )
H Water Technical studies ( Adobe PDF Document - 879 kb )
I Wastewater Technical Studies ( Adobe PDF Document - 2404 kb )
J Stormwater Studies ( Adobe PDF Document - 5933 kb )
K Comparision Winery Chart ( Microsoft Word Document - 17 kb )
L Graphics ( Adobe PDF Document - 3204 kb )
M Correspondence received after the packet mail out (Added after meeting) ( Adobe PDF Document - 2168 kb )



CEQA Status:
Procedures by definition do not change the law, but provide for its implementation. Therefore the proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and CEQA is not applicable. Also, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment and therefore CEQA is not applicable pursuant to the General Rule contained in the Guidelines For the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, 14 CCR 15061(b)(3).

Request: The Planning Commission has previously requested that staff provide a framework that would allow a more informed and detailed discussion of comparing applications for winery visitation.

Staff Recommendation: Take public comment on and provide direction regarding staff's proposal to create a common baseline of visitation that would apply to all future applications, while including adjustment factors to provide flexibility in recognizing the unique circumstances involved in each individual proposal and its setting.

Staff Contact: David Morrison, Director; (707) 253-4805;