CEQA Status: Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared. According to the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project would have potentially significant effects on Hydrology/Water Quality and Transportation/Traffic. The project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code sec. 65962.5.
Request: Approval of Use Permit Major Modification #P11-00156 requesting the following changes to the existing Raymond Vineyard Winery Use Permit, File No. U-89-46: 1) Increase daily tours and tastings from 400 to 500 visitors (400 public and 100 by-appointment-only visitors); 2) Adoption of a revised marketing plan to allow 50 total events, not to exceed 8 events per month: (a) 2 events per year for up to 500-people; (b) 4 events per year for up to 250-people; (c) 6 events per year for up to 150-people; (c) 12 events per year for up to 100-people; (d) 26 events per year for up to 50-people; and (e) One weekend per month in May through October to not include an event exceeding 100 persons; 3) No change in annual wine production of 750,000 gallons per year (averaged over 3 years not to exceed 900,000 gals in any one year); 4) Expansion of the domestic wastewater treatment system; 5) Construction of 50 additional parking spaces for a total of 130 parking spaces; 6) Inclusion of food pairing as part of wine tastings and tours; 7) Construction and use of an outdoor demonstration kitchen as part of the tours and tastings experience; 8) Construction of a left-hand turn lane on Zinfandel Lane; 9) Recognition and remodeling of an existing 855 sq. ft. pool house used for private tastings; 10) Construction of a vineyard viewing platform; 11) Increase daily tours and tastings hours of operation from 10 am to 4 pm to 10 am to 6:30 pm; 12) Increase wine production hours of operation from 6 am to 6 pm to 6 am to 11 pm; 13) Increase the number of employees by 66 from 24 to 90; 14) Interior modifications, including the conversion of 10,670 sq. ft. of production space to accessory space, including relocating an entitled commercial kitchen from building “C” to building “A”; 15) Modify the existing conditions of approval to allow for outdoor events; 16) Conversion of the existing residential swimming pool to landscaping; 17) Recognition of an existing dog run and structures for use by visitor’s pets; 18) Allowance of outdoor consumption of wine produced and purchased on-site within the outdoor visitation area between Building A and the existing residence, consistent with AB 2004 (Evans), and 19) Display of public art within one-acre of landscape. The project is located on a 60.72 acre lot located on the south side of Zinfandel Lane approximately 0.3 miles east of its intersection SR 29, within Agricultural Preserve (AP) zoning district. (Assessor’s Parcel Number 030-270-013 &-031). 849 Zinfandel Lane, St. Helena, California, 94574
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the revised Use Permit Major Modification as conditioned.
Staff Contact: John McDowell, Deputy Planning Director, (707) 299-1354 or john.mcdowell@countyofnapa.org
BELL WINE CELLARS USE PERMIT MAJOR MODIFICATION #P13-00055-MOD CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Negative Declaration the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval for a modification of Use Permits #U-90-42 and #03315-MOD to allow the following: a. Increase in the approved production capacity from 40,000 gallons to 78,000 gallons; b. Installation of a new subsurface drip wastewater system; c. Installation of a Transient Non-Community Water system including a new well and a water backflow prevention system; d. Remodel of the 6,298± sq.ft. winery barrel storage building to allocate a new 628 sq.ft. tasting room area; a 150 sq.ft. commercial kitchen for on-site marketing event meals and food pairings at tastings; a 210 sq.ft. meeting room; and add a 1,048 sq.ft. Mezzanine, for a total of 9,959± sq.ft. winery floor area with 1,450 sq. ft. exterior crush pad. e. Daily visitation increase from the approved 40visitors to a maximum 130 visitors per day; maximum 500 per week; f. On-premise consumption of the wines produced on-site in the winery or outside on the patio or lawns adjacent to the bocce ball courts; g. Increase of employees from seven 7 to 15; 8 full-time and 7 part-time; and, h. Modify the existing Marketing Events program from: 1. Trade and Marketing Representatives with a maximum two (2) per week with a maximum twelve (12) guests, serving bread and cheese; 2. Lunch or dinner for trade, press, VIP’s a maximum six (6) per year, maximum eight (8) guests; 3. Educational lunch for club or non-profit group maximum four (4) per year, maximum 40 guests; 4. Harvest Festival, Grape Picking, Grape Stomp, etc., maximum two (2) per year, maximum 60 guests; 5. Open House by invitation (i.e. Napa Valley Wine Auction), maximum two (2) per year with maximum 200 guests, but no more than a maximum 30 at a given time. To replace with: 1. Events for wine club members, wine education seminars and trade events with appetizers or full lunch or dinner, up to seven (7) per week (no more than 1 per day) with a maximum 60 guests, 10:00 am to 11:00pm; 2. Wine Auction-related and other major events such as the Napa Film Festival; accompanied by food and wine, sometimes with non-amplified musical program, up to twelve (12) per year with a maximum 200 guests, 10:00am to 11:00pm. All marketing events will continue to be held in all of the various winery facilities, including the winery structure, bocce ball courts and picnic area. The events will last approximately 4-5 hours, depending on morning or evening schedule.
The project is located on a 7.8 acre parcel on the east side of the State Highway 29 frontage road, Washington Street, approximately 550 feet north of its intersection with Hoffman Lane and 0.9 miles south of the town of Yountville, within the AP (Agricultural Preserve) Zoning District; 6200 Washington Street, Yountville, CA APN: 036-110-030.
Staff Recommendation: Drop the item from the agenda for renoticing at a future date
Staff Contact: Wyntress Balcher; Planner II (707) 299-1351; wyntress.balcher@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: Scott Greenwood-Meinert (707) 252-7122; ScottGM@dpf-law.com