CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303, Class 3, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and Section 303 of Napa County’s Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5. Request: Approval of a Use Permit to establish a new winery that includes the following: 1) Annual wine production of 30,000 gallons/year; 2) Construct a winery building with 3,191 square feet barrel storage, 3,748 square feet covered crush pad and 1,584 square feet of accessory space; 3) Allow an approximately 2,962 square feet second-story single-family dwelling with a 635 square feet entry area and an 844 square feet garage below; 4) Allow daily, appointment-only tours and tastings with 15-people/day; 5) Allow a winery marketing plan with six annual 30-person events and one annual 60-person event; 6) Install a new process wastewater treatment system; 7) Allow days of operation from 6:00 AM-6:00 PM, daily, excluding marketing events; 8) Allow a maximum four employees; 9) Allow 12 on-site parking spaces; 10) Installation of an automatic gate with a winery identification sign at the Solano Avenue entrance; and 11) Allow on-site sale and consumption of wine pursuant to AB 2004 (Evans). The project is located on an approximately 10.09 acre parcel on the west side of Solano Avenue, approximately 0.14 mile (740 feet) south of the intersection with Darms Lane, within the AP (Agricultural Preserve) Zoning District, and addressed as 5151 Solano Avenue, Napa, CA 94558, Assessor’s Parcel Number 034-190-040.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Categorical Exemption and approve the Use Permit Modification as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Ronald Gee, (707) 299-1351, ronald.gee@countyofnapa.org
Representative Contact: Robert Williamson, (707) 225-4168
NAPA VALLEY HOLDINGS LLC / CORONA WINERY / USE PERMIT P13-00063 & VARIANCE P13-00274 CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the Negative Declaration the project would not have a potentially significant environmental impact. This project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a Use Permit for a 100,000 gallon per year winery as follows: 1) construction of a 29,008 square foot winery structure; 2) construction of a 2,420 square foot crushpad; 3) allow 23 parking spaces, to include one (1) ADA accessible space; 4) allow a maximum of 24 onsite employees; 5) allow winery hours of operation from 6:00am to 6:00pm daily for production and 10:00am to 6:00pm, daily for visitation; 6) allow tours and tastings by appointment for a maximum of 48 persons per day; 7) allow a marketing plan for two (2) auction related events per year with a maximum of 125 persons, six (6) wine club/release events per year with a maximum of 75 persons, and six (6) food and wine pairings per month with a maximum of 24 guests at each event; 8) construct an onsite commercial kitchen for wine and food pairings only, as described in the marketing plan; 9) onsite consumption of wine consistent with AB2004 (Evans); 10) construction of a 1,200 square foot water storage tank; 11) installation of a new winery process and domestic wastewater system; 12) installation of a two way left hand turn lane; 13) approval of a landscaping plan; 14) approval of an entry structure & a comprehensive sign plan, and; 15) approval of a variance to allow construction of the winery 150 feet within the 600 foot winery setback from Silverado Trail.
The 49.05 acre project site is located on the west side of Silverado Trail. Soda Canyon Road is located at the north terminus point of the parcel, directly to the east, within the Agricultural Preserve (AP) zoning district. 3165 Silverado Trail, Napa, CA. APN 039-190-028-000.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the negative declaration and approve the requested variance and use permit as conditioned.
Staff Contact: Linda St. Claire, Planner linda.stclaire@countyofnapa.org (707) 299-1348
Applicant Contact: Donna Oldford (707) 963.5832
CEQA status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Subsequent Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Subsequent Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have no potentially significant environmental impacts. The project is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
Request: Approval of a use permit to establish a new winery with an annual production capacity of 50,000 including: (1) construct three new winery buildings with approximately 17,432 sq. ft. of floor area, including 13,060 sq. ft. for production uses and 4,372 for hospitality/administrative uses, including a commercial kitchen; (2) create approximately 7,454 sq. ft. of outdoor work area including a 3,450 sq. ft. covered crush pad; (3) provide on-site parking for 19 vehicles; (4) establish a Marketing Plan with four (4) events per month for a maximum of 30 guests at each event; two (2) events per month for a maximum of 100 guests at each event; four (4) events per year for a maximum of 200 guests at each event; and, participation in the wine auction; (5) allow tours and tastings, which may include food paring(s), by appointment only for a maximum of 60 visitors per day; (6) establish hours of operation from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM tasting and 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, non-harvest production), 7 days a week; (7) allow on-premise consumption pursuant to the Evans Bill (AB2004); (8) employ 10 or fewer people full-time; (9) install a new on-site winery process and domestic wastewater treatment system; and, (10) provide new landscaping, driveway improvements and signage. The request also includes an exception to the County’s Road and Street Standards (RSS) to allow the use of an existing 14’ wide access drive for a length of approximately 400-feet (of a 6,700-foot long access drive) with a proposed turnout meeting County standards. The remainder of the access drive will meet County standards. The 236.66 acre project site is located on the east side of Mt. Veeder Road, approximately 1,000 feet north of its intersection with Redwood Road within an Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoning district. APN: 035-010-054. (No site address) Mt. Veeder Road, Napa.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the subsequent negative declaration and approve the requested RSS exception and use permit with the proposed conditions of approval.
Staff Contact: Sean Trippi, 707-299-1353 or sean.trippi@countyofnapa.org
Applicant Contact: Brian Russell, Phone: (707) 294-2775 or brussell@aklandlaw.com